After completing all the formalities, Tang Wan followed the grade director into his class.

Tang Wan’s personality is not that bright and flamboyant, but quiet and reserved, so she chose the East Campus, which offers mainly British-style education.

 The scenery here is a Soviet-style garden design, with a meandering water basin and a setting.

 There are circular or other shaped "windows" in the courtyard walls.

 Every "window" position is a painting.

 A painting that observes the changes of the four seasons and the distinction between day and night.

 It is different from the small window in Tangwan before.

 She saw more scenery.

 There is an elegant smell of green grass between the nose, accompanied by the flow of living water, which is a symbol of vitality.

 They are fresh and elegant, symbolizing new life.

Tang Wan followed the grade director quietly, with no trace of nervousness on his face.

The grade director has watched that variety show.

 To put it bluntly, in a school like Lingyun, all children will have a thick family information book.

 Only this kid’s one is relatively thin and very new.

 But no one dared to despise her.

This kid named Tang Wan used his own strength to join a wealthy family in Kyoto.

 She will also have a place in the Lu family in the future, they just need to remember this.

The grade director whispered to Tang Wan about the school rules of the East Campus and some common sense.

Looking at the limited edition backpack on Tang Wan's back, the smile on his face deepened: "Tang, do you have any thoughts about your future classmates?"

Tang Wan looked at the teacher in confusion, then shook his head.

 She has no idea.

 Or should be said, Tang Wan never had any unnecessary thoughts about people he didn't know.

 She is a person who focuses on doing her own thing.

 She has no time to pay attention to other people's affairs.

The grade director thought he could get some valuable answers from Tang Wan, but thinking that the child was mute, he looked away clearly.

 Maybe it’s because I have a physical disability, so I don’t have much thought about other people.

Tang Wan noticed that the scrutinizing eyes of the grade director just now disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

 To be honest, she didn’t want to be so vigilant at the beginning, she just wanted to study hard.

East campus is very big. Because the grade director wanted to take Tang Wan around the campus, he did not take Tang Wan on the campus sightseeing bus.

By the time we reached the first grade (A) class, everyone was already in the third period.

The grade director knocked on the door, interrupted the Chinese teacher who was in class, pointed to Tang Wan beside him, and said: "Teacher Li, this is a new classmate in your class."

Tang Wan had no mood swings along the way, but when he saw the old man on the three-foot podium, Tang Wan suddenly felt nervous.

Perhaps because of his longing for school, or perhaps because he looked very serious, Tang Wan subconsciously straightened his waist straighter, and then looked at the old gentleman with his eyes like black grapes.

 Teacher Li slowly turned his head.

Times have left deep traces on his face. The glasses on his face are a gift from the annual rings. His eyes are very bright, but he is unsmiling.

Teacher Li just nodded, looked at Tang Wan's height, pointed to the empty seat in the second row and said, "Sit there."

Other children looked at Tang Wan with curious eyes, and there were unchildish considerations in their eyes.

 In their circle, there are actually very few transfer students.

 Most of the children know each other from the same kindergarten.

 We can play together because our family conditions are similar.

 If they are too far apart, they generally cannot play together.

 Unless there is something extraordinary about that child.

 For example, students with special talents, such as geniuses with particularly good grades. I just don’t know which category the classmates in front of me belong to.

 Seeing that they were not interested in class, Teacher Li coughed heavily to call their attention back.

Then he said angrily: "You are so curious, why don't you just ask."

 “Is it okay, teacher?”

 “Then let’s start asking now.”

Teacher Li is no longer giving lectures. Anyway, the learning progress of these children is much higher than that of their peers.

 For them, learning knowledge is not the most important thing.

 They don’t need knowledge to change their destiny, what they need is cognition.

 What is needed is how to surpass the achievements of parents.

Teacher Li sat in his seat, opened the thermos cup, took a sip, and saw the group of kids turning their heads and looking at Tang Wan.

 Children are almost always facial-conscious.

Especially the good-looking one like Tang Wan, she attracted the attention of all the children almost at once.

Tang Wan’s deskmate is a boy wearing overalls and school uniform.

 He has a pair of dark green eyes, which look very pure.

He is also the boldest in the class.

 Opened his mouth and said: "My name is Ji Helin, what is your name?"

Under their doubtful gazes, Tang Wan took out his tablet and wrote on it.

 Hello, my name is Tang Wan. ]

Ji Helin tilted his head and asked, "Don't you know how to speak?"

[Um. ]

  After reading Tang Wan’s answer, Ji Helin turned his head with some lack of interest, lay on the table, and muttered in a low voice: “It turns out he is mute.”

“Tsk, when did the admission standards of Lingyun Primary School become so low that even a mute can come to school here?”

When Tang Wan heard his malicious words, there was no angry look on his face. He looked like he was used to it and didn't take it to heart.

On the contrary, the girl sitting behind Tang Wan suddenly became unhappy.

 At an age when her voice has not faded away, she has already learned to act chivalrously and righteously.

 She rushed in front of Ji Helin like a firecracker, then slammed his table and said, "Why are you talking!"

 “It’s so ugly to talk!”

Ji Helin was startled by her actions, and the curly hair on his head exploded.

He glanced at the girl in front of him angrily, and said unconvincedly: "What? She is a relative of yours, and you are so protective of her?"

As he spoke, he looked at Tang Wan from top to bottom with disdain and rolled his eyes: "Freak."

Tang Wan raised the tablet in his hand and saw what was written on it.

  [无品. ]


Ji Helin didn't expect that Tang Wan, who looked weak and weak, had such a strong temper.

You must know that Ji Helin can hit three kids with one punch.

  Teacher Li saw that they were about to take action and was not in a hurry.

The kids in this class are all made of gold, and none of them are easy to get along with.

 Children playing with each other is not a big deal.

If the teacher dares to start a fight, the situation will escalate.

 After all, parents of children can afford to pay, but ordinary teachers cannot.

Ji Helin clenched his hands into fists and wanted to hit Tang Wan on the body.

But the next second.

  Thanks to Wu960, Xixia Muyu, Danyu Sihan, Lanka, and Shuyou168281 for their monthly votes! Be more generous!

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