Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

And where there are rivers and lakes, there are warriors.

And with warriors, it is naturally inevitable to sword.

It can be said that since ancient times, divine weapons have been an indispensable force for warriors.

There are famous foundry masters in the rivers and lakes, and the weapons they create are hard to find.

After all, the creation of divine weapons takes too much time and energy.

Even some foundry masters can only find it difficult to create a divine weapon in their lifetime.

However, there is one place that breaks this rule.

The divine weapons here are like ordinary things.

Because, here will be forging streamlined production.

There are famous craftsmen from all over the world gathered here, just to create a divine weapon together.

Peerless sword!

It has been passed down through thousands of years and countless generations.

A peerless sword, about to be born.

This place is Baijian Villa.

One of the three major casting holy places on the rivers and lakes.

At this moment, Baijian Villa is crowded.

“What is the situation of your Sword Worship Villa?”

“We’ve come all the way, why don’t you let us in!”

“In the way, be careful that we set off the Sword Worship Villa!”

At the foot of the mountain, countless people in kendo gathered.

They all heard the news of the birth of the peerless good sword.

Worship the Sword Villa has words first, and those who have a fortune live there.

Those present, who does not want a divine weapon?

“Everyone, be quiet!”

At this moment, only a defiant voice was heard.

A group of disciples of the Sword Worship Villa came down from the mountain.

These people were holding strong crossbows in their hands, and the arrows on them flashed with cold light.

Needless to say, this must be a murderous weapon.

If he is hit, he is afraid that the peerless martial artist will not be able to escape.

“It’s a god-killing crossbow, and it’s actually a hand!”

“Sure enough, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and although the Sword Worship Villa has declined, its heritage is amazing!”

Seeing these god-killing crossbows, Qunxiong looked shocked.

Sure enough, Worship Sword Villa had a lot of wealth, and it actually created so many god-killing crossbows.

No wonder Baijian Villa has declined, but it has still stood in the rivers and lakes over the years.

With these god-killing crossbows, ordinary warriors are simply looking for death when they go to make trouble.

As for the martial arts powerhouse, who would want to offend a sword-forging family?

“Everyone, welcome to Worship Sword Villa!”

“I am the owner of the Sword Worship Mountain Villa, Aotian!”

With the disciples of the Sword Worship Villa guarding on both sides, a rebellious young man walked out in the middle.

On his side, followed by a burly strong man.

This aura was like a thunderstorm, and it was the Sword Demon.

And behind him, there was also a group of sword attendants, which was really beautiful.

“Proud lord, a peerless sword is born.”

“We have come from thousands of miles, but you worship the Sword Villa but do not let us in, this is the way to treat people?”

A swordsman couldn’t help but shout.

“That’s right, the visitor is a guest!”

“This is how you treat people in Sword Villa? Or did you not even think about taking out the peerless sword? ”

“This is amusing us!”

One swordsman after another shouted.

They came here only for the peerless sword, but they couldn’t even enter the gate of the Sword Worship Villa.

This heart is full of resentment.

“Quiet, quiet!”

“My owner has something to say!”

The disciples of the Sword Worship Villa shouted.

It’s just that the crowd is angry, and how many people will listen to him?

“Shut up Lao Tzu!”

However, at this moment, the sword demon stepped out.

This voice is like thunder, suppressing heaven and earth.

A terrifying aura emanated from him, and suddenly, everyone only felt their souls tremble.

It seems to be like falling into the nine ghosts.

The cold, unforgiving aura made them feel like they were going to die at any moment.

“Martial arts myth!”

The crowd exclaimed.

This arrogant guard turned out to be a martial arts myth.

In an instant, the audience was silent.

Although the past twenty years of Sword Worship Villa have ended, there are still martial arts mythological powerhouses guarding it.

Sure enough, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse.

“This man is a slut!”

“Don’t eat the soft, you have to eat the hard!”

“Did I ask you to come to Sword Worship Villa?”

Aotian looked at Qunxiong with a look of contempt.

“Little ghost, what do you mean by this!”

“Could it be that the news that you worshiped the sword villa released a peerless good sword is all farting!”

At this moment, a dark laugh sounded in the crowd.

The sound is illusory and unbearable.

At a glance, it was a martial arts grandmaster.

“A peerless good sword is born, I worship the Sword Villa and invite the swordsmen of the world!”

“Anyone who receives an invitation can enter the Sword Villa!”

“As for the others, sorry!”

“The Sword Worship Villa is small, and it can’t accommodate you!”

Proud to be blunt.

Although he is a master, he is not unlearned.

There are tens of thousands of swordsmen present, if all of them pour into the Sword Worship Villa, it will be troublesome.

“Of course, you come from afar!”

“I worship the Sword Mountain Villa and will not let you return empty-handed!”

“Today, the weapons of Baijian Villa are sold at a five-fold discount!”

“If you want, you can line up to buy it!”

Aotian added.

At this young age, the trick of power is working.

“Worship the sword sticker, I have it!”

I saw a voice ringing in the sky.

Someone flew with a sword.

As soon as this hand was raised, a golden light flew straight into the sky.

“Royal Sword Flight!”

“This is sword greed!”

The crowd exclaimed.

At this moment, another voice sounded.

“I have it too!”

“It’s the Sword God Zhuo Extraordinary!”

“Southern swordsman Zhang Danfeng is also here!”

“Oh my God, isn’t that Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie of the Zongheng family?”

“The sword demon is lonely and seeking defeat!”

“Look, that’s the deadly swordsman Yan Thirteen!”

Everyone exclaimed, and they found that the people who took out the invitation were all famous swordsmen in the world.

Their sword skills are unparalleled in the world.

Among them, Sword Demon Dugu and Yan Thirteen are the most conspicuous.

After all, these two were on the Kyushu disciple list.

Excalibur has a spirit, and the more talented the person is, the more likely he has to gain the favor of the Divine Weapon.

However, who will Excalibur fall into?

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