The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 969: Check the whole body, focusing on the chest

An adult man, holding the hand of an adult woman, keeps his eyes on his chest... Is this appropriate?


Diao Yi couldn't see it, pushed away Mai Xiaoyu, and stood in between the two: "What are you doing, you have to dare to dive into Xiao Yao, don't blame me for turning my face with you!"

This is very tricky, so he can speak directly in front of Mai Xiaoyu, with threats.

Yao Bina had this kind of suspicion, but she couldn't say that it was inappropriate.

It's not that she thinks too much, but Mai Xiaoyu's behavior makes her doubt Mai Xiaoyu's motives for signing her.

"Go on, you fat man, how old she is, I want to dive into a little girl who is in her early twenties and seventeen years old."

Yao Bina: "..."

This kind of explanation hurts women only a little bit less than the other party wants to dive into her.

But Diao Yi bought it.

"It's pretty much the same." He nodded and moved a step horizontally to let Yao Bina, who was born behind him, "Xiao Yao's contract has been signed. If you have anything to say, it's not long before the finals, we still have to Ready."

"This is Yao Bina's new song. When "Good Voice" is over, the single will be released first."

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu took out a pile of lyrics from his briefcase.

Five scores of "Red Face Tribulation", "Bodhisattva Man", "Pickling Lotus", "Golden Cloth" and "Jing Hong Wu" are the opening song and interlude of "Zhen Huan Biography".

Don't worry too much about this, "The Legend of Zhen Huan" is still being filmed, the seventy or eighty episodes of the Gongdou drama, and it takes time to film.

The key is Yao Bina's first single after signing the mlgb record!

Oh, after you signed the singer, you didn't release a single or an album...There are such record companies in China, and there are not one or two, but Mai Xiaoyu and Diao Yi are not that kind of people!

"Rise from the ashes"?

Diao Yi took the score, looked at the score and hummed a few words, frowning slightly: "The title of the song is good, but the style does not match. She is not suitable for this melody."

"Style? The literary and artistic soldiers who came out of the army have the same style no matter how big they are. The personal style is vague. If you don't let her try, how do you know if she is suitable?"

Yao Bina, who said something, shined.

What Mai Xiaoyu said was correct.

The singers of the cultural and industrial troupe sing more for the purpose of performing on stage, such as participating in various evening parties, rather than commercial operation. Therefore, although singing skills are high and low, the style tends to be unified, it is difficult to have obvious personal characteristics, and the style is relatively vague. Those who can have outstanding styles are generally "Tibetan and Mongolian" singers.

It is not that the art troupe is not good, it is determined by the system and regulations. Singing in it is all stylized, and the difference lies only in the status.

She didn't like this restriction. She had long thought of leaving the army and was persuaded by the leader to go back twice.

Last year was the third time. Faced with the retention of the regiment leader, she chose to persist this time. Because she wants more freedom, is to sing the song she wants to sing on stage, and be recognized by more people.

"Teacher Diao, can you show me the music score?"

After taking over the score, look at the score just like Diao Yi and get familiar with the melody. But she didn't hum it, but sang it in her heart after being familiar with it, feeling the tune of this song.

"...You choose to swallow your breath, or choose to be a hero,

Just because life is limited,

I have to rewrite the destiny at all costs,

Live out infinite possibilities,

The new life after rebirth will never change its original intention,

The fairness in this world needs to rely on both hands to strive for..."

This song is different from the song she used to sing or sing when she participated in large and small evenings during the Maritime Administration period.

How should I put it... This kind of lyrics and melody makes it extremely difficult to be on the stage of a formal party, but it is very burning, very hilarious, and has a sense of power.

While singing silently, she couldn't help but think of her experience in the semi-finals of "The Voice".

"Mr. Mai, was this teacher Xiao Yuer created for me?"

"Yes, it was just created."

"Thank you." Yao Bina thanked her and turned to Diao Yi, "Teacher Diao, I want to try."

"This song is risky, you are not right now."

"But I think Mr. Mai is right. I have been singing in the army for several years, and I don't know what style I am suitable for."

"Then continue the style you showed in "Good Voice", the audience has already adapted. Don't think that the only outstanding songwriter in China is Xiao Yuer, and there are more people who are better than him. I have already found two friends. , After the "Good Voice" finals, we will arrange for you to meet up to make a single tailored for you as soon as possible and put it on the market. Someone said that I deliberately used you to hype."

Yao Bina: "..."

Because of coming forward, Diao Yi is quite popular with the audience, but some people on the Internet also say that he deliberately used Yao Bina to hype himself. Because before that, he had always been the least popular and weakest among the four mentors.

Signing Yao Bina to create a single for her as fast as possible, and it must be a good song, and slam those people's mouths. This is Diao Yi's idea.

"Lao Diao, why do you have a nickname? How can you still learn to sell your fame?" Mai Xiaoyu cursed.

Diao Yi glared, Yao Bina was still worried that the two would quarrel, but saw Diao Yi squeeze her own mouth and cursed: "Malgobi's, you really got it right... it's all you fucking. I said earlier that I shouldn't be a **** mentor, you must let me be. Mahler Gobi's, almost ruined my fame!"

"You have a great name. I asked you to be a mentor, to be a shady fighter. You can't hold your own fame and fortune. Can you blame me?"

"Don't talk about it." Diao Yi waved his hand and asked Yao Bina, "Do you want to try?"

Yao Bina nodded.

"Then this Don’t you want more freedom, I tell you, mlgb has nothing else, there is so much freedom. Even if you think the company is not good and want to leave in the future, I don’t Will embarrass you."

After the end of "Good Business", the song "Rebirth from the Fire" for Yao Bina was finalized.

Yao Bina suddenly thought of something: "Mr. Mai, you just said that letting Teacher Diao be the tutor of "The Voice" is to be a...shady fighter?"

When there is a game, it is inevitable that there will be shady scenes, like a pair of twins.

Mai Xiaoyu knew what Yao Bina wanted to ask. He patted the other person on the shoulder: "Don't think about it so much, some things are inevitable. When I got off the plane, when I was interviewed at the airport, I told reporters that I believe Teacher Zhang Yuanqi."

Diao Yi was annoyed, but Yao Naina could understand, and instead helped Mai Xiaoyu comfort Diao Yi.

She is not a young girl who has just made her debut and knows nothing about the world. She knows the inside story of the music scene very well.

Compared with other talent shows, "Good Voice" is the fairest. Even if Zhang Yuanqi is replaced in the next season, can the show avoid all kinds of human relations and profit driving?

Because of the general environment, it cannot be changed by one or two people.

Many netizens said that these years, there is a shortage of people like Diao Yi, but the issue of "The Voice" is not over yet. Diao Yi, who is full of urine, has almost been poisoned by fame and wealth?

Soon, under Yao Bina's persuasion, Diao Yi also figured it out.

He pointed to Yao Bina, and said to Mai Xiaoyu: "Look at Xiao Yao, the troops came out of it is different! Her singing don't understand, telling you that is equivalent to playing the piano to the cow. In short, she is very good, you are I found the treasure back."

"It's us." Mai Xiaoyu laughed, looked at Yao Naina, and his eyes fell on her chest again, "Lao Diao, since she is a treasure, we have to protect it. Before signing the contract, did you take her there? Does the People's Hospital conduct a full physical examination?"

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