"Is it tasty?"

"good to eat."

"I can't finish this box, I'll give it to you."

"Let me eat your saliva."

"Can you eat it?"


Tang Yan looked at Mai Yu with a smile, and saw that he snorted and ate a box of cup noodles, then took half of his own and quickly finished it, and asked, "Are you full?"

"I am full."

Normally, this cup of noodles is not enough for Mai Yu to eat, but he is under a lot of pressure tonight. Even if you joked with Tang Yan while eating noodles, it was still difficult to relieve the pressure.

After receiving the paper towel from Tang Yan and wiping his mouth, Mai Yu got up to leave.

Tang Yan grabbed him: "You really are lying to me again."

Mai Yu turned around: "You are playing with fire."

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

"There is no future."

Tang Yan leaped into his arms and kissed him, Ding Xiang softly pried open his teeth.

Mai Yu didn't push away this time. He hugged Tang Yan's delicate body with both hands, sucking her tongue, walking back and forth between Tang Yan's buttocks, and finally reached into Tang Yan's clothes.

After half an hour of foreplay, in the dimly lit bedroom, their clothes were scattered on the floor, and the two on the bed went up and down, staring at each other.

Mai Yu kissed Tang Yan's cherry lips and said, "It will hurt."

Tang Yan hugged Mai Yu's neck tightly: "I'm not afraid...ah..."


The sun rises in the east, and the dawn contains hope that is scattered on the earth, dispelling the depth of the night.

People who get up early start a busy day, working hard to get hope in life through their own labor.

On the road, there are busy traffic; on the sidewalk, the footsteps are hurried.

With fast-paced life and high cost of living, ordinary people living in Yanjing seem to feel the spur in the air every time they breathe.

In an apartment in a high-end district.

The warm sunlight was blocked by the closed curtains, and it could only pass through the gaps in the curtains to cast a light on the maroon wood dots.

The bedroom looked dim, and the air was filled with a special atmosphere.

On the floor, clothes are still scattered; on the bed, men and women embrace and sleep together.

I don't know how long it took, Mai Yu woke up dazedly from his sleep.

The beautiful woman in front of him slept soundly, with dry tears in the corners of his eyes. Recalling the madness of last night, he gently touched Tang Yan's cheek and looked at it quietly.

"Why keep looking at me?" Tang Yan suddenly opened her eyes.

"you're awake?"

"Wake up earlier than you."

"Does it look similar just now, I didn't even see it."

"That's, anyhow, I'm also a star, this acting skills must be no problem."

Mai Yu kissed her, put her in his arms, pressed her thighs on her round and elastic legs, and gently stroked her body.

Tang Yan put his arm around his waist, enjoying Mai Yu's caress, and muttered comfortably, "Are you regretting it?"

"What do you regret?"

"Reject me before regretting it. You made me fall apart last night."

"I really regret that you want to do this. I knew there would be today, and when you were in your freshman year, when the company recognized me, I should have eaten you."

"At that time, I will definitely call the police."

"Don't you dare, you always think that I am the eldest brother of the black society, absolutely dare not call the police, you can only appoint honestly."

"If you really want to do that, you will only get my body in this life, not my heart."

"It's enough for me to get your body, what do you want your heart for?"

"You hate it!" Tang Yan opened her mouth and bit on Mai Yu's chin. "Are you in a better mood now?"

much better.

Mai Yu can be said to be refreshed and refreshed, and Shenma Qingtian and Ning Family are all left behind by him. Regardless of the purpose of Ning Zhiyuan's banquet last night, he only needs to follow his own plan.

When the soldiers come to cover the water and earth, there is no need to worry too much.

Mai Yu stared at Tang Yan and said softly, "Thank you."

Tang Yan pursed her mouth, Mai Yu did not hesitate, and the two embraced and kissed each other.

The hormonal breath soared in the two of them, and their movements were getting bigger and bigger. Seeing that another sky thunder hitting the ground fire was about to happen, Tang Yan suddenly screamed "Ouch." However, Mai Yu's big hand slid down her back, stroked her hips, and touched somewhere.

"What's wrong, it still hurts?"

"You liar, it's still painful, I'm still in pain!"

"It doesn't make sense, shouldn't you end up with all your hardships in the end?"

"No matter how hard it is, I don't want to think about how long people were tossed by you last night."

"Last night...it seems to be something wrong." Mai Yu thought for a while, "Does it really hurt? I still want to move around."

"No." Tang Yan was really in pain, she shook her head again and again, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Sitting up, she picked up a coat from the ground and put it on her body. She just got out of bed before she stood still, Tang Yan shook her body and fell onto the bed.

She looked down and turned around angrily: "It's all swollen!"

Mai Yu was slightly embarrassed: "Then can you still walk?"

"And you!"

Mai Yule is now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Think about it last night, both in terms of frequency and battery life, far better than before. Tang Yan's first taste of the pain of breaking melon and tender meat, swelling and pain is also inevitable.

"dare you laugh!"

Tang Yan threw herself into Mai Yu's arms annoyed, and her fists fell like rain on Mai Yu's chest.

"Good good, I don't laugh."

Mai Yu finally grasped Tang Yan's hands and whispered in her ear. Tang Yan blushed and shook her head and refused Mai Yu's proposal.

"Then you go by yourself."

Mai Yu shrugged and leaned against the head of the bed.

Tang Yan tried to get out of bed several times without success, and finally sat on the side of the bed and waited for Mai Yu in embarrassment.

Mai Yu laughed, picked her up and went to the bathroom, holding her like an adult **** a child, helping her solve her personal problems.

After returning to the bed, Tang Yan buried her head in the pillow, her face flushed and she dared not face Mai Yu.

Mai Yu asked casually: "It was indeed a bit abnormal last night. Wouldn't you give me some supplements?"

Tang Yan was embarrassed and said in surprise without thinking: "Ah, how did you know?"

"I'll go, you really added the ingredients! Your half box of cup noodles?"

"It's your box of cup noodles."

Mai Yu: "..."

This girl is too crazy.

"What's added?" Mai Yu asked.

Tang Yan took a peek at him, then buried her head in the pillow, and vaguely spit out three words: "Viacore."

"I go!"

Mai Yu finally understood why his battery life was so strong last night, and it was almost non-stop.

He lay down on Tang Yan's back in a dumbfounded manner, pulled his hair out of his ears, and said, "That thing is not CN medicine, it's..."

After some explanation of the efficacy, Tang Yan was crying without tears.

Mai Yu slapped her buttocks and smiled: "Are you making your own way?"

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