The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 924: Hard Bar "Avatar"

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2009 was an epoch-making year in the global film industry.

The second half of 2009 was also a brilliant year for the global film industry.

First, during the summer vacation, Disney produced, Hualong Pictures and Mengren Film and Television participated in the investment of "Magic Land and Wonders", which allowed countless audiences around the world to appreciate the style of 3D blockbusters, unveiled the prelude to the 3D blockbusters, and was known as the pioneering work.

However, in November of that year, this 3D fantasy blockbuster with an investment of US$200 million was completely suppressed by a small-cost movie "Twilight 2" with a production cost of US$55 million.

"Twilight Saga 2" continues the extreme polarization of the first word-of-mouth phenomenon. While the box office has improved to the next level, it can't get rid of labels such as "childish", "boring", and "boring".

There are positive reports:

"I saw handsome men and beauties performing the forbidden love between vampires and humans on the screen again. What's more commendable is that this movie is really excellent."

"A wonderful piece of legend that connects the past and the next on the screen."


There are neutral reports:

"Although the plot is boring, it is sometimes enough to cause the adrenaline of the audience to rise, and there are enough **** and sense pictures to please anyone with its amazing pictures."

"For female audiences, this fantasy love movie is romantic enough to attract more young female audiences to contribute to the box office."


There are negative reports:

"The movie is an exciting love story, but the film and television role of the werewolf failed to achieve its effect."

"For the sequel to Twilight in 2008, "Twilight 2 New Moon" failed to meet the requirements of movie fans. The film is full of various non-rigorous character characters, absurd plots, clumsy character dialogues and flaky character depictions. "


"New Moon" is hot at the box office, and word-of-mouth has created huge differences between male audiences and female audiences, and there are even greater differences between audience groups and critics.

The famous film critic Roger Albert only gave "New Moon" a star rating, saying "The characters in the film should really be arrested. I really don't know what they are hanging around there. The process of watching this film It's like walking slowly in a tractor."

However, the popularity of "New Moon" has brought to the eyes a fact that no one can deny-the post-90s who are still regarded as children have become the main consumer of movies.

If there is a disagreement, there is news; the greater the disagreement, the more news.

As the box office of "New Moon" has risen steadily, media from various countries have also launched different reports of praise and criticism.

It not only reports on the word-of-mouth of "New Moon", but also compares it with "Magic Mirror" which is the first 3D blockbuster film.

Is 3d blockbuster really the future direction of the film industry?

Entering December, "Avatar" was released globally and gave a seemingly clear answer, which also ended a series of achievements and the storm of public opinion caused by "New Moon", and set records one after another.

On December 16, the 3D sci-fi blockbuster "Avatar" directed by international director Cameron was released simultaneously in 106 countries and regions in 2d, 3d and iax-3d formats.

The science fiction film "Inception" directed by the well-known Chinese director Xiaoxing Xi also premiered on the same day.

Just so domineering, "Avatar"!

This was decided by Mai Xiaoyu. There were many objections at the time, including his little friend Xiaoxing Xi, who thought this decision was too hasty, a bit like hitting a rock with a pebble.

Other people's opinions are more consistent-staggered a week, the week after the release of "Avatar", which is Christmas Eve, "Inception" will have its world premiere.

Mai Xiaoyu used his strong voice to make decisions against all opinions.

When this decision was announced, public opinion at home and abroad was in an uproar.

Huaxia people are crazy!

No one is optimistic about "Inception", many people think that Hualong Pictures is ill, and the cute person has been pitted by Hualong.

Make a simple comparison between the two science fiction films and make a judgment.

"Avatar" production cost plus publicity costs, hit a 500 million US dollars giant production gimmick; simultaneously released in 106 countries and regions; international director Cameron directed; the world's top special effects company is responsible for post-production; the film is in the British Empire Cinema Leicester Square hosted the world premiere and more than 1,300 guests were invited.

The production cost of "Inception" plus the publicity cost is only 300 million Chinese yuan. The film was released simultaneously in nearly 40 countries and regions. The director Xiaoxing Xi can barely be regarded as a well-known director in China; special effects companies in China and India are responsible for post-production; the film held its world premiere in Hollywood, USA, and invited fewer than 300 guests. Not enough for others.

Is there any better?

Still use it!

The same is a science fiction movie, no matter how you look at "Inception", you are not qualified to challenge "Avatar." The only advantage of the challenge is to increase the publicity stunt of "Inception". No one thinks that "Inception" can cause trouble for "Avatar".

The fact is indeed the case.

After the global release, the North American box office was released for the first three days in the first weekend, and "Avatar" ranked first in the box office rankings with a score of 70 million US dollars.

You read that right, it is $70 million, which is half of the box office of the first weekend of "Twilight Saga 2 New Moon".

In the history of North American cinema, the December weekend box office champion was only $77 million, so $70 million in the first weekend box office of "Avatar" is not low. The box office of the Christmas season in the United States is of continuous type. Compared with the explosive type during the summer vacation, the win is long-lasting and long-lasting.

In the words of the American media, this is called "a gentle start to "Avatar".

Don't compare with the box office of "New Moon" at the first weekend, "New Moon" is a weird thing.

As of December 2009, the No. 1 box office revenue in the midnight show in North American film history was "New" with a score of more than 22 million in "Harry 6".

The box office of "Avatar" at midnight was only 3.5 million US dollars.

This is the power of crazy fans!

"New Moon" started at midnight, and the box office scores of more than 1.4 billion in the first weekend were completely piled up by fans. Although the box office continued to dominate the next weekend, there was also a significant dive, only more than 40 million.

By the time new films such as "Avatar" and "Inception" were released in North America, the weekend box office of "New Moon" was only more than $4 million.

This is what the American media reported: "This inexhaustible youth vampire movie criticized by film critics still has to face a huge gap in the box office. Quality is still the life of a movie. It is impossible to win the box office simply by relying on handsome guys and beautiful girls. Undefeated for a long time."

However, "New Moon", which cost only US$55 million, had already reached US$2.3 billion at the North American box office. Hualong Pictures has contacted Mengren to prepare for "Twilight Saga 3", and even decided in advance for next year's summer release, and the next few films are also being planned.

There is no doubt that the "Twilight" series is a hen who can lay golden eggs. Others say it is ugly... so what!

However, unlike "Avatar" in the United States "moderate start", the world's first weekend box office results are exceptionally amazing.

Three days after the release, the overseas box office was 1.4 billion, twice that of the US, and the global box office easily exceeded 200 million.

In the same period, "Inception" was released simultaneously in only nearly 40 countries and regions around the world, so the global box office cannot compare with "Avatar".


The US$52 million first weekend box office in North America still brightened the eyes of many people's titanium alloy dogs!

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