The Life of a Gangster That Started In a Gun Shop

Chapter 261: Ye Qing, what's wrong with you?

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On the Federation side, Harris, Sean and others were busy chasing around.

Ye Qing, who is far away in Dubai, also signed an equity distribution agreement with O'Hafa about the new company. Originally, according to Ye Qing's idea, the venture capital company could give O'Hafa a sole proprietorship. As for the assets of the weapons company that originally belonged to it legally, it could also be filled with future sales profits.

But I don't know if O'Hafa is worried that he will lose money by going it alone, or if he just thinks that the big guy has money just...

The new venture capital firm, O'Hafa still forced Ye Qing to get involved. Even the proportion of shares belonging to Ye Qing was raised to 40%.

In this way, Ye Qing was a little confused...

I own 40% of the venture capital company, and this company owns 60% of the federal arms sales company...

Ye Qing thought about it, finances! Especially things like your own personal financial advisor, or assistants, etc. must be recruited...

As the stalls are now getting bigger and bigger...

In addition to the cross-shareholding in Dubai and the Federation, there is also a domestic tactical accessories and luggage company!

Although the company is relatively independent at present, it is foreseeable that the products of that company will enter the international market in the future. It must have to use the channels laid in advance by the weapons sales company...

In business, the specific benefit distribution work at that time is another bad debt...

Even in theory, being the boss of two companies should be a left-handed and right-handed thing. But there are two completely different groups of shareholders mixed in here, that is, vested interest groups.

In this way, financial statements and account details are required to be more intuitive and accurate...

Accounting content, although IMD has courses taught. But as a minor course, its goal is only to make this group of corporate executives who are in the future or who are already there not to understand the twists and turns in the financial report.

Specific accounting, auditing, and production do not require their own hands-on work.

Thinking of this, Ye Qing asked O'Hafa to issue a recruitment announcement in the name of the weapons company.

Ye Qing, who is well versed in HR deception in the workplace, named the position as the assistant to the chairman. The work place is naturally in Switzerland...

The salary is of course paid for by the individual, borrowing the name of the Ohafaye Arms Company, in addition to the company's larger size and more credibility...

Ye Qing also quietly picked up a handful of wool...

The labor contract is signed with the company, then the corresponding insurance is naturally borne by the company...

After finalizing this matter, Ye Qing went to the company again. Take a look at a group of employees such as Lin Jiayue...

Looking at the employees in the company, black, white and yellow, Ye Qing suddenly had the illusion that he was in the federation instead of the Arab world. In some ways, Dubai is more cosmopolitan than the Federation, including tolerance for people of multiple colors.

Looking at the company's employees from all over the world working hard together, performing their respective duties while cooperating and helping each other. Ye Qing nodded with satisfaction...

From his own heart, Ye Qing felt that he did not discriminate against racism, and he was not an extreme nationalist at the same time as being patriotic.

In a foreign country, seeing the Chinese compatriots who are worthy and able to help, Ye Qing is willing to help them. But he doesn't want to fill his company with Chinese just because he is Chinese...

After all, there are bad horses in any group, so in the same way, no matter which group you are in, there are always those who are down-to-earth, hard-working and smart.

The highly internationalized work scene in front of him is also what Ye Qing wants to see the most.

Regardless of skin color, origin, nationality, people from all over the world work for the same goal. All positions are reserved for those who can.

Does this count as global thinking? Or the global vision of looking at the earth from space? !

Ye Qing, who missed the space travel, can't tell, but in recent years, he has been running around the world. It also really allowed Ye Qing to see a lot...

The federation under democracy and freedom is promoted, but the class division between people is extraordinarily naked...

The treatment and social convenience enjoyed by the rich and the poor are vastly different...

The so-called developed European countries with high welfare have also spawned many lazy people who eat and wait to die. But it also made quite a few people less worried.

They dare to think, fight, and do it! Because they know that even if they fail to start a business, or whatever, go back to their homeland, at least they won't starve to death...

This pile of things, every scene of what he saw and heard, sometimes made Ye Qing fall into self-doubt.

What are you looking for?

At first, I said that I wanted to use the help of the system. From a spiritual young man who was completely obliterated before, he became the CEO, married Bai Fumei and reached the pinnacle of his life.

Now that I have several companies, I have met a lot of big people who I never dared to think about before...

I have also made a lot of money. Whether in the country or in the federation, I belong to the proper wealthy class. As for Sorry, I am the chairman!

For a moment, Ye Qing suddenly felt a little confused.

In theory, as a person bound by the munitions system. To embark on the road of arms dealers, it should be hoped that the more chaotic the global situation, the better...

The best human brain is a dog brain...

In this way, you can get both sides and make a fortune in war.

But what's the point of that? Or, can this really be done with today's technology?

Not to mention nuclear weapons, a world-level nuclear weapon that purifies the screen.

It is the emergence of some cloud bombs, sub-nuclear weapons such as thermobaric bombs, and the global environment has been proven.

A full-scale war environment like WWII is a thing of the past...

No country dares to take the risk of annihilating the nation and provoke a full-scale war. In such an environment, what should I do as an arms dealer?

On the other hand, even if a large-scale war really breaks out, you can make a fortune in troubled waters.

But that must mean unknown dangers...

Ye Qing has always felt that he is very ordinary.

Ye Qing didn't think he could compare to some real geniuses in terms of personal strength, knowledge, or political sense.

Even growing up in a comfortable and safe environment all the year round, Ye Qing's ability to perceive danger may not be as good as some children in war-torn areas.

The first time I saw the killing of a pig, I could feel sick with vomiting and diarrhea...

The melancholy that suddenly appeared on Ye Qing quickly spread to O'Hafa who was beside him, and O'Hafa turned his head suspiciously.

"Hey, Ye, what's wrong with you? It looks a little weird..."

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