Chapter 14 Stop crying, I’ll give you candy

Lu Ze was taught to respect women since he was a child in the Lu family.

 Although the first meeting between him and Tang Wan was not friendly, he liked this sister very much.

 She is very good-looking, even better than the EnchantedDoll her sister collects.

 She has more life than those dolls, and her skin is more translucent.

If those doll clothes were worn on Tang Wan, I don’t know how beautiful they would look.

Lu Ze was thinking in his heart, but he said: "Give me a hug, give me a hug!"

 It's like treating Tang Wan as a kitten.


A slightly evil smile appeared at the corner of Lu Lin's lips, and his words were as biting as the cold wind: "You have to call me Aunt Tangtang."

 Lu Ze:! !


There was obvious surprise on Lu Ze's face, and before he could ask, he heard his annoying little uncle continue: "Because she is my sister, according to seniority, you have to call her aunt. "

   【Good guy, good guy, Lu Lin, you are not a human being at all. 】

    Master Lu: Give me a hug, Tangtang Cat, give me a hug, Tangtang Cat. Lu Lin: This is your aunt. 】

  【Really a devil! How can you treat children like this? Please increase your efforts! 】

  【The devils upstairs are also quite powerful. 】

The barrage is so lively.

Pei Yunzhou on the side laughed out loud when he saw this: "How old are you, and you still look like a child."

"You have to let them talk about seniority at such a young age. They are obviously childhood sweethearts, but you have given them a bad seniority."

 Lu Lin became angry when he looked at Pei Yunzhou.

 He was used to being straightforward, and what he hated the most was people like Pei Yunzhou who had a smiling face and had to twist a few corners when talking.

So Lu Lin did not answer Pei Yunzhou's question directly, but just said to the yellow "Pikachu" in his arms: "Do you remember this face? Stay away from him in the future and don't talk to him. He is a bad person."

                                         ung over, he is a bad person, look at our Brother Lin, we are so embarrassed that we have no shame in order to prevent our children from being abducted by others. 】

Tang Wan nodded seriously.

So she really didn't even give Pei Yunzhou a look, and just kept grabbing Lu Lin, who was just a little tail, so well-behaved.

Pei Yunzhou has never seen such an obedient child.

The children in his family are all full of bad intentions, and one or two of them like to dig holes for others, covertly or covertly.

It is really rare for a child to show his emotions on his face like this.

However, Pei Yunzhou didn't say much.

After all, Pei Yunzhou also knew that now that Lu Lin was standing next to this kid named "Tang Wan", he would definitely not get any benefits if he stepped forward.

Guo Yueze waited until they finished reminiscing, then took Su Jiajia's hand and walked forward, said hello to Pei Yunzhou, and then walked to the corner again, treating himself as a quiet mushroom.

Other guests also came to the program one after another.

 Except for these three groups of guests who are not real "fathers", the other guests are all real fathers and sons.

 Among them, the ones who attracted the most attention were the Fu family and his son who had just returned from Xiangjiang.

 The two of them are like one-to-one copies, one big and one small, two ice sculptures.

Different from the indifference that Lu Ze pretended to do at the beginning, not talking to strangers, the father and son, as if they had been transformed into spirits by thousands of years of ice, remained motionless and did not say a word.

 The other three companies are much normal.

Director Li's son is a chubby boy and the oldest brother here. He is eleven years old. He wears a pair of glasses and looks very quiet.

 A bit slow, like a sloth.

 Another family is a suspense novelist, Gou Yuan and his daughter Gou Xi.

The little girl is seven years old this year. She has a lively and cheerful personality, that is... Tang Wan quietly stretched her neck, looked at Gou Xi who waved to her, and lowered her head with some humiliation.

 They all look glamorous, only they themselves are not on the stage.

Even though I was wearing similar clothes to them, I was still like a small ditch that was briefly loved by the moonlight. When the moonlight dissipated, it would return to its dark and damp nature.

However, Lu Lin on the side held Tang Wan's hand tightly, as if to give Tang Wan courage.

 And unprecedented confidence.

 It seems that as long as Tang Wan stands by Lu Lin's side, they are a family.

 Don’t envy other people.

 The last family to come was a lawyer.

His surname is Chen, and his name is Chen Yi.

Wearing a suit and a pair of inhumane gold-rimmed glasses on his face, even his child Chen Shuo looks a little cold and arrogant.

Those upturned eyes seemed to look down on everyone equally.

Tang Wan remembered the faces of these people in his mind, but suddenly felt a strange gaze staring at him.

When Tang Wan followed his gaze, he saw only the Fu family and his son.

 Neither of them seems to have the character to peek at people.

Tang Wan turned around and saw the host, Sister Pingping, standing in front of them.

She had a bright smile on her face and her tone was cheerful. Almost every word she spoke was in a rising tone, which was obviously the tone she used when talking to children.

“Hello, children, I am the team leader of your travel operation. You can call me Team Leader Pingping.”

The children looked at Sister Pingping with vigilance. They were not stupid children. They had watched the variety show before coming here.

 Many variety shows will accept snacks from children when they come on. They are bad guys!

The most innocent and lively Gou Xi jumped up to Sister Pingping, raised her little head, looking a little naive: "Sister Pingping, can we bring snacks?"

As soon as she said this, her old father covered his face and looked blind.

This stupid girl, really did not inherit her calmness at all. In this way, did the show team know that they had brought snacks? !

Pingping shook her head with a smile, and then waved her hands. Two men in black suddenly appeared from behind the guests, picked up Gou Xi's pink suitcase, and then said the most ruthless words in the gentlest voice. .

“Okay, since our little Xixi is the most proactive, brave and generous, let’s check the suitcase of little Xixi first.”

Gou Xi was dizzy from the previous praise. She was so excited that her face turned red and she nodded her head.

 “Okay, okay!”

  【This girl is stupid. 】

  【It's a little cute, it's cute and has no brains. 】

 Then when the suitcase was opened, it was full of snacks.

Sister Pingping confiscated them all without mercy.

By the time Gou Xi reacted, Tang Wan's suitcase had already been checked.

Gou Xi looked at the empty suitcase, unable to hold back her tears, so she opened her mouth and started crying.

 “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, my snack!”

 “You are bad people, woohoo!”

Just when Gou Xi was crying seriously and Gou's father was carefully making his daughter happy, a colorful lollipop suddenly appeared in Gou Xi's hand.

Gou Xi stopped crying immediately, looked at the lollipop in her hand, and uttered: "Hiccup~"

Tang Wan took out his tablet and wrote it in round, twisted fonts.

  [Stop crying, I’ll give you candy. ]

 (End of this chapter)

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