The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain

Chapter 521 Calling the police (fourth update)

No matter how strong she is, she is still just a woman. This is the first time she encounters such a thing, she can guess how vicious and dirty the comments insulting her on the Internet are without even looking.

"Aqin, are you home? I'll go find you right away."

Zhong Qin silently wiped away the tears on her face, and forced herself to say, "I didn't do anything."

"I know." Xue Shao's tone was full of anxiety and self-blame, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, if I hadn't done something sorry for you, you wouldn't have moved out.

Aqin, I'll go find you, let's settle this matter together, okay? "

Zhong Qin raised her hand and kept wiping her tears, but she couldn't finish it.

"I'm in the underground parking lot of the Walton Hotel."

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

At this time, it was already broad daylight, and Zhong Qin kept getting calls from insiders or reporters on Zhong Qin's mobile phone, but she didn't answer any of them.

Turning her phone to Do Not Disturb mode, she clicked on WeChat, which was full of messages from colleagues, relatives and friends.

There were questioning, condemnation, and a lot of concern.

Zhong Qin found Wen Ziming's WeChat account.

Wen Ziming is her immediate boss, and she needs to explain the situation to the other party both in public and in private.

[Mr. Wen, I'm sorry that my carelessness has caused a negative impact on the company. Please give me some time, and I will deal with it as soon as possible. 】

Wen Ziming came back quickly, 【What's the matter with you and Bai Hao? 】

Zhong Qin dialed the voice directly, and Wen Ziming quickly picked it up.

"Mr. Wen, I'm sorry to disturb you so early, I want to explain the hot search to you personally.

The things about me and Bai Hao on the Internet are not true. I was framed, and I will call the police afterwards.

As for the divorce between Xue Shao and I, it's true, but it has nothing to do with Bai Hao, it's because of other things. "

"Okay, I see. If you need help, just ask. If you are really wronged, the company will not sit idly by."

"Thank you Mr. Wen, I'll do things first."

After finishing the phone call, Zhong Qin immediately got off the car and took the elevator back to the room on the floor where she woke up.

Luckily, the housekeeping didn't have time to clean the room.

Zhong Qin called the hotel manager, opened the door, entered the room and called the police.

Ten minutes later, three detectives arrived in the room.

After learning the whole story, the police called in the forensic medical staff to conduct an on-site investigation.

One of the criminal policemen took Zhong Qin to the corridor of the hotel to make notes. Before the notes were finished, Xue Shao arrived.


The criminal police looked at Xue Shao who was full of worry, stretched out his hand to hold the carillon, and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am her husband, and my name is Xue Shao."

The policeman nodded and continued to take notes.

After finishing the transcript, the criminal police signaled Zhong Qin to wait outside, "I'll go in and take a look, and you will follow us to the police station to file a case later."

Carillon nodded.

After the criminal police left, Xue Shao hugged Zhong Qin into his arms, "Aqin, it's okay, it's okay."

Zhong Qin didn't struggle, her eyes were slightly red, "Thank you for coming."

She is not from city S, and although she has good friends in private, she is different from her husband who has lived with her for more than ten years.

Xue Shao let go of her, and took her hand with both hands, "Aqin, there is no need to talk about this between you and me."

Zhong Qin lowered her head and wiped her eyes, "Where's Tongtong?"

"At the parents' side."

Zhong Qin felt indescribably heavy.

It wasn't just her who was affected by this incident.

Her daughter, Tongtong, is only 11 years old. She is worried that the parents of her schoolmates will criticize and even exclude and isolate her daughter when they see what is going on online.

Zhong Qin's cell phone was turned on in Do Not Disturb mode, and everyone couldn't reach her, so they went to Tina one after another.

While Tina was overwhelmed with coping, she was terrified.

After connecting 20 or 30 calls, Tina couldn't take it anymore, turned on the do not disturb mode of her phone, and contacted Zhao Meimei on WeChat.

[Miss Meimei, I'm a little worried. 】

[There's nothing to worry about, she did it herself, and it has nothing to do with you. There is a saying that goes well, if you come out to hang out, you will have to pay back sooner or later. 】

Seeing that Zhao Meimei's words were not revealing, Tina's heart was heavy, as if a stone had been crushed.

In all fairness, Zhong Qin has treated her well in recent years.

Among all assistant director positions, her salary is the highest, and Zhong Qin will do her best to help her solve whatever problems she encounters.

She didn't expect that Zhao Meimei would use such a despicable and vicious method, completely refusing to give any way out.

People on the Internet scolded Zhong Qin like crazy, each and every one was shocking, even Zhong Qin's family information was put online by netizens.

Unspoken rules and derailment simply nailed Zhong Qin to the rack of shame.

Career, family, life, all destroyed at once.

A notorious reputation will always follow, and to a woman, it is worse than death.

At this moment, Tina regretted it very much.

Although she loves money, she is not so mad that she wants to drive her boss to death.

She originally thought that Zhao Meimei was just doing something wrong at work, or making Zhong Qin lose her job.


In the bedroom of the apartment, the atmosphere is peaceful and quiet.

On the big bed covered with soft and smooth silk bedding, the two embraced each other and slept deeply, and there was an ambiguous and charming atmosphere in the air.

The phone on the bedside table rang suddenly, causing Lin Qianxiao to whimper dissatisfiedly like a kitten.

Jiang Zhi opened his black eyes, covered her ears with his hand, took the phone sideways with the other hand, and turned off the phone.

The room was quiet again, Lin Qianxiao's frown was relaxed again, her slapped face was flushed pink, she was indescribably charming.

Jiang Zhi felt his heart soften when he saw it, he lowered his head and kissed the tip of her small upturned nose, got up and went outside to answer the phone.

"What's up?"

Hearing the deep and cold voice on the phone, Xiaoju froze for a moment, then said in a panic: "Director Jiang, I am Director Zhong, she has an accident."

Jiang Zhi walked towards the kitchen, "What's going on?"

Xiaoju hurriedly talked about the trending searches on the Internet, "I saw the trending searches when I got up in the morning, and immediately called Director Zhong, but I couldn't get through."

There was no slight fluctuation on Jiang Zhi's indifferent face, and he didn't even stop drinking water.

After drinking the water in the glass calmly, he said coldly, "Is there anything else?"

Xiaoju was stunned, "No, not anymore."

"Write the report as soon as possible and send it to my mailbox."

"Okay, Director Jiang." Xiaoju hesitated for a moment, and summoned up the courage to ask: "Director Jiang, can you help Director Zhong?

She is not that kind of person. Although Director Zhong is usually serious, she is very upright, and she will never act like an unspoken entertainer. "

"I don't know her well."

After speaking, Jiang Zhi directly hung up the phone.

He clicked on WeChat and call records, but saw no unread messages or incoming calls, so he turned off his phone, poured another glass of warm water, and brought it into the bedroom.

He took the person on the bed into his arms, and after feeding half a glass of water, Jiang Zhi put the person back into the bed, got up and left the bedroom.

Four more finished~

Thank you little cuties for the monthly pass, I love you~

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