Mu Feng looked at the injuries on Liu Qing’s body, so he took out a few bottles of healing pills from Siqing Ring and handed them to Liu Qing.

“There are a few bottles of elixir here, you can use them first.”

Liu Qing looked at the jade bottle handed over by Mu Feng, and wanted to say that he also had it, but the elixir in Mu Feng’s hand was obviously better. I

didn’t feel pretentious, I thanked and took it.

This made Mu Feng like it very much, after all, he was very displeased with those women who made pretentious gestures.

After Liu Qing took the pill, he went to retrieve the spirit beast essence of the Dragon Horned Silver Leopard. I wanted to hand it to Mu

Feng, but Mu Feng waved his hand and asked Liu Qing to accept it himself.

“Haha, yes, after all, with your current strength, it is estimated that you can’t look at this thing.”

There was actually a trace of resentment in Liu Qing’s eyes when he looked at Mu Feng, and although it flashed, he was still captured by Mu Feng.

Mu Feng touched his nose and asked, “Have you been doing well all these years?”

But when Mu Feng finished saying this, he was immediately speechless, how to make himself like a scumbag.

“Master Tuo Mu’s blessing, the little girl is doing well at present.”

Liu Qing gave Mu Feng a roll of his eyes amorously, but suddenly thanked him: “Thank you anyway, otherwise I will die under the mouth of this beast.”

Mu Feng just waved his hand and said, “Then where are you going next?” I can send it to you.

When Liu Qing heard this, she hurriedly thought about it.

“Yes, I haven’t taken that god mother Yin Yangzhi yet, I have to go quickly, otherwise I will be robbed by others.” After Liu Qing

said this, Mu Feng just transmitted the message to Long Yandiao, letting it come quickly, and then stopped Liu Qing and asked her to wait a little longer.

Although Liu Qing was a little confused, he still stopped obediently out of his good impression of Mu Feng.

So after a while, a three-zhang-tall flame eagle appeared in front of Liu Qing.

And after the current dragon Yan eagle absorbed the essence blood of the dragon clan, a pair of sharp claws gradually turned into a red dragon claw appearance, and the feathers were also a lot brighter.

“This is … Long Yandiao!?

Liu Qing’s spiritual power suddenly erupted at this time, and when he was about to pull Mu Feng to escape, he was dumbfounded when he saw Mu Feng and Long Yandiao’s intimate appearance.

“Wait! Mu Feng, Long Yandiao… You are the Mu Feng who unified the Northern Spirit Realm!?

Liu Qing suddenly realized at this time, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the boss, and looked at Mu Feng excitedly.

“Haha, I didn’t expect that I am still a little famous now.”

Mu Feng saw Liu Qing’s excited appearance, and he also made a joke.

Liu Qing was still a little excited at this time, although he had been staying in this Northern Spirit Origin, he still knew some important news from the outside world.

Especially after the Northern Spirit Realm was unified by a young man.

“Okay, don’t get excited, get in the car… Oh no, carve it.

Mu Feng said to Liu Qing with a smile.

And Liu Qing looked at this majestic and heroic Long Yandiao, his face was excited, he looked at Mu Feng with his eyes open, and said uncertainly: “Can I really get on her back?”

At this time, Long Yandiao just wanted to resist, but was calmed by Mu Feng’s eyes.

“It’s okay, Long Yan is very well-behaved, you go up.”

Mu Feng said gently to Liu Qing, and then Liu Qing turned over on Long Yandiao’s back.

Mu Feng also jumped up and sat behind Liu Qing.

Long Yandiao screamed and flew towards the sky.

Feeling the clouds and cool breeze around her, Liu Qing was very excited at this time.

“Wow, I’m actually going to heaven.”

Mu Feng listened to Liu Qing’s excited words, and also thought that he was like this when he first went to heaven.

Liu Qing showed the way while enjoying the scenery.

After a while, the two rode the dragon eagle to a canyon full of green life.

I saw that the canyon was full of wildflowers and grasses, and even some low-grade spirit fruits. However, the

current Mu Feng is not the previous Mu Feng, and he directly took Liu Qing towards the depths of the canyon.

After a while, Mu Feng and his party came to the depths of the canyon, and on the mountain wall, there was a lush green light condensed.

“Shenwei Yin Yangzhi?”

Mu Feng looked at the emerald green light mass in amazement, after all, Shen Po Yin Yang Zhi was a good heavenly treasure that broke through the Divine Realm, the medicinal power was mild, and the effect was remarkable.

And in that light mass, a turquoise Ganoderma lucidum about the size of a few feet loomed faintly.

It looked like jadeite polished out, crystal clear, and an amazing spiritual power slowly emanated out.

Liu Qing looked at the turquoise Ganoderma lucidum, her eyes extremely hot.

Mu Feng looked at Liu Qing’s excited face and said with a smile: “Go, you can also break through to the Divine Realm if you have this.”

In fact, the red spirit is about to break through the Divine Realm, but the gentleman does not take people’s favor, not to mention that Liu Qing found it first.

Liu Qing gave Mu Feng a grateful look, and swept directly towards the mountain wall.

Liu Qing flashed out and swept to the divine Yin Yang Zhi.

The spiritual power wrapped on the jade hand was directly inserted into the mountain wall, connected to a large piece of rock, and dug down the divine Yin Yang Zhi.

Then he returned to Mu Feng’s side, Mu Feng looked at the Divine Yin Yangzhi up close, and found that this heavenly material and earth treasure was not only good-looking, but also smelled good.

“So what are your plans next?”

Mu Feng looked at Liu Qingdao, who couldn’t wait at this time.

“Me? The members of my mercenary group are almost dead, it is estimated that they will not do this line in the future, after going home and breaking through, I will find a place to retire, I still wait for Xue Ling’s girl to raise me later.

When Liu Qing said Liu Xueling, her eyebrows were very proud.

“Xue Ling, which academy did she go to?”

Mu Feng was curious at this time.

“She, it seems that she has just been promoted to the North Cangling Courtyard of the Five Great Courtyards, I originally wanted her to go to the Ten Thousand Phoenix Spirit Courtyard, but it can be said that this nizifei said that the North Spirit and the name of the North Cangling are very close, so I went to the North Cangling Courtyard.” Liu

Qing replied with a smile, obviously Liu Xueling was her greatest pride. When Mu Feng

heard this, he also thought of a conjecture of the original book in his previous life, when the original book was not finished, and a large group of people still guessed that Mu Feng was the undead old man. As a result, Mu

Feng was really a lucky person, and he also disappointed Mu Feng, who was still reading at that time.

After all, when the Naluo God Clan came to take Luo Li away, Mu Feng really hoped that the original Mu Feng would appear, and then slap Na Luo Tianshen in the face.

But now, Mu Feng has this opportunity.

Mu Feng expanded his power in the past ten years, and then let Mu Chen go out no longer as a commoner.

Also for his two lovely daughters.

Mu Feng saw Liu Qing’s cultivation that was not weak, so he invited Liu Qing: “You are also a pension when you go home now, it is better to go to my pastoral domain, I will give you a good position, I don’t know if you can appreciate your face.”

When Liu Qing heard that Mu Feng actually invited herself, a look of joy also appeared on her face.

“Really? That’s great, I do.

After Mu Feng saw that Liu Qing agreed without thinking about it, and he was also proficient in the manipulation of the spirit array, he flew back to the Mu Domain with Liu Qing.

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