In the hotel, Dilireba angrily recounted what happened in the bookstore tonight, and his companion was also filled with righteous indignation after hearing it.

"That man was too much, you should teach him severely."

"In public, it's a bookstore again. I don't want to make matters worse. And he didn't act too much."

"Oh, after all, it's your beauty."

"You are just as beautiful."

"I can't compare to you, that man obviously caught your attention a long time ago. Knowing that you love Hetian jujubes and knowing that we are going to the bookstore to take pictures... Maybe it has something to do with the bookstore, otherwise when we go there , Why is there only two adjacent empty seats next to him?"

What the companion said is very reasonable, Dilireba fell into deep thought and did not speak for a long time.

"what are you thinking?"

"The Hetian jujube he bought is very delicious."

"You won't fall because of a bag of dates?"

"No way!" Dilireba groaned, "The dates he bought are really delicious. I have never bought such delicious Hetian dates in the field."

The girl with short hair rolled her eyes: "How about let's go fishing together?"

"How can there be so much time. This time, it is rare to take advantage of the National Day holiday to travel, and I have to go back to school at the end of the National Day, and I have to prepare for the competition."

"That's right. I've seen the Eastern Opera. During the National Day, I went to Hengdian Film and Television City to get better, and watch the crew filming. Then I went to Yanying and Zhongxi Opera to prepare for next year's art exam."

"I hope I don't run into that nasty man again..."


October 1, 2009.

Every 10th National Day, this year’s National Day’s 60th anniversary military parade is China’s first military parade since the beginning of the 21st century, with an unprecedented scale.

The military parade has always been regarded as the best way to display the country’s prestige and the military’s prestige, and it is also an important form of building national self-confidence and pride. Therefore, this year’s military parade has received unprecedented attention from the country.

Taking the entertainment industry as an example, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television specializes in conveying the spirit. From May to November, the provincial satellite TV must play the tribute drama every night at the golden time.

This military parade has attracted much attention from all over the country, and leaders of many countries have also been invited to attend.

On the day of National Day, Yenching had a clear sky.

The reference troops are drawn from the 7 major military regions of China, the Navy, Air Force, Second Artillery Force, Armed Police Force and other units. The equipment displayed by the parade equipment team is the domestic active main combat equipment, and 90% is the first display.

New weapons, new equipment, and new squadrons shocked the world with magnificent and majestic momentum, and also witnessed the growth of China and the development and growth of the People’s Army.

Of course, these have little to do with the crew.

In the morning, Hengdian World Studios was still busy.

Some crews will organize staff to watch the big movie collectively, and some will continue to work on filming.

After the military parade, the entertainment circle applauded one after another, and then continued to work.

"Frightening Every Step" has been filmed for most of the time, and today I am filming in the Ming and Qing Gongyuan of Hengdian Film and Television City.

"Ka, this one is over, everyone rest for ten minutes!"

Li Hui was very satisfied with the filming of this drama. He increasingly felt that it was his wisest decision to find Mai Xiaoyu to star and to play the two roles.

He previously thought that Mai Xiaoyu's personality and sometimes the temperament he showed fits well with the character image of Si Age, and it is also a good publicity selling point.

But now, let alone him, the old actors are also surprised by Mai Xiaoyu's acting skills.

You know, he played two roles, perfecting two completely different roles, the fourth and the fourteenth. And you can switch at any time, jump out of the previous character, and invest in another character.

To put it bluntly, it means getting into the play fast and getting out of the play fast.

"You are born to be an actor."

Sitting in front of the monitor and looking at the picture of the fourth child played by Mai Xiaoyu, Li Hui repeated this sentence again.

That's because I have been a professional liar for many years!

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at Li Hui unanimously: "Should I be punished to stand for one day?"

For today's scene, he is wearing a special satin embroidered elder brother's casual clothes. Because this casual wear is easy to crease, you can't sit, and you have to stand after the filming.

Just like now, he is standing next to Li Hui in this scene.

"If it's fast, it's OK before dusk."

"What's the difference between that and a day?"

Li Hui: "..."

"You have to stand while eating at noon?"

"Mr. Mai, filming is so hard. You see, once I sit for a day, my lumbar spine has problems.

"Fuck off, can it be the same? Knowing that this material is easy to wrinkle, why is it still used for costumes, can't it be changed?"

"Well, this material is expensive and can bring out your temperament. Xiao Zhang, do you think Mrs. Mai wears this costume particularly stylish?"

Xiao Zhang looked at Mai Xiaoyu with a fair look, but did not dare to answer the conversation. He fetched water for the director and Mai Xiaoyu as an excuse and escaped.

Li Hui stood up, handed cigarettes and lighted the fire: "Teacher Mai, bear with me and work hard."

"Oh, I'm not afraid of hard work." Mai Xiaoyu sighed lightly, leaning on a stand that was so tall that he was specially looking for him, "Director Li, do you think this drama will be popular after it is broadcast?"


Li Hui was surprised: "Why do you suddenly ask this? This is our company's cute drama, the cute drama is not popular?"

"I'm not asking about TV shows, I'm asking about me, do you think I can be hot?"

Mai Xiaoyu never doubted his "copy" TV series, even if the actor of "Step by Step" is replaced by a "newcomer" like him, he still believes that the ratings will not be bad.

The question is, can he become famous with this drama?

The healer does not heal himself, he has no confidence.

It's not that he has no confidence in his acting skills, but whether the actor can become popular. Sometimes it's not his acting skills but the erratic and unpredictable things like luck.

For example, the eyes of the audience cannot be explained by scientific principles.

Not to mention strange dreams, even in reality, there are many film and television dramas. The second male and female second characters even counterattack the male and female protagonists and suddenly become popular.

There is no scientific reason to speak!

"Mr. Mai, you are already very famous."

"I mean being famous as'Mr. Mai'."

Li Hui scratched his head: "No, do you really plan to develop in the show business for a long time...become a star?"

"Not long-term, I still want to make a movie."

"Film, make a movie?"

Li Hui couldn't see through Mai Xiaoyu more and more.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I was brewing it very early. Even if I didn't make "Step by Step", I would make that movie."

"What movie, wouldn't it be your autobiography?"

The autobiography of celebrities is not new. Many years ago, there were successful people in various fields.

Readers also buy it.

In recent years, there have been some particularly successful people in certain industries, and directors will take the initiative to put their experiences on the big screen, even if they are criminals.

Mai Xiaoyu took a cigarette, brewed for a while, and grinned: "You are half right..."


At the same time, Dilireba and his companions, with a pack of snacks, followed a large number of tourists to the Ming and Qing Palace in Hengdian Film and Television City.

"Moe Ren's new drama is filmed here today, so I must go and see it."

"Who did you hear?"

"I checked the film crew and star announcements on the Internet."

"Really? Go, go, go, I'm going to meet my idol Liu Shi..."

Listening to the conversation between the two young students who were open to traffic, Di Lireba and his companions looked at each other: "Moe Ren Film and Television, let's go and see..."

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