The Life of a Gangster That Started In a Gun Shop

Chapter 280: Allies and Interest Groups

In order to solve the shell strength and friction coefficient, you can change the shell material of the bullet yourself.

In order to solve the problem of aspect ratio or instantaneous chamber pressure, you can change the gunpowder formula of the bullet...

Then Ye Qing found out that if he really did this.

Rather than designing a new gun, it's more about designing a new bullet...

Brand new shell material, new gunpowder ratio...

It’s okay to just change the material of the bullet casing. After all, there are not no companies developing new types of bullets. For example, the MK262 bullet used in the "standard" rifle sniper type, isn't Blake Hale, the manufacturer of this bullet, a company that specializes in bullets? !

But if you update the gunpowder formula yourself, this will be a big problem!

The Gunpowder Industry Association is not playing with you. If you touch the gunpowder formula yourself, it is no less than a direct declaration of war...

Either force yourself to hand over the recipe and technology, or find a way to destroy yourself...

Never say that for the scientific and technological development of all mankind, it should be mutually beneficial and win-win, inclusive and loving.

Man, by nature, will always be a selfish animal.

I moved their cakes myself, and still ate the big cakes that have been around for hundreds of years. Without a strong backing, it would be unusual for the opponent not to do it himself.

Especially a gunpowder that can fully burn in an instant.

The energy that burst out of the homeopathy, in addition to acting on the gun. Other artillery, missiles, and even aerospace vehicles have no possibility of being applied.

This thing has to be taken out, Ye Qing thought about it. Just relying on his current power is simply not enough to protect his comprehensiveness.

But this idea is like a Pandora's box, once opened, the demon in the heart is released.

I understand the truth, Ye Ye, but I just want to do it!

He carried the system, the world's largest golden mountain, but never dared to dig deep. I can only go in quietly, knock two gold bricks, and sell them for a little money...

Admittedly, this has brought me a more stable life. I didn't mess around indiscriminately, so I can still legally travel in various countries now. But compared with some illegal arms dealers who can not even register their companies, their scruples have become more.

So much so that Ye Qing began to have a little self-doubt...

What am I really afraid of? ! Is it right to be so worried about those unknown threats? !

Otherwise, I'll give it a try? !

As soon as this devilish thought popped up, it could never be taken back.

Together, the whole night. Ye Qing was too excited. After smoking more than two packs of cigarettes, the next day when he went to class with a pair of panda eyes, he still couldn't get rid of this thought.

If you want to do this, you have to find an ally. Moreover, the technical patents, or the core formula, must be in their own hands, otherwise, in the face of this huge benefit, it is not difficult to be sold on the backhand.

In terms of allies, the Koch family was directly excluded.

Although I and Hannah were somewhat ambiguous before, they have not seen each other for more than a year now. And even if Hannah doesn't think about herself, what about her family?

Don't forget that the consortium of Koch and the Gunpowder Industry Association are not only in the same class, but also in the same country. The interests of each other are inextricably linked.

No matter what, Ye Qing didn't feel that Koch dared to take the risk of offending most of the federal industrial consortium to stand up for himself.

And the rest... O'Hafa? Or Saudi?

This seems to be an object, even if Ohafa's status is not enough, but his father Salman is definitely a well-known figure in Saudi Arabia. And from now on, the relationship between himself and the other party is also very harmonious.

Think about it, O'Hafa repeatedly mentioned that he hopes to immigrate to Saudi Arabia. It is not difficult to see, what is lacking in Saudi Arabia? Lack of people, lack of technology!

Originally, I knew that I could make a gun, and when I could make a gun, I would send money directly to people who wanted to poach people. Now I find that I can still make a living in gunpowder, or chemical industry.

Ye Qing had no doubt that the other party might directly imprison him. What do you want from a beautiful servant in a mansion, but you want to go? Sorry, impossible!

And his own motherland... Ye Qing sighed, just saying that a country does not allow private arms dealers to exist, it will naturally cut off his own way. As for working in some research institutes and the like.

Ye Qing is not unhappy, but this is contrary to the mission of the system. Without completing the task and without the corresponding authority, even if I use these achievements to enter now, I will not be able to study anything later.

And because of access to state secrets, it is impossible to go abroad to start a company...

Thinking of this, things froze again...

"Hey, Ye. What do you think?"

Hu Tu stared at Ye Qing all morning. Even if he wears panda eyes, he still looks like he can't let go. Just like my stupid son when he lost his love...

The fire of this gossip suddenly ignited!

"Well, think about the difficult things. It's so melancholy..."

Ye Qing made a pun. Not only is he worried about his allies, but also he is worried about not only wanting to develop steadily and make money, but also want to eat into a fat man and hollow out the treasure of the system.

It's just that when these words fell into Hu Tu's ears, their taste changed.

Difficult to do both? Could it be why? It's not always two girls who don't know which one to choose~

In fact, it's no wonder he thought so, after all, according to Ye Qing's current conditions...

Aside from the over-investment of the previous investment, it is not to mention bland. The scale of its assets adds up to a proper billionaire, and how old is this guy now?

24 years old is still a month away!

This is not the fifth diamond king, this Nima is simply a walking AT... Ultraman! Money all over the place...

What national husband? ! Hu Tu believed that when her husband was 24 years old, he was definitely not as rich as Ye Qing.

Such a person has a good appearance, and it is normal to attract girls.

"What's so difficult about this?! Let's go, go to dinner, there is no class in the afternoon, let's have two drinks! I really don't know what you are worrying about, how old are you now, there are so many... confidantes, all of them are accepted It's okay to get it!"

"What are you talking about? It's not a woman's business. Forget it, let's go drink, just go back to sleep after drinking. I didn't sleep last night."

Ye Qing shook his head helplessly, without any specific explanation. After all, things about the new gunpowder are too sensitive. Before these things are exposed, it is better that only oneself know it.

It's the same Chinese restaurant, just a glass of wine and a few dishes. While Ye Qing was eating, he listened to Hutu chatting about his views on love and life when he went to Spain.

Speechless, speechless, but Hu Tu's words also provided Ye Qing with an inspiration.

Since a single ally is unreliable and feels mysterious, why not pull a group of allies?

What about forming another interest group similar to the Gunpowder Guild to counter possible threats? !

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