The Little Mute’s Life Was Stolen, and the Wealthy Boss Comes To Spoil Him

Chapter 42: Don't listen, Tangtang, they are all stupid words.

Lu Ze felt extremely sad when he saw that Tang Wan had given all the money to Lu Lin.

ah! He looks like that clown!

 Following Tangtang, running up and down, but Tangtang only has eyes for his uncle!

Lu Ze’s gaze was so strong that Lu Lin turned around and looked at him.

Then Lu Lin raised his hand and grabbed the large sum of money as if to show off, and waved it in front of Lu Ze's eyes as if to say something.

 —I have it, you don’t.

Lu Ze's face was almost crumpled with anger. He glared fiercely at his uncle who liked to tease children, but he was thinking in his heart.

 Uncle likes to show off, uncle is bad.

 Tangtang is generous and Tangtang is good.

Like a little pig, Lu Ze snorted twice, walked to Tang Wan's side, stretched out his hand, pulled Tang Wan's feet, and put on her shoes.

It was only then that Tang Wan realized that his shoes had been left behind at some point.

 She was dragged by Grandma Li along the way, and she didn't realize that she had dropped a shoe.

The originally milky white socks were stained and looked unsightly.

Tang Wan moved her toes, and her gray socks swayed casually with her movements, looking a bit innocent.

Lu Ze couldn't hold it back, laughed out loud, and then put Tang Wan's shoes on her.

The unhappiness of being playful with my petty uncle just now has long since disappeared.

 As expected, Tangtang is a doll that makes people happy just to look at it.

Lu Ze was thinking this in his heart, but Fu Wenzhi called Lu Lin to stop him.

 Since the last accident involving children, the program team has no longer collected these children’s phones and watches.

 It is convenient for them to detect dangers and report them to these parents as soon as possible.

Now Fu Wenzhi raised his wrist, held the phone and watch in front of Lu Lin, and said concisely: "The dean took action."

When Tang Wan heard this familiar term, he subconsciously looked in Fu Wenzhi's direction, a little curious.

 She only knew one director, the director of the orphanage.

Thinking of this, Tang Wan jumped out of Lu Lin's arms, stretched out his hand and pulled Fu Wenzhi's sleeve with quick movements.

Fu Wenzhi understood Tang Wan's sign language. Tang Wan was asking himself why the dean was here.

Fu Wenzhi didn't want to tell Tang Wan those dirty things, so he just chose a seemingly unimportant thing to answer: "I came to you with a child named Xiaodou."

 But he didn't expect that this news made Tang Wan panic all of a sudden.

Tang Wan subconsciously took a step back, looking particularly panicked.

 Adzuki beans?

Tang Wan's face suddenly turned pale.

 Her abnormality instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

To be honest, everyone's attention was on Tang Wan at this time.

Even if she just blinks, she makes everyone nervous.

Without even thinking about it, Lu Lin patted Tang Wan on the back comfortingly.

What kind of child can make Tang Wan tremble when he hears his name?

 Yes, that’s right, the little Tang Wan shook into a sieve in Lu Lin’s arms.

Her little hands instantly became cold and she grasped Lu Lin's sleeves tightly, as if she was grasping her own life-saving straw.

The little mouth was pursed tightly, saying nothing.

Lu Lin looked at Tang Wan who could hardly breathe. He took Tang Wan's hand and put it in his palm, trying to cover her cold little hand with his hand.

 However, it was of no avail.

Lu Lin could only repeat over and over again: "Tangtang, relax, relax, brother is here."

 “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I will help you drive away the bad guys.”

Tang Wan opened his eyes wide and looked at Lu Lin who was comforting him. He opened his mouth but did not make a sound.

She doesn’t want to see that Xiaodou!

 He is bad!

 He hit himself with a hard toy and tore his own books.

 He also used the hut he finally built as a toilet, making it smelly.

 Catch yourself and insist on playing with him.

Tang Wan told the dean, and the dean would only tell him to get lost. Sometimes I have to kick myself.

As time went by, Tang Wan did not tell the dean, and she could not resist.

 Xiaodou is stupid, but he runs fast, eats a lot, and grows strong.

 The attack is very heavy.

Tang Wan is like his punching bag, often beaten.

But Tang Wan is very smart.

 She will hide so that Xiaodou cannot find her.

Tang Wan thought that he could avoid Xiaodou in this program group.

Unexpectedly, Xiaodou chased me here!

If the dean is like a bad safety umbrella to Tang Wan, then Xiaodou is a real bully.

Lu Lin pursed his lips, the anger in his heart deepening.

  Although he knew from the beginning that the dean was planning to let his daughter take the quota in Tangwan, he knew that the dean was not a good person.

 But now seeing Tang Wan looking so scared, his understanding of the vicious dean deepened a little more.

Isn’t it just bullying Tang Wan who can’t speak?

 In the past, Tangwan had no one to rely on, but it is different now.

 She has herself.

Lu Lin picked up Tang Wan, and then saw the fat director running in sweating profusely. Looking at Tang Wan in Lu Lin's arms, he said with a complicated face: "The director came to the door and was making trouble at the entrance of the hospital."

"Heh." Lu Lin smiled, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. "She still has the guts to come here."

 Not only did there be movement on Dean Su's side, but Su Jiajia also heard the news. She immediately put down the fishing rod in her hand and rushed over from the pond.

 She was very anxious.

There was no such thing in my previous life.

Tang Wan was tightly controlled by his mother in his previous life. How could he have the ability to create such a big commotion?

 But it’s obviously different now.

If mom really reveals those things, they will really be unable to eat and walk around!

Su Jiajia now wants to stop Lu Lin’s mother before she meets her mother.

It's a pity that since her rebirth, fate never seemed to be on her side.

When Su Jiajia rushed to the scene, she heard her mother shouting to the media: "Why is she now a big star and not connected with our orphanage?"

 “One specious statement on the show will put our orphanage in dire straits.”

“I raised her to such a big age, and it’s hard work without any credit. If I forget to give her fresh food every once in a while, how can it be considered as abusing her?”

Dean Su, if you dress up carefully and clean up neatly, you still have a kind skin that can deceive people.

Not to mention that now she was holding a child who seemed to have an intellectual disability in her hands, and she suddenly changed from a strong one to a weak one.

People are naturally sympathetic to the weak.

 So her eyes were reddish and her words in a choked voice also aroused the sympathy of those present.

 So much so that there are voices saying it.

"That's right. It was only Tang Wan who was saying this. This dean looks so kind and he doesn't seem like a bad person."

“Yes, yes, the kid in her hand looks very pitiful. I feel like it was not intentional.”

“If it was not intentional, then Tang Wan must be too small-minded.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, with such a character, no wonder he was retired.”

“Even if it were me, I wouldn’t adopt him. Life is so busy, and no one is so busy that he accidentally forgets it.”

Lu Lin heard their voices and reached out his hand to carefully cover Tang Wan's ears.

Then he leaned close to Tang Wan’s ear and whispered something.

 “Don’t listen, Tangtang, they are all stupid words.”

  Thanks to hey, Wang Haixin, Shuyou 20230909243_bc, Xiaomushroom 127, Shuyou 179_Bb, Shuyou 20210301105365153134, six treasures for their monthly votes!

Wow wow wow, thank you all, thank you for your likes. I will update it during the Chinese New Year.

 I’ll add you when the time comes, I love you!

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