The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Chapter 102 Good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are one in a million

The word "Lin Qianxiao" made Qin Heng narrow his eyes subconsciously, with a hint of danger in his eyes, and asked word by word: "You mean, the person he married was Lin Qianxiao?"

Qin Mengshu heard the coldness in her brother's tone, and her eyes showed doubts, "Brother, do you know Lin Qianxiao?"

Qin Hengmo took two seconds before nodding lightly, "Yes, she terminated the contract with the company before, and I will help her negotiate."

Qin Mengshu was even more puzzled, "What contract did you cancel? What did she do before?"

Qin Heng's mouth curled up into a faint smile, "A small star who just entered the entertainment industry, but now he has retired."

He saw Lin Qianxiao's resignation declaration posted on Weibo, her style is very...cute.

Qin Mengshu was searching Lin Qianxiao's news on her mobile phone with her head down.

She went to France to study design last year, and just returned to City S last month. She knows very little about the domestic entertainment industry, because she always only pays attention to financial news.

Originally, Lin Qianxiao's scandals and gossip were basically deleted by the public relations team arranged by Gao Chen, but Wen Yu was not reconciled to Lin Qianxiao's comfortable life, so she hired a professional sailor team for a long time to publish on various forums Smiling smut and scandal.

Qin Mengshu found the news about Lin Qianxiao easily.

Knowing that Lin Qianxiao turned out to be a 38th-tier artist who made her debut by making a name for herself, gaining popularity, and making scandals, and there were also various scandals about being fostered and unspoken rules, Qin Mengshu almost vomited blood out of breath.

If Jiang Zhi married Wen Yu, she would still be able to figure it out.

Although Wen Yu is not as good as her in all aspects, her identity is there anyway!

What is Lin Qianxiao? He actually married such a dirty and lowly woman!

Seeing his younger sister's ugly face and furious look, Qin Heng said calmly, "It's all gossip, it can't be taken seriously."

Qin Mengshu was already very upset with Lin Qianxiao because of the design of the wedding dress, but now she finds out that the other party is a woman with all kinds of bad deeds and a bad character, and her heart is on fire. In the end, her brother actually spoke up for that green tea whore Suddenly, an unknown fire shot out from her chest.

She raised her hand and smashed her mobile phone on the tea table in front of Qin Heng. The splashed glass shards left a light bloodstain on Qin Heng's chin.

"Qin Mengshu, vent your anger back to your own territory!"

Qin Heng turned cold and stared at her sharply. Qin Mengshu woke up instantly, covered his face, and explained apologetically:

"I'm sorry, brother, I've been under too much pressure recently, and I got angry again in the hospital this afternoon, so I couldn't control my temper for a while."

His eyes fell on Qin Mengshu's injured place, and Qin Heng's coldness gradually faded away.

"The injury on your foot was caused by Lin Qian's smile?"

Qin Heng's question made Qin Mengshu very embarrassed, and said angrily: "Although it's not her, it has something to do with her!

She speaks eloquently in front of me, she is domineering, she turns her back and pretends to be wronged by being bullied, but Aunt Lan is still protecting her. I really can't figure out what kind of ecstasy drug she gave to the Jiang family! Jiang Zhi obviously has a fiancée, why would he marry a woman like her? "

Hearing his sister's indignant narration, Qin Heng suddenly chuckled.

Qin Mengshu thought that Qin Heng was laughing at her, and said angrily, "You're still laughing when I've been bullied!"

The younger sister's anger didn't make Qin Heng hold back his smile, "Don't you want to know what ecstasy drug she gave to the Jiang family? Just look at me and you'll know. You've described her as a clumsy, scheming woman." , but I still think she is very interesting and cute."

Qin Mengshu rolled her eyes angrily, "Brother, I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now."

Qin Heng suddenly became serious, "Meng Shu, I'm not kidding, I'm really interested in her, but it's a pity that Jiang Zhi took the lead."

What her brother said almost made Qin Mengshu's eyes pop out, she was going crazy with anger.

"Brother, even if you've been single for a long time, and you're overly hungry and thirsty, there's no need to go hungry and eat like this! Tell me if you want to have a girlfriend. There are many single high-quality women around me who are talented, beautiful, and have a first-class family background. You How about a bit of taste, okay?"

Qin Heng looked at his distraught younger sister, and his phoenix eyes showed a hint of a smile that was not a smile, "According to what you mean, both Jiang Zhi and I have bad taste?"

Qin Mengshu choked, his face turned red and then pale, and he said stiffly: "How can it be the same? He must have been cheated, or there is something hidden."

Qin Heng laughed softly, "No wonder you haven't caught up with anyone after so many years. If you were willing to devote half of your work and energy to getting to know men, you wouldn't be single now."

Qin Mengshu stared at Qin Heng until his eyes were red. If it wasn't for his injured leg, he probably would have rushed to fight him.

Qin Heng ignored his sister's cannibalistic eyes, and continued slowly: "You shouldn't use the way you women look at women on men.

The reason why a man likes a woman is actually very simple, that is, this woman can make him feel relaxed and happy.

For example, Jiang Zhi and I, we are both absolutely confident and powerful men, we can get what we want on our own, family background, background, ability, skills, these are not what we fancy the most. "

Qin Mengshu almost gritted her teeth and asked: "Then what do you like about her? Skin? There are many women who are prettier than her!"

Qin Heng shook his head and chuckled, "Haven't you heard a sentence? Good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are one in a thousand.

The most attractive thing about Lin Qianxiao is not her beauty, but her fun.

If you want to get a man, first of all, you have to make this man interested in you.

He is not interested in you, even if you are so good that you surpass all women, it will be in vain. "

Qin Mengshu bit her lip, her eyes were unclear. Obviously, her brother's words touched her a lot.

She couldn't help but reflect, the direction of her efforts these years was completely wrong?

Qin Heng saw his sister lowered her head in thought, and didn't bother her, got up and walked into the study, found out Lin Qianxiao's number, dialed it, and she was still on the phone.

In fact, he found out that Lin Qianxiao blacklisted his number a long time ago, but he didn't think it was Lin Qianxiao's idea, but Jiang Zhi's style.

He was busy with work during this period, and he didn't have time to investigate Lin Qianxiao's details. He didn't expect Jiang Zhi to give him such a big "surprise" without saying a word.

Qin Mengshu was invited by Mrs. Jiang to design a wedding dress for Lin Qianxiao. Without Jiang Zhi's handwriting, his name was written upside down!

It was already 10:30 p.m. after Jiang Zhi finished the conference call. When he saw Qin Heng's missed call on his mobile phone, his black eyes were lightly mocking.

Back in the bedroom, Lin Qianxiao, who was already sleeping soundly at this time, was still sitting on the carpet playing with her mobile phone.

"Why are you not sleeping?"

Hearing his inquiry, Lin Qian replied without raising her head with a smile: "Tomorrow is Sunday, I plan to sleep late, so I will sleep late, you go to bed first."

Jiang Zhi stood on the spot and stared at her for a moment, but Lin Qianxiao was always focused on the phone and didn't notice it.

The man's face couldn't help getting colder and colder.

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