At the end of January 2010, Moeren held a new annual meeting as usual.

At this year’s Moe Ren Annual Meeting, Cici entered Hollywood with "Magic Mirror", Yang Mi became a top star with "Palace Lock Heart Jade", and Yang Ying became the darling of advertisements with the high popularity brought by "Running Man", etc. , The brilliance of the cute star is better than last year.

In other words, the stars of Mengren's annual meeting are more brilliant than the previous year.

Mai Xiaoyu came to the annual meeting site early and found a quiet place to chat with Xiaoxing Xiaoxing and Xiaoquan Zhang.

Xiaoxing Su will be the first director of Moe Ren to enter Hollywood-although Moe Ren has only two film directors.

The global popularity of the 3D science fiction blockbuster "Avatar" cannot conceal the light of "Inception" produced by traditional technology.

As a Chinese-language film, "Inception" has been second only to "Avatar" at the weekly box office in the United States for several consecutive weeks, and its reputation is even better than "Avatar", which has long attracted the attention of American filmmakers.

Xiaoxing Su is the director of this film, and he has also directed "Fatal ID", which is also a good film.

After some negotiations, an American producer invited Xiaoxing Xiao to direct a sci-fi thriller with a production cost of 40 million U.S. dollars.

Forty million US dollars can only be regarded as small and medium-sized production in the United States, which shows that people are also very cautious. After all, there are not one or two examples of outstanding Chinese directors losing out to Hollywood. Whether Xiaoxing Xi can adapt to the native American culture... Not to mention that people have no bottom, and Xiao Xiaoxing has no bottom.

He has already seen the script, and can only be said to be medium, but compared to Ah Zheng's script, it leaves him a lot of room to play.

Although the films he directed over the years are all "copied" scripts produced by Mai Xiaoyu, the content is extremely detailed, and only the director is required to faithfully restore the content on paper into pictures, but Xiaoxing Xi’s solid academic skills and accumulated years of accumulation He has also grown a lot from the experience he has gained, and he needs a non-"copy" script to practice his hand in order to judge his true level.

He only rushed back from the United States last night and made a special trip to attend the company's annual meeting. The director's contract in the United States has been signed, and the salary is three million US dollars, which is not high.

Mai Xiaoyu deliberately came to him early to discuss the American movie script with him.

In reality, Mai Xiaoyu is a layman, but in the strange dream, he is an internationally renowned cultural critic and very professional. At his peak, he specifically criticized Oscar-nominated and award-winning films, directors, screenwriters and stars.

Let him do it hard, he doesn't have the ability, but let him say that it is definitely the top three points.

In strange dreams, he understands American movies, American film culture, and the hearts of American audiences; in reality, he understands Xiaoxing Xi’s personality and thinking, and can give a lot of valuable suggestions and opinions.

"There is a problem with the script structure, it must be changed..."

"The production cost is limited, so reduce the proportion of science fiction and increase the thriller content..."

"Americans have a strong sense of curiosity. You can give full play to your unconstrained thinking, but you can't break away from the most basic framework..."

"The actors are very important. Acting skills must be online. When you return to the United States for casting, you can send me the candidate list and I will help you advise..."


Xiaoxing Xi and Zhang Xiaoquan were dumbfounded.

It's not that I didn't understand it, but I understood it and thought it made sense, so I was confused and forced.

"Boss, you led the "Mao Li", have grown up so much?"

"Yu'er, I knew you were self-taught psychology. When did you start self-taught directorship?"

"Where are there so many questions, do they make sense? Lao Xiu, let me tell you that as long as your film can make a profit, it will enter Hollywood with one leg. If the box office can reach 60 million, you shouldn't worry about filming in Hollywood."

"Fuck, is Hollywood really awesome? It's a big deal when I return to China, I won't take care of you!"

"Stupid, what you earn in the United States is dollar bills, understand!"

"Brother Fork, you should think more about your "People on the Road", and be careful of being abused to death by "Avatar"."

"Avatar is a ×. It has been in theaters for more than a month, and the popularity should have faded. It crossed a cross, and the key was extended by one month. Our "Inception" was only half a month..."

After talking about business, the three brothers soon entered the chatting mode. I haven't gotten together for a long time, and I feel quite warm.

Liu Shishi knocked on the door, and the probe came in: "Brother Mai...Director Zhang, you are also here."

"Shishi, come to see your Maizi brother?" Xiaoxing Xi said with a smile on his face, "I heard that when you filmed "Step by Step", you only kissed your Maizi brother?"

"Crossed a cross, how can you talk like that." Zhang Xiaoquan glared at Xiaoxing Xi, and then when he looked at Liu Shi in a pleasant manner, he asked seriously: "To be honest, when you were filming the kiss scene, did you have any* *?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiaoxing Xi burst into laughter. A lifetime friend, as early as Zhang Xiaoquan glared at him, he knew that Zhang Xiaoquan had nothing to say in his stomach.

Mai Xiaoyu looked at the two silently: "How old are you two, can you not be so naive?"

Liu Shishi smiled warmly: "It's okay, Brother Maizi, I saw Sister Fei'er just now, and I will go to her later and say that Director Zhang is bullying me."

Xiao Xing Xiaoxing laughed louder.

Zhang Xiaoquan is afraid of the inside!

Of course, in his words, it's called painful wife.

Shen Fei is now Tang Yan's agent. With her cleverness and exquisite mind, Tang Yan's career is flourishing in her hands.

Not to mention many good scripts and brand endorsements, but also a good hand in promotion and packaging, ensuring that Tang Yan has sufficient appearance rate, popularity and popularity continue to rise, and it has stabilized the status of the domestic first-line TV cafe.

As a broker, her income and status have also risen.

Xiaoxing Xiao laughed so happily, Zhang Xiaoquan looked upset, and the two began to "fight" with each other.

Mai Xiaoyu did not want to participate, and walked to Liu Shishi's side: "Look for me?"

More than half an hour before the official opening of the annual meeting tonight, the cute artists have arrived and are chatting in the entertainer’s lounge. This can be regarded as the tradition of cute people to enhance mutual feelings.

Liu Shishi came to see Mai Xiaoyu, and he was there.

"You talk about you, why are you looking for me?"

To this question, when Mai Xiaoyu came to the lounge and saw more than a dozen artists from the company, someone gave a clear answer.

"You are the boss, but you are also an artist now. You are still a newcomer, shouldn't you take the initiative to come over and say hello to seniors?"

Yang Mi stuck his waist, raised his head, and said old-fashioned.

Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Chen Chichi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, Wang Luodan, Yang Ying and others all helped out and "criticized" Mai Xiaoyu in the tone of their predecessors.

"You are not the boss here, but a new artist, a newcomer."

"You're a newcomer, and the shelf is too big."

"I don't know if you come over to say hello to senior, you have to ask Shishi to invite you."


Although the others didn't speak, they laughed endlessly, watching Mai Xiaoyu being teased.

Mai Xiaoyu looked around, walked straight to Yang Mi, and knocked on her forehead: "It's inflated, right? Do you want the company to hide you for two years and help you calm down."

"That way the company will lose a lot of money." Yang Mi was not afraid, rubbing his forehead, and then hugging Mai Xiaoyu's arm affectionately, "Uncle, you are the best, I love you to death."

The drama became popular, soaring upward, Yang Mi was not a little bit happy.

In Zhao Liying's words, she can wake up happily these days.

"Really?" Mai Xiaoyu provoked Yang Mi's chin, "How about going to my house to talk about life at the end of the annual meeting tonight?"

"Go to your house and let you scare me? I was scared and cried by you when I was a young adult. Fortunately, sister Tao is here, and sister Tao is the best." Yang Mi opened his hand and ran to Liu Tao's side, intimate Put your arms around her.

Yang Mi's character is very lively, and most of the people present have already heard of it, it's not a secret.

Wang Kai and Sun Li signed the contract only last year, and they did not know that Deng Chao and Zheng Kaizheng gave them science popularization respectively.

Before Mai Xiaoyu came in, when everyone was chatting, they occasionally joked about the relationship between Deng Chao and Sun Li, and the Huhuo CP that came out during Christmas last year. Now that Mai Xiaoyu is here, a group of people are starting to make fun of Mai Xiaoyu because of their predecessors' status as an early debut.

Fortunately, Wang Kai said, after all, he filmed "Step by Step" together, and he has many rival scenes with Mai Xiaoyu, and he is familiar with Chen Chichi and Zheng Kai, so he can let go.

Sun Li was very curious, and took Deng Chao to the side and asked quietly, "Will you do this, Mr. Mai is the boss."

Ruby Lin was not far away from them, and smiled after hearing that, “It’s okay, Mr. Mai is different from the bosses of other companies. When I first came to the company the year before, I was a little uncomfortable, and then I got used to it. Don’t you think, yes. Mr. Mai is here, is the atmosphere better than before?"

"Moreover, the atmosphere is good." Deng Chao added, "You haven't seen a boss bully someone, none of us have been bullied by him. This is a rare opportunity. Shouldn't everyone unite and take the opportunity to'avenge'? "

Sun Li remembered the situation of Mai Xiaoyu playing with herself and Deng Chao, and smiled empathetically: "Really. I think this is good. Mr. Mai has no arrogance, and there is no barrier between everyone. It is much better than my previous company. ."

The so-called estrangement, the cause is nothing more than fame and fortune.

In Mengren, there is no need to compete for resources, no need to fight for fame and fortune with the same company artists, Mai Xiaoyu will make arrangements. And um, as long as you follow Mai Xiaoyu steadily, you can earn both fame and fortune.

Isn’t it good to sit happily and enjoy fame and fortune?

"Are you going to rebel? I'm the boss!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Mai Xiaoyu feigned anger, but couldn't scare anyone.

Huo Jianhua retorted: "You still know that you are the boss. On Christmas Eve, you and Hu went to the movie and were filmed. Why didn't you dare to admit it generously and say it was me instead?"

Zhao Liying added fuel and jealousy: "Yes, yes, what else to say, "It's Huo, not Huo, Huo can't hide it." It's pretty smooth, hehe."

"Because you two have a good style of painting, don't believe you two stand together for everyone to see. And you also loved it when you filmed "Xian 3". Many fans think that you two are the best CP, and they are also very good. Support you together."

Huo Jianhua: "..."

Hu Hu: "..."

Everyone laughed.

Sun Li finally saw Mai Xiaoyu's "bad" and smiled from ear to ear.

There are two main topics of joking about Mai Xiaoyu.

One is "Mao Li" directed by him, and the other is "Step by Step" starring him.

Recently, "Mao Scam" is very popular, with a high amount of Internet hits, which has aroused heated discussions on the Internet, and has a good reputation and high evaluation.

Mai Xiaoyu tried to fool some people with the "named director", and he also successfully fooled some people like Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Qian Qian, Shu Chang, etc., but Liu Tao, Chen Qiaoen, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, Tong Liya were not that easy to fool. .

Several of them knew about Mai Xiaoyu's past "dark history", and they all agreed that this was the root cause of the "Mao Deception" script and the true reason for the plot.

Liu Tao and Chen Qiaoen were okay, but they didn't say much with a smile. Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Tong Liya often teased Mai Xiaoyu vaguely in their words.

When it came time to talk about "Step by Step", it became even more lively, and Liu Shishi was also involved-who made her and Mai Xiaoyu gossip?

A group of people joked about Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Shishi. Liu Shishi was ashamed and anxious, shouting "Little fox, I'm fighting with you", and fighting with Yang Mi.

There is no malice in the crowd, nor do they believe in various reports in the media.

For example, the relationship between Deng Chao and Sun Li has been made public, and no one teased Deng Chao about it; on the contrary, it was precisely because they did not believe in the scandal between Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Shishi that they made fun of them.

"Just aim at me, don't hurt Shishi, she is innocent."

"You maintain Shishi so much, and you said there is nothing wrong with you two?"

"Isn't it right for me to defend her? I also hope to borrow her to live a celebrity addiction!"

"No, boss, are you making TV shows just to have a celebrity addiction?"

"No, it's mainly to experience your hard work in filming. It's a good example of people's sentiments."

"I think the previous reason is more credible."

Zhao Liying smiled: "Then you must now regret not filming with Mi Mi."

Mai Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and said, "Shaofeng, you heard that. It's not that I'm picking up the matter, but Xiao Tudou clearly has an opinion on Shaofeng: "..."

Zhao Liying annoyed: "You are too bad, don't think I will take you in the future."

"Little potato, are you leading me now?"

Zhao Liying was angry.

Huang Bo took the displeasure: "Boss, let me take you. Recently, several crews have asked me to make a movie, and I am choosing the script."

"I'm so handsome, how can I play a supporting role for others?"

In a word, he blocked Deng Chao who was about to speak.

Mai Xiaoyu has thought about star addiction, and if he is not a male, he can only play with female artists.

And the female artist who plays the role must be big enough, and Liu Shishi’s current popularity is not good enough. In the eyes of everyone, it is very difficult for Mai Xiaoyu to become addicted to celebrities through "Step by Step".

You can't be a star if you play a protagonist!

Ruby Lin said: "Mr. Mai, are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious. Watching you become big stars one by one, I also want to experience it."

Cici suddenly said: "Brother, I will take you."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and shook his head: "As expected of my good sister, but I don't want to make a movie yet."

When Yang Mi hugged Liu Shi, he smiled and walked over: "Uncle, please, if you beg me, I can take you to the exam."

"You really think you are an old driver!" Mai Xiaoyu unceremoniously slapped Yang Mi's forehead, "give you a year to settle, and in a year you are ready to stand on your own."

"Are you so anxious to drive me away?"


"I have known that you like the new and dislike the old, but there are Sister Tao, Sister Qiao En, and Sister Tangtang ahead of me. Why am I the first one?"

"Mi Mi, I decided to take Mr. Mai once, and then set up a studio." Tang Yan said with a smile.

Chen Qiaoen glanced at her in surprise, and then said: "Coincidentally, I think so too..."

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