The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 884: Fuck, this time is a big pit of anti-corruption!

Wang Changgui is now the director of the Chaoyang branch.

After receiving a call from Mai Xiaoyu, he had a premonition that something big would happen again.

Songfeng went to Songfeng to arrest people in cross-provincial law enforcement, but there is no arrest warrant...

When he came out of the office and brought people into the car, the secretary had already investigated the information he wanted.

Neither the Yanjing police nor the Chaoyang branch received a letter of assistance from the Songfeng police; the Songfeng police came to Beijing to enforce the law and did not ventilate with the local Yanjing police in advance.

To put it simply, Songfeng police arrested Mai Xiaoyu in this inter-provincial law enforcement, but Yanjing police had no knowledge of it!

Songfeng City is located in North China, not close to Yanjing, and is a second-tier city. It stands to reason that it is impossible for Mai Xiaoyu to have a local relationship with Songfeng, but the secretary found out that Songfeng TV station invited Ma Rong to appear on the show, preparing to talk about his grievances and grievances with Wang Baoqiang on the spot.

Wang Changgui understands Mai Xiaoyu's temperament, and then think about the Songfeng police inter-provincial arrests without even an arrest warrant. He concluded that there was something, something big!

As a branch director who has grown up from the grassroots step by step, Wang Changgui is very clear about the methods of some people below.

Regardless of whether there is an arrest warrant, we will catch you back first. Then take measures and measures, and some are ways to "make" you confess guilt.

When Mengren reacted, everything had settled there. At that time, even if the Yanjing police came forward and Songfeng Mountain was high and the emperor was far away, the local police said they would not buy it if they didn't buy it.

People can also take the green channel and sentence Mai Xiaoyu first.

Even if the wrong verdict is finally proved, Mai Xiaoyu's acquittal will be several months later. How many crimes Mai Xiaoyu has suffered during this period, and how will the public report it?

In all fairness, Wang Changgui really didn't want to care about this kind of mess.

Anyway, Mai Xiaoyu didn't suffer. Those policemen came from Songfeng and had nothing to do with Yanjing police.

But things are really going to be a big mess. This happened in the Chaoyang area, and the Chaoyang Sub-bureau had to be involved. It is estimated that the counterparts of Songfeng City Bureau will inevitably find someone to dredge, and finally trust the relationship to him.

At his level, he has a deep understanding of the saying that the police in the world are one family.

The alarm sounded and galloped all the way.

Three police cars quickly rushed to the underground parking lot of the hotel where the crew is located.

After getting off the car, the first sentence of the police was: "No pictures are allowed!"

"Don't worry, we are all good citizens. We know how to cooperate with our police. No one took photos."

It was Mai Xiaoyu who was talking.

The onlookers were not allowed to take photos, not to cooperate with the police, but because he did not want to expose himself to the news because of this incident. Therefore, he had ordered early not to allow the onlookers to take pictures.

Onlookers...they are all staff members of the preparatory team, at least on the surface they dare not ignore his instructions.

The rest of the soy sauce party who wanted to watch were isolated by security.

That's right, it's security.

Before the Chaoyang police arrived, Mai Xiaoyu had asked the hotel security who had arrived after hearing the news to isolate the small number of unrelated people eating melons to the periphery. There was also a staff member of the preparatory team in it. He couldn't see the situation inside, and even if he took a photo, he couldn't take his face.

The police don't know. Seeing that the hotel security guards, under the leadership of the security captain, kept order on the scene in order. When they took over the maintenance work, the police officer Zhao team also praised the hotel manager and the security captain, saying that their security guards were well-trained and handled properly.

Seeing Yanjing coming with him, the four tied Songfeng policemen finally let out a sigh of relief, but they didn't dare to shout loudly—I couldn't afford to lose that person!

Wang Changgui, dressed in casual clothes, got out of the car and walked to Mai Xiaoyu's side, looking at him with an unspeakable look.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and handed the four police officer certificates to Wang Changgui.

Wang Changgui didn't even look at it, and then handed it to the secretary, so that the secretary was handed over to the police officer Zhao team who led the team to verify the identities of the four.

The police officer's ID is real, the photos and police numbers of the four people **** are also matched, and there is no problem with their identities.

Once it is determined that the opponent is Songfeng's counterpart, Team Zhao will let people loose without saying a word. Then the four policemen from Songfeng were brought into the car first, and then they were asked if they needed to be sent for medical treatment.

This matter must be handled low-key!

Otherwise, there will be a big trouble, and the public will not only condemn the Songfeng police, but all the police in China have to blame!

But Songfeng's detective didn't want to let Mai Xiaoyu go.

"Team Zhao, can you trouble your brother unit to control Mai Xiaoyu first, lest he take the opportunity to escape."

Team Zhao is also considered to be Mai Xiaoyu's old acquaintance, and has dealt with it several times.

Hearing Yan rolled his eyes and said, "Where is the letter of assistance? What about the arrest warrant? Why don't we notify us when we are arrested in a different place?"

The public security organs have strict implementation procedures for arresting criminal suspects.

One of them is that when a public security agency executes an arrest in a different place, it should notify the public security agency where the arrested person is located, and the public security agency where the arrested person is located should cooperate to ensure the smooth completion of the arrest task.

Due to the possibility of "protective umbrellas" in some places, some special cases will not be enforced so strictly, and local public security agencies may not be notified of arrests in remote locations. But strictly speaking, this approach violates the process.

It's just that most people don't know this, so the impact is not big.

In the face of the old driver, the Songfeng police dare not talk nonsense: "The Xiecha letter said, I will call the bureau later and ask them to fax it as soon as possible. Also, I mean control, not arrest. We are here this time. Summoned him, but he blatantly attacked the police..."

Arrest and summons are two concepts!

How could the old driver of Team Zhao not know the doorway inside?

He sneered in his heart and said noncommittal: "You should go to the hospital for treatment first. I guarantee that he will not run."

"I'm definitely not going to run, and I didn't break the law." Mai Xiaoyu walked over after hearing the words, "I will not only not run, but I will also go to the bureau with you to see if your police will cover these four who know the law and break the law. Where's the police!"

The Zhao team looked at Mai Xiaoyu helplessly, and at the four of Songfeng’s colleagues sympathetically, and ordered the police officers to call the hotel’s underground parking lot surveillance video at the time of the incident, and then brought Mai Xiaoyu and the four Songfeng criminal police officers. , Return to Chaoyang branch.

The Chaoyang Police dispatched police quickly, and quickly took in the team, all for the purpose of minimizing the influence of the incident.

Mai Xiaoyu was also very cooperative, and took the initiative to disband the staff of the preparatory team who was watching. In order to avoid suspicion, instead of taking Wang Changgui's special car, he sat in the police car of Team Zhao; the four Songfeng criminal policemen sat in another police van.

On the way back to the branch, Team Zhao looked at Mai Xiaoyu with a headache: "Mr. Mai, what's going on today? Why did you go to the Songfeng police?"

"I was about to go home. They suddenly came out and said they were going to arrest me in a very rough way. I thought I had a kidnapper, so I had a fight."

"I mean, why would Songfeng's police watch you?"

Mai Xiaoyu joked: "Team Zhao, do you remember how we met for the first time?"

Team Zhao: "..."

Suddenly figuring out the reason, Team Zhao categorically said: "When I didn't ask."

He didn't ask, someone asked, Wang Changgui's call came and it was on Team Zhao's cell phone.

"The King Bureau is looking for you."

Mai Xiaoyu took the phone, smiled and asked, "What are your instructions?"

"You are still in the mood to laugh."

"Why don't I laugh at such a funny thing?"

"Interesting? Did you go back to your old business and secretly filmed whose video? I told you earlier that this trick can't be used indiscriminately..."

In Wang Changgui's mind, Songfeng TV station insisted on inviting Ma Rong to appear on the show, and Mai Xiaoyu was angrily shot a "small video" threatened by the TV station leader. As a result, they refused to give up, and directly used the power of Songfeng police to find a relationship, and wanted to take him back to clean up.

This judgment is tenable.

First of all, secretly filming and recording is Mai Xiaoyu's usual trick...Well, the Mai family and his son both work this way.

Secondly, the local energy of TV stations is great. In the past, a driver of a certain leader of a TV station was issued a ticket by a traffic policeman. The leader mobilized the TV station to "disclose" the local traffic police for more than ten days.

Finally, this can also explain why Songfeng police arrests across provinces will seriously violate regulations and even violate discipline.

The secret arrest team came to Yanjing to arrest Mai Xiaoyu across the provinces. There was neither a letter of assistance for investigation nor communication with the local police, nor even an arrest warrant.

When faced with the local counterparts in Yanjing, he changed his words and said that it was not "arrest" but "summoning."

A summons certificate is also required for summons, and it is clearly stipulated that the public security organs cannot summon from other places, "it can be summoned to a designated place in the city or county where the criminal suspect is located or to his residence for questioning."

However, in practice, due to the rising trend of crimes committed by the floating population, many criminal suspects from other places returned to their places of origin after being released on guaranty pending trial, resulting in a prominent problem of not being summoned. Therefore, the phenomenon of remote summons is widespread, and the nature is not so serious. .

To put it bluntly, I am afraid that the recording posture is incorrect, and the consequences are serious.

Secretly filming leaders have very high requirements for micro-manipulation, and if they do not operate properly, they will face a blow from the leader.

Like Wang Changgui, he thinks that Mai Xiaoyu has done the same thing again this off.

"President Gui, I am the Chaoyang crowd who has been exposed. I have been cooperating with the police in cracking down on various criminal activities over the years. How can I discredit the Chaoyang crowd?"

"Then what happened this time?"

"This time, I cooperated with the relevant departments in anti-corruption and reported the illegal and corrupt behaviors of several leaders of Songfeng TV Station to the relevant departments in real names. It is not surprising that you said that I have collected the conclusive information to the relevant departments. Only a few days have passed, Songfeng The police came to arrest me, the procedures are serious violations of discipline and regulations, I am afraid there are still illegal acts, do you think it is interesting or not? Hahaha!"

Your mother, fortunately I didn't ask just now!

The Zhao team next to him secretly complained.

Wang Changgui, who was on the other end of the phone, hung up the phone silently and stopped asking more because he was afraid of swearing.

Fuck, it's another big pit!

No wonder Songfeng is so courageous.

It's easy to go down if you catch it back. I didn't catch it back... Songfeng's thing is probably going to be a big deal.

Can the dynamics and statics of the pits that Mai Xiaoyu dig so hard?

A bunch of self-righteous guys, all fell into the pit and don’t know,

No wonder others...

After returning to the branch, Wang Changgui was too lazy to show up, and directly asked Team Zhao to take both sides to the conference room to handle the matter.

At this time, the four criminal police officers of Songfeng also asked the Chaoyang police to cooperate and let themselves take Mai Xiaoyu back to Songfeng for "summoning."

Team Zhao remained silent, causing dissatisfaction with the opponent.

"Team Zhao, you don't want to shield him, do you? We originally made a plan to summon him secretly, taking into account his identity and local influence in Yanjing, and we were worried about being blocked in the local area."

This makes Team Zhao want to curse.

Mai Xiaoyu took the conversation.

"Aren't you going to arrest me, how come you are now counseling, and you have changed your verbal call?"

"Summoned from another place? Are you sure you are the real police?"

"Is it a qualified criminal policeman who has passed strict selection and passed political theory?"

"Isn't it the kind of sloppy householder who pays someone to come in?"

"Mai Xiaoyu, pay attention to your attitude!" Songfeng's police officer led the team angrily.

Mai Xiaoyu put on the cigarette, raised Erlang's legs, and said contemptuously: "You talk to me about attitude? Don't think that you are a policeman in a police uniform. I ask you, how many do you remember?"

"Among them, Article 92 clearly stipulates the location of the summons for interrogation. You four straw bags, who can recite it to me?"

Fuck, don't say if you can recite, even if you can recite, you can't recite it!

The Songfeng team passed the "football" back to the Chaoyang team: "Team Zhao, this is your branch. The suspect is extremely arrogant. Will you just ignore it?"

"If I sit back and ignore, the four of you will not sit in the conference room now, but will be interrogated in the interrogation room!" Interpols are all tempered, and Team Zhao is even more temperamental, "I won't talk to you yet. For issues such as procedures and procedures, I just want to ask you one question, what evidence do you have to prove that Mai Xiaoyu is a criminal suspect!"

"You... he attacked the police openly, and our injuries are the best evidence!"

Mai Xiaoyu knocked on the table: "When I was beating you, UU read, have you ever identified as a police officer?"

"When I arrested you, I said to myself, we are the police!"

"Oh, didn't it mean'summoning'? Why did it become'arrest' again?"

"I... you should catch you if you attack the police!"

"It seems that you really got into the police force through your relationship. I need to talk to you about the definition of'attack police' in the law."

"Article 35 provides..."

"The first and fourth paragraphs of Article 277 provide..."

"Article 50 stipulates..."

Mai Xiaoyu talked a lot about the determination of the crime of assaulting the police and the punishment and punishment stipulated in the relevant legal provisions. The four Songfeng police officers were confused and unclear.

Team Zhao secretly sighed: You have never known before, is he a famous barrister of Yan Jing?

When Mai Xiaoyu was young, he was very fond of injustice and often fights.

However, the legal provisions on the determination and punishment of fighting sometimes do not take into account the cause of the fighting.

It's like saying that the other party is doing nothing to trouble you, and you start fighting with the other party.

The police don't care who picks up the matter first and who does it first. As long as both parties in the fight are bare-handed, then both parties are responsible.

As for whose responsibility is heavier...Without considering the fairness of human relations, it depends on who is more injured. In other words, the more serious the injury, the more reasonable he is, even if he deliberately finds fault and takes action first.

This is the law of China...China.

Comrade Lao Mai can't stop his son from fighting. He can only force him to memorize various laws and regulations related to daily life, especially those laws that are contrary to public perception, which is the most important thing.

"When I beat you, were you performing police duties?"

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