Picked up Diana, brought Thomas and Quick, two personal bodyguards, and the group of four returned to Geneva Airport.

It was only after Ye Qing returned to Switzerland that he had lunch on the way.

Can be called a non-stop model.

The flight landed in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and there is no airport in the small town where Diana's home is located. The smuggler's stronghold that Thomas and the others contacted is also in Kyiv.

In order to obtain weapons, they can only come to Kyiv for transit.

At night out of curiosity, Ye Qing and Thomas went to get weapons together. The so-called snake head looks quite harmless on the surface...

The weapons are stored in a small convenience store.

After matching the code, the clerk went directly to the warehouse and took out a kraft paper bag and handed it to Thomas, even if the transaction was complete. It looks no different from buying something from an ordinary convenience store.

Driving a rented car, the group found a hotel in Kyiv to stay.

Through the car windows along the way, Ye Qing saw some buildings full of Soviet flavor. New-style skyscrapers or something, it's almost impossible to find.

If you don't look at this, you can't see the poverty of this country from Kyiv. After all, hotel prices are still high...

The price of some hotels in Switzerland is not too different.

The next morning, several people checked out and set off.

"Hey boss, you said we'll be fine, right?"

Driving out of Kyiv all the way north, Quick, who was driving, asked a little nervously.

Hearing the voice from the front seat, Diana looked a little sad.

Because in the north of Kyiv, close to Belarus, there is a nuclear power plant that has changed. Chernobyl nuclear power plant!

Originally Ukraine was not rich, and the border areas were even worse...

Coincidentally, it hit the exploding Chernobyl nuclear power plant again...

This is good, I hope that the nearby towns will develop naturally. Diana felt that she was afraid that she would not be able to play until she died of old age...

"It shouldn't be. Didn't your colleagues have been there before? Besides, I looked at the map, and it was not part of the restricted area of ​​Chernobyl."

Ye Qing shook his head, and then took out a radiation intensity coverage map he found on the Internet. Checked again.

"Look, it shows from the picture. The radiation intensity over there is not high, at least we won't have any problems entering it for a short time."

"Hope this **** picture is more accurate!"

Quick sighed...

He just whined. Just like what Ye Qing said, there should be no problem with my colleagues who have been there before.

After replying to Quick, Ye Qing reached out and rubbed the head of the little girl beside him.

Being born in such a place may be the biggest misfortune in her life...

Starting from Kyiv, it is not far to the north of the town where Diana's house is located. After a few hours of driving, the car slowly pulled into town.

Here, compared to Kyiv, the sense of depression can be clearly seen.

The preservation of the buildings is not bad, but it is still the architectural style of the last century with a strong Soviet flavor.

Pedestrians on the street are also pitiful, only a few factories, and there are some human fireworks in the school.

"Go to the lumber mill on the outskirts of the city!"

In such a backcountry, the only thing that has some advantages may be natural resources.

If it is in the Commonwealth, or another slightly richer country. The surrounding natural forest farms, coupled with the rather flavorful buildings, are definitely more economical than logging and processing for tourism development.

But this is in Ukraine, which is close to Chernobyl...

Ye Qing's idea, he himself understands, is destined to be impossible.

It's just that Ye Qing never thought of it, in the shadow of the street outside the car window. The whereabouts of their car is being watched by a pair of eyes.

"Head, that car is heading north! It's estimated that Diana's little watch is back!"

"Keep an eye on her, we'll be there soon!"

The vehicle pulls into the lumberyard, where Diana's father is not hard to find in this small workshop.

It was just a little different from what Ye Qing had imagined. After Diana saw her father, she didn't have the excitement and joy of a swallow's homing home, and she didn't have the melancholy of being close to hometown.

After getting out of the car with Ye Qing and others, she just stood quietly beside Ye Qing, silently staring at the ashamed bearded man not far away.

"Mr. Ivan, right?"

It seems to be a rhetorical question, but Ye Qing's tone is very positive. He had seen each other's photos and files.

"Do you mind if we change to a quieter place to chat?"

Slowly pacing forward, Ye Qing suddenly felt a grotesque sense of robbing civilians. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a positive role, but you are clearly doing good things...

"I'm afraid not, sir. If I don't work, I..."

Ye Qing could understand Ivan's concerns. He turned his head and motioned Thomas to solve the other party's worries.

Sure enough, the owner of the lumber mill, who was originally dissatisfied with the interruption of his work, but saw that the other party was not very easy to mess with, immediately smiled and agreed when he received the two cigars and $500 in cash that Thomas slapped on his hand.

Chat or whatever, just chat with you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can chat! Better talk for a few more days!

The owner of the lumber mill, who surrendered to Franklin's fat face, very thoughtfully prepared a clean room for Ye Qing, and even served a pot of hot tea in a dog-legged manner.

It's a pity that Ye Qing didn't have the desire to take a sip of this low-quality tea that he didn't even know what to make of it.

However, Ye Qing, who was in a hurry, didn't care about the little things.

While taking out the custody transfer agreement prepared in advance by Lawyer Horne from the bag, Ye Qing explained to the other party clearly his intentions.

When Ye Qing said that he would give them a thousand dollars a month, Ivan picked up a pen and prepared to sign the contract without saying a word. As for how Ye Qing arranges Diana in the future, it's really not a question.

This kind of behavior, which was no different from selling a daughter, made Diana, who was standing silently watching all this, tremble subconsciously.

Maybe she already knew it would be like this, so she was so cold before...

Ye Qing sighed helplessly at all this.

Ye Qing thinks that he is not a Virgin, but no matter what, he is only a young man in his twenties. Growing up in a comfortable environment, selling children and daughters, after seeing it with your own eyes, will inevitably produce some spiritual shocks.

But since the other party didn't ask, Ye Qing didn't bother to think.

After confirming that the other party signed the document with his full name, which was long and convoluted, after making it legally effective, Ye Qing put away the document and was ready to leave.

Just then, the door was suddenly kicked open.

Then, a group of guys with fancy tattoos poured in outside the door.

"Ivan, I heard that you sold your daughter for a good price again? Could it be that you still have two daughters?"

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