The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 882: Mai Xiaoyu, you have been arrested!

Tie and play are used well, and sometimes it is also an effective means to resolve contradictions.

Of course, this also has something to do with the identity of the person making the mockery.

Piggybacking to resolve the knot between Lou Yixiao and Reyiza, Mai Xiaoyu summoned the chief creative staff. First tell them that the second girl changed from Lou Yixiao to hot clothing, and then specifically told them that the matter should stop here, and no spread or discussion.

This is natural. Keeping your mouth shut is the basic rule of the mixed entertainment industry, and signing a group involves signing a non-disclosure agreement.

Next, Mai Xiaoyu brought a group of main creators to analyze the script, analyze the character of each protagonist, and lead the people to see the world of liars for the first time.

The world of liars is very "exciting".

As the old saying goes, "If someone is cheated, they will pay for the number of people," at best, it can only be regarded as the intermediate stage of a liar.

A clever master-level liar...well, if the "golden body" lasts long enough, they will basically have been successfully whitewashed and become elite leaders in various industries or powerful politicians.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't tell them too high-end things, so easy to be harmonized; the intermediate content didn't tell much; it was mainly written in the various methods of door-level and junior swindlers.

For example, "XXX Treasure", "Ancient Emperor's Treasure"; pretending to be rich and handsome, high-ranking cadres' children, army officers to swindle money and sex; the street deceives the elderly in foreign currency exchange, helping to see things, counterfeit currency for real currency; and winning information , Street gambling, gambling, telecom fraud, chess endgame, free skin care, etc.

These are very common street scams and they are worthless. But at the moment when scams are constantly updated and upgraded, the long-lasting bunch of old scams taking "heavy money for children" as an example shows that some people are still being fooled.

Let alone the five protagonists, even Lin Yiping, Wang Yuqi and other members of the director team heard... shouted wonderfully.

Professional liar Mai Xiaoyu passed Belden. Although he is unprofessional and has limited knowledge of many deceptions, he never deviates from its origins. There are only a few core routines of all deceptions, and he knows them all.

After another day, Mai Xiaoyu only led the crowd to "appreciate" a corner of the world of liars.

However, it is enough. This is only the first season. In the future, there will be not only the second season of dreams, but also various extras. Through the mode of web dramas, various common deceptions in life will be exposed.

"I have told you so much, not to train you all to be liars. Just like our movie, although the five protagonists are liars, they don’t lie to the good people, but to lie to the bad and the liars. Otherwise, the intention is not positive enough and you will be taken Shelves."

"I know, we are Robin Hood of China."

"Robin Hood is a thief, and we are acting as a liar."

"It's all the same."

"Thinking about it is exciting. I didn't expect so many ways in deception."

"According to Director Mak, as long as you grasp a few cores, you won't be deceived."

"It's easy to say. It really has to be so easy. Why are so many people deceived?"

"Teacher Mike, you know so much, why do you know so much about deception?"

Talking is Reyizha.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at her, and she quickly changed her words: "Director Mai, I can't wait when it will be turned on."

Mai Xiaoyu said to Xue Jiajia: "When the college entrance examination is over, she will officially start on the day of the start-up ceremony on June 12. Jiajia, these days have delayed your review time, but if you fail to take the exam well, the cultural class scores will not be enough. Yan Ying, don't use me as an excuse."

"Uncle Mai, if you don't look down on people, I can still easily handle two to three hundred points."

"Call me something!"

Xue Jiajia stuck out her tongue: "Brother Maizi."

"I told you, just call me what you call me, they must all think you are a scheming girl."

"No no, I don't have one."

"We knew that Jiajia knew you for a long time."

"Director Mai, you said so, how can I pursue Jiajia in the future?"


Everyone hurriedly denied with a smile.

Xue Jiajia said with her mouth flat: "Director McDonald, McDonald, okay."

The crew enters the final start-up preparation stage. Xue Jiajia returns to Yangcheng and prepares to take the college entrance examination starting on the 7th; the four leading actors of Re Yizha continue to familiarize themselves with the script lines and follow the characters analyzed by Mai Xiaoyu, with the help of the director and deputy director. , Bring yourself into the role.

Reyiza went to the crew to audition again, which belonged to the kind of "Chase Mirror".

Follow the instructions to show your acting skills, specialties, advantages, etc. in front of the camera. The director team will compare the characters in the play according to the actors' own conditions to see which role is suitable.

It is a Qing palace drama, the hot clothing of the Kazakhs, full of the beauty of the northern exotic style, it is very suitable for playing the full of Mongolian Gege, Fujin, princess and so on. Moreover, her acting skills are considered acceptable, and she plays a more supporting role in the scene, so it is not a big problem.

In the next few days, Mai Xiaoyu either stayed with the crew to discuss the shooting plan with Lin Yiping and Wang Yuqi, inspect the location, and get familiar with the various departments of the crew; I saw Liu Shishi who took the time to take a makeup photo.

In private, when the two were chatting, Mai Xiaoyu deliberately asked seriously: "Teacher Shishi, this time is my debut, success or failure depends on you."

Co-starring with Mai Xiaoyu, Liu Shishi is very happy.

She also deliberately pretended to be old-fashioned, patted Mai Xiaoyu on the shoulder, and told Mai Xiaoyu what Mai Xiaoyu often said to them.

"No problem, I think you have star luck, and if I take you, you are likely to become a hit."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

"Hehe, Brother Maizi, isn't this what you said to me before?"

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

"Brother Maizi, have you shaved your head before? You have to shave your head in this scene, I want to touch..."

"Touch you big head ghost!"

"It's touching your big head, giggle."

While speaking, she suddenly reached out and touched Mai Xiaoyu's head, and then ran away quickly, leaving behind a silver bell-like laughter.

As the days grew longer and the number and time of contact increased, Liu Shishi gradually showed his true "little lion" character in front of Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head helplessly, packed his things, said hello to Li Hui, called Ke Haoyi, and prepared to go home.

When they arrived at the underground parking lot of the hotel, Mai Xiaoyu and Ke Haoyi just walked to the side of the car and opened the door to get into the car.


Four vigorous figures burst out from the dark, and two groups of two rushed towards Mai Xiaoyu and Ke Haoyi respectively.

These four people have obviously been professionally trained and have conducted detailed investigations of Mai Xiaoyu's whereabouts, but Mai Xiaoyu has not noticed it at all.

"We are the police, Mai Xiaoyu, you have been arrested...Ah!"

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