Chapter 90 Everyone is a herd follower

Lu Ze ran very fast, giving Gou Xi no chance to catch up with him.

Su Jiajia just landed in the middle of the room, standing there awkwardly.

Only Guo Yueze did not forget to "keep an eye on" Su Jiajia's "work content" and walked to her side.

Originally, Guo Yueze didn't want to comfort Su Jiajia. After all, this child was very thoughtful.

Those who have been in the entertainment industry for several years are basically not stupid people. Naturally, Su Jiajia’s little thoughts cannot escape Guo Yueze’s eyes.

Just looking at Su Jiajia standing aside, I felt that she was a little too pitiful.

Guo Yueze also didn’t expect that after seeing so many dirty things in the entertainment industry, he still couldn’t help but meddle in other people’s business.

 He smiled self-deprecatingly, and then said to Su Jiajia: "Can't you not provoke Tang Wan?"

 “You know there are so many people around her.”

His voice was so low that only Su Jiajia could hear it.

Su Jiajia slowly raised her head. There was no sadness on her face that should have shown an innocent expression, but only anger.

There is also jealousy.

 The ambition in it is as strong as that of any adult.

Mr. Guo Yueze was a little frightened.

However, Su Jiajia only showed that look in her eyes for that moment, and after that, her eyes did not look so ambitious.

 Most of them are as innocent and lively as usual.

Looking at Guo Yueze, he smiled sweetly, but said in a cold tone: "Get out of here."

Her voice was very small and a little thin, which made Guo Yueze think for a moment that he had heard wrongly.

 How else could I hear such cold and weird words from such a young child?

Her twisted and contradictory movements and expressions were like an abyss full of desire, opening her mouth to swallow everything.

 At this moment, Guo Yueze could no longer treat Su Jiajia as a child.

Guo Yueze felt the sense of disobedience in Su Jiajia.

 She doesn't seem like a child.

 It is more like an adult soul falling into this small body.

On the other side, others did not pay attention to the confrontation between Guo Yueze and Su Jiajia. They watched these little brats playing and playing with relaxed expressions on their outstanding faces, and they were also enjoying the tranquility and comfort in front of them.

Only Pei Yunzhou suddenly spoke up and asked Director Li next to him: "You just let Li Yu give that piece of jade away?"

Director Li's gentle face had an unchanged smile. His eyes looking at Li Yu had the warmth of a father, and he said: "Let him remember it for a long time."

 “In this world, not all good intentions are rewarded.”

  "If he doesn't let himself be bitten by a poisonous snake, how can he know that some people are just mud and can't hold up the wall."

Pei Yunzhou shook his head, shrugged, and said exaggeratedly: "Wow, it's really scary to have a father like you."

Director Li didn't care about Pei Yunzhou's cynicism, he just pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose as if nothing had happened, and remained quiet.

Tang Wan slipped out of Lu Ze's arms and ran to Li Yu, looking at Li Yu with his obsidian eyes.

Li Yu was a little puzzled, but still asked gently: "What's wrong?"

Tang Wan took out a small pink flower from behind and handed it to Li Yu.

Li Yu looked at the flowers in front of her and wondered why Tang Wan gave them to her.

Then I saw Tang Wan holding up a tablet with something written on it.

  [Let's go and redeem the jade pendant. ]

Li Yu felt that the wind around her had become quiet.

They blew the flowers all over the mountains and fields, bringing the fragrance of flowers and blowing away his small hesitation.

Li Yu was actually a little hesitant when giving Su Jiajia the jade pendant.    That was a birthday gift from his mother when he was five years old.

Li Yu has always cherished the jade pendant these years. He gave it away without warning. If he said it was not uncomfortable, it would definitely be a lie.

 But my mother always said, "Just do good things and don't worry about the future."

 He wanted to do good, so he lost his jade pendant.

 Sadness is temporary, but helping others is worth it no matter how big or small it is.

 However, Su Jiajia's actions made Li Yu feel that his kindness was unnecessary.

 After all, when she handed the jade pendant to the program crew and came back, she didn't even have time to look at herself before running towards Tang Wan.

Li Yu doesn’t have to ask for anything.

 Just want a word of affirmation.

 His sadness was not noticed by Su Jiajia, but fell into Tang Wan's eyes.

Through those beautiful black eyes, he seemed to see himself crying.

He seems to have no way to deceive himself, and he is not sad.

Li Yu is a little fat man, but this is not because he wants to be a little fat man.

 It was because of a congenital deficiency that I took a lot of medicine and made myself fat.

 After all, life is more important than appearance.

 But my classmates don’t know.

 They only know that there is a fat man with limited mobility in their class who can be bullied.

  Anyway, he just smiled and forgived everyone.

Li Yu looked at the flowers handed over by Tang Wan, some of them did not dare to take them.

 He touched everywhere on his body, but found that he could not give Tang Wan anything.

The next second, Tang Wan put an orange candy into his fleshy hand.

Then he raised Li Yu's hand, took the candy, and gave the flower to Li Yu.

 She shook the candy in her hand, as if to say that she had received a gift in return.

And Li Yu looked at the flowers in his hand, and big tears fell from his red phoenix eyes that were almost invisible because of the flesh.

He burst into tears and wiped his eyes with his sleeves so hard that red marks appeared on his young face.

 Hand in his mouth, he still said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I..."

 I am very grateful for your flowers.

 I want to be good friends with you.

 Can you take me with you?

These words rolled around in Li Yu's throat, and he really didn't have the courage to say them out.

 He is unsociable.

  But that’s because the children’s herd mentality turned him into an object that everyone could bully.

 Any child who is friendly to him is unsociable and will be bullied.

 So in order to "fit in with the group" and to become a non-weird child, they didn't need anyone to give orders, so they all isolated Li Yu.

This is the first time that Li Yu received a kindness without giving anything.

Li Yu burst into tears. He took off his coat and shook it, but found only an old coin inside.

 He put the coin into Tang Wan's hand like a treasure, and said: "Thank you, thank you..."

 The choking voice was carried far, far away by the wind, and finally got a moment of rest on a calm coast.

 (End of this chapter)

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