The Little Mute’s Life Was Stolen, and the Wealthy Boss Comes To Spoil Him

Chapter 95: I was so frightened that I started to be treated with eight honors and eight humiliatio

 The three unwritten or unspoken words "the most important" struck Lu Lin immediately.

He touched Tang Wan’s head, then picked up Tang Wan and took her to the tree house to sleep.

The tree house is full of cubs, and it is a big bunk where a child sleeps.

 Girls sleep on one side and boys sleep on the other side.

The two beds were covered with dolls, and they looked too gentle to be true.

Someone put a white ragdoll cat doll in Tang Wan's hand, with a crown that belonged to the kitten doll.

 Beautiful blue eyes, like a sea of ​​stars, look particularly peaceful.

Tang Wan put his chin on the head of the kitten doll and rubbed it gently. His expression looked a little lazy and comfortable.

Gou Xi sat next to Tang Wan holding a golden monkey doll, pushing Lu Ze aside who was about to move. Wearing the same pajamas as Tang Wan, she happily started the conversation among the children at night.

The smile on her face was a bit cunning, like a little fox about to do something evil and have bad intentions.

She hugged Tang Wan beside her and suggested, "Shall we talk about some topics that can only be discussed at night?"

Tang Wan looked at Gou Xi out of the corner of his eye. Looking at the interest in her eyes, he knew that she was well prepared.

 But Tang Wan was not a brat who would dampen his friend's interest, so he nodded in agreement.

 Even to be more sincere, Tang Wan clapped his hands.

 Just matching her expression, it was like coaxing a little monkey who couldn't hide his emotions.

 But the children present didn’t care.

Perhaps I shouldn’t say that I don’t care at all, at least Su Jiajia does.

 She came back from rebirth, and she still had some faith in those things that the gods were talking about.

How else can you explain your rebirth?

 Everyone has a complete self-logical system, and in this logical system, no one can convince each other.

 So when she heard Gou Xi’s proposal, her first reaction was—

This little thing doesn't want to tell a ghost story, right?

 However, the more people are afraid of something, the easier it is to get it.

The next second, Gou Xi’s voice was slightly higher and she said, “Let’s tell a ghost story!”

Su Jiajia:! !

Su Jiajia’s face suddenly turned pale.

At the moment when her brain shut down, Su Jiajia subconsciously looked at Tang Wan, who couldn't speak, and opened her mouth and said: "But Tang Wan can't speak, how can she speak?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Jiajia clearly saw the smile on Gou Xi's face disappear.

She also felt a few very strong eyes looking at her. Those eyes were not really friendly, and even a little scary.

 Yes, it horrified her.

  I felt like I was in a wild jungle, being stared at by ferocious beasts.

Su Jiajia did not dare to act rashly for fear of being bitten to death by them.

In the end, Tang Wan took out his tablet from the pocket in front of his belly when it was so quiet that no one spoke, and wrote seriously on it -

  [I can score music]

I also drew a cute cat head casually.

The moment she raised her tablet, Su Jiajia felt the cold gazes around her disappear, making her subconsciously sigh in relief.

 Then the next second, a high-pitched suona sound sounded in the room, making everyone's ears hurt all of a sudden.

Gou Xi quickly pressed down on Tang Wan's tablet and turned off the tablet's sound.

Then he rubbed his sore ears and said, rarely angry at Tang Wan: "Tangtang! My ears are going to go deaf!"

“I will turn into a crayfish then!” Tang Wan blinked, not understanding Gou Xi’s cold joke.

In the end, Lu Zewei Tangwan, who was standing by, explained: "Crayfish is deaf and blind."

Tang Wan still had no reaction, as if he didn't get the joke.

But no one cares.

Just as Tang Wan cares about all of them, they also care about Tang Wan.

Gou Xi glanced at Su Jiajia, and then said: "Tangtang can accompany us. There are so many of us and there are so many ghost stories. Maybe we won't be able to finish them all when it's time to go to bed."

  Does Su Jiajia dare to have any opinions at this time?

He didn't dare to do it at all, so he could only nodded with a pale face, and then sat next to Li Yu.

There is no other way. Among this group of cubs, only Li Yu still has a place by his side.

Li Yu is also the only one who does not exclude Su Jiajia.

However, the moment Su Jiajia sat down, Li Yu slowly moved his buttocks farther away from Su Jiajia.

Su Jiajia did not miss this small detail.

 She would not think that Li Yu was dissing her, she would only think that Li Yu, like other children, was despising her.

She subconsciously clenched her hands into fists. By the time she could control her emotions, Gou Xi's ghost story had already begun.

Gou Xi spoke vividly, even lowering his voice for the sake of effect: "In a closed and remote mountain village, there live a group of isolated people. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset. They are busy every day. Living life, I almost never yearn for the outside world..."

Tang Wan listened to the prelude and quickly found the matching "music of the underworld".

The chilling pure music, combined with Gou Xi's exaggerated voice and deliberately lowered voice, is simply immersive.

Tang Wan doesn’t believe this.

 So she didn't feel any fear.

 Lu Ze, who was just next to her, was not so bold.

Tang Wan felt a cold hand grabbing his wrist, and subconsciously turned his head to look, but what he saw was a face that was about to cry without tears.

 It is Lu Ze.

His whole body was pressed against Tang Wan's body, and he said in a voice that only Tang Wan could hear: "Tangtang, don't, don't, don't be afraid..."

Tang Wan sighed, took the initiative to hold Lu Ze's hand, and nodded.


 Just pretend that you are afraid.

 Save some face for your little nephew.

Gou Xi just likes to tell ghost stories to people. When she told ghost stories in the past, everyone would run far away, leaving her no chance to perform.

 But today is different!

 No one can escape!

 She completely let herself go!

“The strange thing is that there are only men and children in this mountain village, but no women…”

“There is no sign of the woman all day long, but where did the child come from?”

“‘I’ am a volunteer teacher. The first night I came to this mountain village, I fell into the dilemma of not being able to sleep. This mountain village with a large number of people is actually so lively at night.”

Lu Ze was so frightened that he closed his eyes. He grabbed Tang Wan's hand and his whole body almost trembled.

He was still muttering the Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces in a low voice.

“Be proud of loving the motherland, be ashamed of harming the motherland…”

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