On the evening of February 2, Yenching time, the nomination ceremony for the 82nd Academy Awards of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) was held at the Samuel Godwin Theater in Beverly Hills.

The 3D blockbuster "Avatar" received a total of nine nominations and topped the number of nominations; there was also a small-cost independent film produced by US$15 million, "The Hurt Locker", which also received nine nominations, and was tied with "Avatar" in the number of nominations. one.

The main focus of domestic and foreign media is "Avatar", "The Hurt Locker" has not attracted too many people's attention.

However, in addition to the domestic media paying attention to "Avatar", "Inception", which was nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film among dozens of films, also caused widespread coverage in the domestic media.

Over the years, the Oscars for best foreign language film have often been won by European films, and Japan has also won several awards for best foreign language film in Asia. For example, last year's 81st Oscar Award for Best Foreign Language Film was won by Japan's "Encouragement".

In addition to the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" presented by Taiwan at the beginning of the millennium, Huaxia won the only best foreign language film award on behalf of China. The shortlisted nominees have become extravagant hopes.

Finally this year, "Inception" made a breakthrough and was shortlisted for the 82nd Oscar nominees for Best Foreign Language Film. Whether it can replicate the trajectory of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" from the five nominated films and win this year's Best Foreign Language Film Award has been expected by countless people.

The Oscars in the United States can become a world-famous film award and the most influential film award in the world, and it is not without reason.

Just like "Inception", after being nominated for the best foreign language film, the overseas market that is still showing immediately ushered in a new wave of movie watching.

In China, many viewers who haven't been to the theater to watch "Inception" also want to see it. Unfortunately, the theater has already finished the painting and can only find the source of the film on the Internet.

Piracy...Although it is rare, there is!

However, several shareholders of Hualong have made efforts at the same time, with the help of relevant state departments, to knock down all the pirated websites that provide the source of "Pirates of Dreams" with lightning speed.

Even if the server is installed abroad, it is hard to escape the blow.

Touched their cheese, no matter where you hide, don't think about it!

In a very short period of time, pirated copies were wiped out. If you want to watch "Inception" online, you can only log in to Storm Video to watch the original version. Hualong Pictures is a major shareholder of Storm Technology.

Storm Technology has long bought the exclusive network broadcast rights of "Inception" at a high price, but the original version requires a fee: either VIP members can watch it first, or pay five yuan to watch the full movie.

Compared with the movie theater ticket price of tens of dollars, five dollars is really not expensive; but considering that the monthly membership fee of VIP members is less than ten yuan, more users tend to recharge members.

At the beginning of February, the number of Storm Video members suddenly increased.

This is the charm of Oscars: shortlisted nominations will help increase the popularity and box office of the film; winning the Oscar awards will increase the popularity and box office of the film even more!

The popularity of Xu Xiaoxing, Huang Bo, Li Bingbing and other creators has reached a new high, and various companies have increased their efforts to promote their own artists.

Media reports, public opinions, interviews with reporters, interviews on programs, etc., are called lively.

Ning Zhiyuan and his son were not in the mood to participate in the excitement, but rather confused.

When Mai Xiaoyu bought the shares of DynaSky, was it because he was worried that DynaSky would be a hindrance and deliberately muddled the water?

I can’t figure it out, just like Mai Xiaoyu’s filming a TV series with his female celebrities, it’s a mystery.

Mai Xiaoyu will not care about the ideas of Ning Zhiyuan and his son. Taking advantage of the good opportunity of "Inception" to be nominated for Oscars, Moeren’s propaganda department once again released a blockbuster news-Moeren Film and Television wants to adapt Mai’s “Zhen Huan”. Spend huge sums of money to put this best-selling novel on the TV screen!

The production cost is 90 million!

Mengren and Li Hui Studio Joint Investment!

Director Li Hui!

No less than seventy episodes of giant production!


A series of related reports made readers who like "Zhen Huan Biography" like it and attracted great attention from insiders.

Who played "Zhen Huan"?

Who will play "Niang Niang"?

Who will play "Hua Fei"?

Who will play "King of Fruit County"?

Who played "Yongzheng"?

There are also "Anlingrong" and "Shenmei Village"...

The many characters in the novel that left a deep impression on people not only aroused heated discussions among readers, but also aroused the heart of countless actors and film companies in the entertainment circle.

Mai Xiaoyu is a strange flower, his cute people like to play alone and eat alone, these are no secrets.

In order to share the risk, other people’s movies and TV dramas often like to find more investors; Mengren’s movies and TV dramas are not necessary, and they never find funds from outside, even if the budget is high, they try to invest as much as possible.

And Mengren’s film and television dramas have hardly lost. The higher the investment ratio, the better the results. Drama celebrities are popular, and countless new and old artists are popular!

This time, the production cost of "Zhen Huan Biography" was as high as 70 million yuan. If you factor in the miscellaneous expenses such as follow-up propaganda operations and additional expenses, it is very likely that it will go to 100 million yuan.

One billion...Enough to make a blockbuster movie!

Yes, Li Hui's studio also has investment, but that is because Li Hui is the director and his studio is under the banner of Moe, and Moe occupies 30% of the shares. Moreover, it is rumored that Li Hui's studio only invested 10 million yuan.

Cute people dare to throw tens of millions in this drama, which is enough to prove that they are optimistic about this drama, and the sales of the original novel are also very high, and they have a large reader base.

Readers remember how important it is, just look at the hot box office of "Twilight 2".

Good dramas are most likely to be popular actors, not only heroines, but also brilliant supporting actors can be popular. This has long been recognized in the circle, and cute dramas have a higher probability of popularizing actors!

As the New Year is approaching, from first-line TV celebrities, down to third- and fourth-line actors and even newcomers, able to start private activities, it’s okay to read "Zhen Huan Biography" while staring at the crew preparation information, waiting for the crew to start the preparations, the running team will pass you to you Group photo.

Hengdian World Studios.

The day of shooting is over.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Jiang Xin dragged his tired body back to the hotel in the strong New Year's taste on the street, and first called home.

"Mom, I can't accompany you to celebrate the New Year this year."

"The crew is rushing to film, time doesn't allow."

"No, no, you don't have to come over. My scene is finished on the fifth day of the day, and I can go back. You don't use it to go back to toss..."

Every winter vacation is the peak season for the crew of Hengdian Film and Television City. During the Spring Festival holiday, the crew usually takes about 3 days of vacation, and a very few crews will take 5 days of vacation. Of course, there are also crews who do not release it for a day.

To be honest, the big-name celebrities are also ordinary people. Whenever they miss their relatives during the festive season, they naturally hope to spend as much time with their family as possible during the Spring Festival; but for the crew or producer, one extra day of vacation means one extra day of filming. It is also an additional investment cost.

Therefore, the film crew’s attitude is often that they wish to have fewer or even no holidays. As China's No. 1 film and television base, every year, Hengdian Film and Television City has ten or twenty crews sticking to the set to continue filming.

Jiang Xin's crew will not be on holiday this year.

The big-name celebrities in the crew still stick to Hengdian, unless they have previously arranged a commercial performance announcement, go to a hole to earn a lot of labor fees, and follow the crew to film other times; she is just a lesser-known second- and third-line actor, and she still plays a supporting role. , How can I be eligible to take time off to go home for the New Year?

Do you want to take the show in the future?

Hanging up the phone, the assistant brought dinner and ordered takeaway from outside.

Jiang Xin didn't have much appetite, so he took a few mouthfuls and put down his chopsticks and sat at the window looking out in a daze.

The call from the agent brought her back to life.

"Xinxin, have you finished filming?"

"It's done."

"Are you in the hotel?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, come and see you. I have just arrived in Dongyang, and now I am going to Hengdian and waiting for me at the hotel. By the way, what you want to eat, I'll take you there..."

Jiang Xin was a little dizzy.

Her agent is a veteran agent, with many artists, there are several artists who are more popular than her, one or two of them are younger than her and have great potential.

The income of the agent is mainly based on the salary of his artists. Therefore, the more popular an artist, the higher the value, the more money the artist, the more the agent's attention will be.

It really can’t be said that brokers are snobbish. If they are placed in other industries, the more profitable employees are, the more attention they will be paid by the supervisor and the company.

Her agent was pretty good to her, and she had helped her win the starring roles in two small productions in the early years, but it was a pity that she didn't perform. Later, she helped her receive some supporting roles in big productions, but she also failed to become popular.

Afterwards, the main energy of the agent gradually shifted to other popular artists, but at least it is guaranteed that she has filming every year and can get a little more supporting role.

Tonight, the agent suddenly came to Hengdian to see himself, and said that he would buy food for himself on the way...it was a bit abnormal.

It's not far from Dongyang to Hengdian. After half an hour, the agent came to Jiang Xin's room with a hot ramen.

"Look at how thin you are. Have you missed home and haven't had a good meal these days? I bought you freshly cooked Malan Ramen, hurry up and eat it while it's hot."

"Am I thin?"

Jiang Xin choked the agent with a word, and the smile on his face was obviously frozen.

The agent took her for many years, knowing her temperament, and didn't care about it.

After she finished eating, she handed over a tissue and asked, "Is this film going well?"

"It went well, my scene was finished in the fifth grade."

"Are you still in touch with Moeren?"

A few years ago, when filming "Tianlong Ba Bu", Jiang Xin played "Mu Wanqing" in the play, and he knew Liutao, Qianqian, and Deng Chao.

Cici was not very talkative when she was on the crew, but Jiang Xin had a good relationship with Liu Tao and Deng Chao.

Later, Mengren made "The Sword of the Immortal" and asked her to play the mother and daughter of Nv Yuan and Jiang Wan'er.

At that time, Mengren was still a small bamboo raft, and Jiang Xin had not signed a brokerage company, let alone a broker.

Later, with an agent, Mengren almost never looked for Jiang Xin to film, and the agent did not think deeply about the relationship between Jiang Xin and Mengren.

Until this time, Moeren announced the filming of "Zhen Huan Biography" in a high-profile manner, and the agent has the heart to fight for several roles for his artists. After turning around, I realized that the Jiang Xin he brought seemed to be related to Mengren.

Let me just say it!

Jiang Xin finally understood why his agent was weird tonight.

Faced with the agent's inquiry, she denied it. As for the reason why Mengren asked her to shoot "Sword", she only said that she had a chance because she had a good relationship with Liu Tao and Deng Chao when we filmed "Dragon" together.

The agent did not give up: "Are you still in touch with Liu Tao and Deng Chao now?"

"Uh... yes, but very few."

"That's enough. You can contact Liu Tao now and make an appointment to see you in the next year."

It's a trust relationship, but that's not it.

If you don’t know someone, and you don’t have a direct communication channel, you should first find a reason, and then spread it layer by layer until you reach Li Hui or Mai Xiaoyu.

This kind of routine is very common in the entertainment industry.

Trading is not a business. Even if it didn't succeed this time, at least catch the line of cute people. If you have a chance next time, it will be easier to communicate.

Jiang Xin hesitated.

The agent thought it was because she couldn't save face and opened her mouth, and she was intimidated by her side. Said that this time it was not only for several other artists, but also for her.

There are many important roles in "Zhen Huan Biography", and the opportunity is rare. She has worked with Mengren, and is acquainted with Liu Tao, Xiqian, Deng Chao, Hu Xu, etc., and these people are the most popular under Mengren. The star, the weight is very heavy. If done properly, she is likely to get an important role.

The agent was still babbling to persuade, and Jiang Xin's cell phone rang again.

Jiang Xin glanced at the caller ID, pointed his index finger in front of his mouth, gave a "hush", and then connected the phone.

The agent is helpless. That is to say, Jiang Xin's personality is a bit different, otherwise she would have prejudiced Jiang Xin.


"Guess who I am?"

"You are all boring!"

"It looks like you have my phone."


"That is to hear my voice. You still remember me for so many years, so why didn't you contact me?"

"Just say ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll hang up if it's okay."

"Just your guilty temper. No wonder you haven't become popular for so many years."

"I hung up."

"Then you will miss an excellent opportunity. Our company is planning to shoot "Zhen Huan Biography". You should have heard of it. Someone from the crew will contact you in the next year. Take the time to read the novel first and be prepared."

"I haven't said I promise you yet."

"Will you refuse?"

"It depends on the role."

"Hahahahaha! I finally understand why you keep not contacting me, I took the initiative to call you, you still love to answer, your such a two-person character, can your agent stand it?"

"I really hung up."

"Whatever you want, if you don't want to act, I'll find someone else for the role of'Hua Concubine'."

After all, Mai Xiaoyu hung up the phone first.

The agent next to him heard it with a little understanding, but Jiang Xin's words and tone made her think more and frowned.

"Whose phone number?"

"No one." Jiang Xin put away the phone, "Sister, have you seen "Zhen Huan Biography"?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"Is the role of'Hua Concubine' heavy?"

Of course it's heavy!

As a palace fight drama, "Hua Fei" is the third female and the big boss in the first half. Does it matter how many roles are in it?

The agent suddenly remembered that when Jiang Xin called, he said, "It depends on the role."

Recalling the news she had inquired about, before the production of the cute drama, Mai Xiaoyu, the cute boss, would often personally select individual actors and actresses, and these actors may not be cute entertainers. For example, Li Youbin, who played "Li Yunlong" in "Liang Jian", and Sun Honglei, who played "Yu Zecheng" in "Latent"...

Inexplicably, a little excited!

"Xinxin, the one who called you just now, wouldn't it be the adorable Mr. Mai?"

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