As soon as Chen Shuo's voice sounded, the entire live broadcast room exploded.

  【u1s1, this kid named Chen Shuo has no gentlemanly demeanor at all. He is so cold! 】

Jiajia cried so sadly, and she felt very guilty. This kid's words were too unpleasant, which made Jiajia feel very uncomfortable. 】

  【I really hate this kid, he has no manners at all. 】

【ha? No, this is a baby girl! The oldest cub is eleven years old! Isn’t it a little too much for you to hold these cubs to adult standards? 】

[Although Chen Shuo said something unpleasant, I think he was quite right. No one wore clothes that were inconvenient for work. Only Su Jiajia wore a princess skirt and small leather shoes that were inconvenient for walking, and then she fell He fell down and got angry. Let alone a child, even an adult would be dissatisfied with a colleague who delayed things like this, right? 】

  【But she is just a child who loves to look pretty. Isn't it too mean for you to say that? 】

【Oh, now you know that they are children and cannot ask for so much. Then when you asked for Tangtang and Chen Shuo before, why didn't you think that they were children? What a double standard you have! 】

  【The sisters upstairs will scold you as much as you want. I really can't stand these barrages anymore. I've been making trouble from the beginning! 】

  【This is a couple who loves each other, and if they insist on antagonizing each other, they really have no friendly attitude at all! 】

 The barrage continues to be noisy, but there are far fewer particularly arrogant voices.

 The barrage suddenly became much cleaner.

 Children continue to move forward.

 In order to take care of Li Yu who was carrying Su Jiajia on his back, everyone also consciously slowed down their movements.

Tang Wan found that there were a lot of mushrooms here. Thinking about the meat in the refrigerator, he could make some mushroom hotpot for Lu Lin at noon today. He couldn't control his emotions, twitched the corner of his mouth and started laughing.

 Her smile was small and hidden under her hat. Only the children closest to her saw it.

This immediately attracted their attention.

Lu Ze and Gou Xi, in particular, surrounded Tang Wan with exaggerated expressions.

“Wow! Tangtang, you should smile more, you are so cute!”

 “Cute! So cute!”

 Children’s emotions are the most real.

 Especially these children who always want wind and rain.

 They don’t even know how to hide themselves.

Even Chen Shuo, who has always had a bit of a venomous mouth, just looked at Tang Wan quietly, and then nodded in agreement: "It does look good."

 The audience was tickled by their attitudes.

Tang Wan has been wearing a hat since the recording of the show. Only once did his face accidentally show up, but it was quickly covered by Lu Lin.

 So much so that everyone has only seen it once.

This is how people are.

 The rarer it is and the more it is not allowed to be seen, the more curious people are and the more they want to see it.

 So they also think the same about Tang Wan's appearance.

  【Woo woo woo, I really want to see it too! Tangtang listened to her aunt and took off her hat to show her! 】

  【The last time I saw Tangtang's appearance was the last time. That startling glimpse really made my aunt think about it for a long time. Wow, the kid Brother Lin is looking for is as good-looking as him. He is a handsome boy! 】

  【Carry out evil with good looks! This is killing with beauty! 】

The style of the barrage was much better than before, and the assistant director who was always paying attention to the live broadcast room quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, everyone’s attention was focused on Tang Wan’s appearance and no more attacks were made on the children.

Although popularity is important, the assistant director still has some compassion.

 If possible, he still doesn’t want these children to receive too much malice.

 Especially that kid from Tangwan.

 She is different from other children. She is more insecure than them.

 Hope she can suffer less injuries in the rest of her life.

Tang Wan found a lot of mushrooms and looked at the fungus growing on the tree trunk. He glanced at it and then looked away. 【Strange, why doesn't Tangtang pick that fungus? 】

She probably doesn’t know them, but it’s strange. If she didn’t know these plants, she wouldn’t even be able to pick mushrooms. 】

Just when everyone was puzzled, Su Jiajia, who had been quiet all the time, stretched out her hand to pick the fungus.

 If she doesn't move, all the limelight will be stolen by Tang Wan!

Even though I didn’t know anything in my last life, I wouldn’t be ignored as completely as I am in this life!

Thinking of this, Su Jiajia looked at Tang Wan with a bit of hatred.

She gritted her teeth and hesitated to pick the fungus.

 But she forgot that Li Yu was carrying her.

 Under Su Jiajia's movements, Li Yu's body became unsteady.

What a coincidence, Li Yu's feet happened to be wet land.

Su Jiajia's random movements made Li Yu feel a little unsteady, and he began to sway left and right.

Su Jiajia was startled. She subconsciously reached out and grabbed Li Yu's hair, causing Li Yu to make a sound of pain.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Li Yu slipped and began to fall to the side.

【careful! 】

  【Ah ah ah, staff, hurry up and save the child! 】

Tang Wan looked at Su Jiajia and Li Yu who were falling towards him and did not move away.

Not only did Tang Wan not dodge, he also used his hands to protect his head, trying to make his body as soft as possible to serve as their human cushion.

With a "bump" sound, Su Jiajia and Li Yu hit Tang Wan directly.

Lu Ze was immediately frightened.

 But he quickly reacted and was about to run in the direction of Tangwan, still saying: "Tangtang? Tangtang?"

 “Tangtang, please make a sound!”

 The person who was faster than him was Fu Wenzhi.

 Almost the moment Tang Wan fell to the ground, Fu Wenzhi ran to Tang Wan's side.

 Fortunately, Li Yu did not get completely out of control in this chaotic situation.

His fat body rolled to the side. Except for the moment when he fell down, which hit Tang Wan, he did not touch Tang Wan at other times and did not cause any secondary harm to her.

  As for the culprit that caused all this, Su Jiajia had long been frightened.

She sat motionless, looking at Tang Wan who was almost lifeless, and tears fell down.

Fu Wenzhi squatted carefully next to Tang Wan, pursed his lips, and his face was full of seriousness.

  It’s just that he was still too young after all and could not completely control his emotions. He asked in a trembling tone: "Tangtang? Is there anything particularly painful?"

Tang Wan felt like all the bones in his body were broken.

 She immediately chose to face the ground, put the bamboo basket behind her in front of her, and protected her head with both hands.

It's just that Li Yu's weight alone is already heavy enough for Tang Wan, let alone Su Jiajia.

 But Tang Wan has always been able to endure pain.

She didn’t want everyone’s interest and tasks to be delayed by her, so she shook her head slowly.

  She bit her lip tightly and did not say a word from it.

The green dinosaur’s tail behind him also hung down beside Tang Wan, as if silently shouting in pain.

Fu Wenzhi’s eyes darkened and he waved his hand in the direction of the camera.

 “Take her to the hospital!”

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