Tang Wan has never been more disgusted than he is now that he can't speak.

 Pei Yunzhou looked at the little cub who was in a state of embarrassment and exuding an aura of despair, and the smile that had been hanging on his lips all year round fell.

 He knew that Tang Wan was a sensible child.

 She will cry, but not often.

 But now, it was clear that not a single sad sound spread from her mouth, but it was like a roaring tsunami, drowning her.

Tang Wan covered his dirty hands with his bunny suit, patted Pei Yunzhou's hand, pointed to the distance and said "Ahhhhh" anxiously.

However, Pei Yunzhou is not Fu Wenzhi, and he cannot understand sign language.

 He only knew that the child was in a hurry.

  But I don’t know what she is expressing.

 But Pei Yunzhou’s education since he was a child told him that at times like this, he should not lose control of his position.

So he picked up Tang Wan and took her to Fu Wenzhi, saying, "Tell us how you want to tell us slowly, don't panic."

 Don’t panic, we are all here.

Tang Wan seemed to realize what Pei Yunzhou had not said.

She suddenly reacted, took out the tablet from her pocket, and wrote and drew on it with her fingers.

 But she was too panicked, and the dirt on her hands fell on the clean screen, leaving dark marks, which was very unsightly.

Tang Wan’s tears fell on the tablet one drop at a time, and then she wiped them away with the back of her hand.

With trembling hands, she wrote word by word.

  [They pointed the wrong place to my brother, and Su Jiajia was not where they pointed. ]

  [Su Jiajia was kidnapped by her mother. Those bad guys were following her brother. They wanted to harm her brother! ]

  [The place where Su Jiajia was tied was a large flat area. Their accents were very strong and they were all locals! ]

  [They are bad guys, they need to take a lot of people, and they need to call the police! ]

Tang Wan's handwriting was a little crooked because he wrote too fast and some of his arms and legs were missing, but Pei Yunzhou could see it at a glance.

 His eyes darkened, knowing that this matter was not something that could be solved easily.

At this moment, Pei Yunzhou happened to walk in front of Fu Wenzhi's house.

Fu Wenzhi was wearing black pajamas. He looked at Tang Wan, who was dirty and with tears in his eyes. He was slightly startled, and then asked: "What's wrong?"

Pei Yunzhou was determined not to worry these children too much. He just shook his head, placed Tang Wan in front of Fu Wenzhi, and said, "Can you stay with Tangtang for a while? I want to find your dad."

Fu Wenzhi nodded and watched Pei Yunzhou go upstairs. Then he turned around and looked at Tang Wan who looked uneasy. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Tang Wan's face.

 This wiping is like a hand of dirt.

Tang Wan didn't have time to feel embarrassed. Her eyes kept falling on Pei Yunzhou, feeling very anxious.

But Fu Wenzhi just stood in front of her and asked in a calm manner that was not suitable for a child: "Can you tell me what happened?"

Tang Wan's eyes fell on Fu Wenzhi, then he raised his hand and signed quickly.

 Fu Wenzhi nodded while repeating.

 “They have a base where many people are imprisoned.”

“There are signs of abuse, there is a pregnant woman, and it is suspected of illegal imprisonment.”

“Su Jiajia was detained by her mother, and the information Lu Lin and the program team received was wrong information.”

“The people around me have a very close relationship with Dean Su, so the surrounding residents may be covering up.”

 “They are accomplices, they all seem to be from the same hometown.”

“It’s very dangerous, the police need to be called, and a lot of people are needed.”

Tang Wan's movements finally stopped. Fu Wenzhi raised his wrist. The children's watch on it was always on, flashing the light of the call.

He said in a voice that had not faded from his childlike voice: "The above is the complete report. Father, please pay attention to safety."

Tang Wan has never seen Fu Wenzhi like this.

 It is calm and steady.

 This kind of Fu Wenzhi made her feel somewhat familiar, but this familiarity did not come from someone she had known during this time.

 It is the shadow in her dream.      Gentle yet powerful.

Tang Wan wanted to follow Pei Yunzhou and save Lu Lin.

However, as soon as she opened her legs, she was held down by Fu Wenzhi, and then she heard Fu Wenzhi say: "That is a matter for adults."

 “Tangtang, you haven’t grown up yet.”

 “Children have the right to hide in a safe house.”

Tang Wan blinked her eyes, and the dirty water on her eyelashes fell down, leaving two deep marks on her fair face, which looked a little funny.

 But no one could laugh.

 Fu Wenzhi took Tang Wan's scarred hand and led her into the warm house.

Tang Wan looked at the clean ground and subconsciously retracted his feet.

 She is too dirty.

However, Fu Wenzhi ignored Tang Wan's refusal.

 He directly picked up Tang Wan, and then carried Tang Wan to the bathroom.

 The dirty handkerchief was wiped clean by Fu Wenzhi, and then he gently wiped Tang Wan's face.

 Wash Tang Wan's hands clean with warm water.

 Finally, Fu Wenzhi took out an unworn white dress from his room and handed it to Tang Wan.

“I’m going to rest here today. Please change your clothes.”

Fu Wenzhi has always been precocious. He also has other younger brothers and sisters in his family, and he takes good care of these children.

 It’s just that those younger brothers and sisters are not as good and obedient as Tang Wan.

Tang Wan actually hasn't settled down yet. She is just being pushed around by Fu Wenzhi like a puppet on strings.

She picked up the clean clothes blankly, then walked into the bathroom, took off the dirty rabbit suit, and walked into the bathtub that had been filled with water.

 Then slowly, slowly it sank.

The water gradually spread to the nasal cavity, and breathing brought the water into the body, causing a feeling of suffocation.

 The familiar pain caused a rejection reaction in the body, making the numb Tang Wan suddenly wake up.

 She struggled to hold the edge of the bathtub with both hands, then opened her eyes wide and looked around.

She, she ran back!

Tang Wan quickly cleaned himself up and walked out wearing white short-sleeved shorts.

Fu Wenzhi took out a mini notebook. There were some numbers and symbols on the screen, which were so densely packed that Tang Wan couldn't understand them.

She stood beside Fu Wenzhi obediently and said nothing.

 Just watching quietly.

Fu Wenzhi still felt the heat around him, turned his head subconsciously, and saw Tang Wan, whose hair had not even been dried.

His eyes fell on Tang Wan's arms and legs, and his eyes darkened.

Tangtang asked casually, "Does Tangtang still remember how she got to the orphanage?"

Tang Wan didn't know why Fu Wenzhi was suddenly interested in this topic. She thought about it, raised her hand, and made some sign language.

[Can not remember. ]

  [Just a vague impression. ]

  [I was not sent to an orphanage at birth. ]

Tang Wan’s hand paused for a moment, and the expression on his face was a little distressed.

 Then he gestured again.

  [It seems to have been sent in. ]

  Thanks for the reward from 1am and Lazy 213.

Thanks to Xiaogu Liangxueyan, 124-+++++, Fendai Qianzhuang*552 (the symbol in front of this name cannot be typed!! Damn it, but I believe Baozi can still recognize it), spicy pear girlfriend , Quilt, dumpling stuffing, Kanako, Ajiu doesn’t want to be let down, Ge Fang, today is also the day I want to be the king of the sea, book friend 20240124524, Cha Mumu, the monthly ticket for the twelve treasures!

   ! !

Will one day my words of thanks turn into a chapter?

 Oh my God, I love you!

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