Dean Su did not dare to stop. She pressed her hat and wanted to leave here faster.

 However, the outside has been blocked.

 After the policeman finished saying this, the people around him dispersed.

There seemed to be a vacuum around Dean Su, separated by people. Everyone's eyes were on Dean Su, leaving her with nowhere to escape.

At this time, Dean Su also realized that he had reached the end.

 But she couldn't figure it out.

 He was just a kid on a show, how could he let himself get to this point step by step?

Dean Su still doesn’t think that it was Tang Wan’s role that brought him to this point.

 She is just a child.

 She is just a child!

 Can a child think so comprehensively?

  If this is her true appearance, then why did she still endure the bullying in the orphanage and be bullied by children of the same age?

Dean Su didn’t want to believe that he was being plotted by a child.

She prefers to believe that this is a coincidence, an investigation surrounding herself, and she was caught just because she was unlucky.

Right, that is it!

People cannot be so smart.

 “Stop resisting! Come with us now!”

 Outside of the noisy crowd, Dean Su seemed to see Tang Wan's beautiful face among the onlookers.

She looked at herself from afar, as if watching this belated judgment.

 When the dust settles, every snowflake is guilty.


Tang Wan looked at the red marks on his fingertips and rubbed the red areas calmly.

She looked at the blue sky above her head and exhaled, feeling that the weather seemed much better.

The sky is also a little clearer, and there is not so much haze.

Fu Wenzhi on the side seemed to feel that Tang Wan's mood suddenly improved a lot. He turned his head in Tang Wan's direction strangely.

 In the end, he only saw Tang Wan’s delicate face and her normal appearance.

 No one would doubt a child.

Even if there is suspicion, there is no evidence of her presence.

 Fu Wenzhi opened the candy wrapper, put the orange-flavored candy in his mouth, and bit it into pieces.

 What a smart kitten.

Using the name of the program to hook the group of people in the orphanage, they have to observe the situation on their side at all times.

 Use the location provided by yourself and ask the program team to create a game with the theme of "treasure hunting and rescue" to expose these illegal things and ferment public opinion.

 This is a live broadcast and cannot be edited.

 So, people’s subconscious will think that “seeing is believing” and confirms that it is true.

People will choose to deceive themselves.

Those who observe Tang Wan through the camera will not find that the **** saw is just a prop specially placed here by the program crew.

 They have something in their minds and will naturally panic.

 As for Dean Su…

Fu Wenzhi didn’t know what Tang Wan was thinking, nor how she confirmed that Dean Su would run away and let the police officers guard the customs.

Tang Wan's perception has always been sharp. She noticed that Fu Wenzhi was observing her again, and turned her head with some confusion.

 Only this time, there was a slight smile on her face, looking a little childish.

But Tang Wan is just a child, but she hides too many things and has too many secrets in her heart, so she appears mature and steady.

 It is obvious that she has just turned six years old.

 It’s just a tenth of life.

Tang Wan looked into Fu Wenzhi's eyes, then turned around, no longer looking at Fu Wenzhi.

The black cat's tail on her clothes swayed, like feathers falling lightly on Fu Wenzhi's heart, causing ripples. In his glass jar-like world, a peaceful hole was opened.

 A cute-looking kitten ran in from the outside, bringing everything in the world with him and giving him an anchor in his floating mind.

 It fell into place.

Fu Wenzhi didn't want to stop this peaceful incident.

 He wants to get out of his own world.

Let’s see the world through Tang Wan’s eyes.

 He was a little curious.

 There is a storm on the Internet, fermenting violently.

  Information from the Si family's investigation has also begun to be completed.

 They looked at the evidence in their hands, and even Grandma Si, who looked unhappy, couldn't keep her expression.

 “There are so many missing people? Why has no one found them?”

"What are you doing? This orphanage is obviously a slaughterhouse! Why didn't anyone find out!"

Huainan's higher-level city officials looked at the report in front of them, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

 They are worried about the border issues in Huainan every year. They never thought that there is human trafficking under their noses.

These people are also too courageous.

 It’s simply lawless!

Si Huai glanced at these people and pulled out the information about Tang Wan.

 Looking at the information above, he asked: "Is this information true? She has always been in the orphanage?"

Si Huai's voice is the same as Grandma Si's. It has a cold sound. When people hear it, they can't help but cheer up for fear of freezing to death.

The official took a look, and then said: "There is no way to fake this. We asked many residents, and they all said that this child has been in an orphanage since he was very young."

Having said this, he smiled coquettishly and asked uneasily, "They can't all be lying, right?"

However, no one answered his cold joke.

Over the years, the reason why things related to Huainan have been difficult to progress is because these people always appear in groups and protect each other.

 Because of the long history, many Huainan people have even turned this kind of business into a family business.

 They have a complete industrial chain.

If it weren’t for the popularity of this program and the high level of public participation, it would have been very difficult for them to carry out this operation.

Si Huai put the information in his hand back on the table.

He looked at the green mountains in the distance and said again: "How much will it cost to buy that mountain?"

 “Five hundred million? One billion?”

 “Or two billion?”

The official looked in the direction of Si Huai's finger and found that it was the orphanage.

Then he said with some confusion: "There is no development value there anymore. There are too many mountains behind it, and it is difficult to get through the road. It will..." Lose money, right?

Before the official could say the last three words, he was interrupted by Si Huai's voice.

 There was even some impatience in his voice.

 “How much money can I buy it for?”

The official thought about the quotation there and answered honestly: "500 million."

Si Huai nodded: "My assistant will communicate with you."

 After saying that, he pushed the wheelchair and walked out.

Seeing this, Grandma Si followed her and asked with some confusion: "Why did you buy that orphanage?"

Si Huai had a sneer on his indifferent face, and the indifference in his eyes was like substance.

His thin lips were slightly parted, a bit dangerous.

“Because Tang Wan’s past is hidden there.”

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