The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 134: Newspaper Copy (Part 1)

Probably no matter when, the power of the exam is huge. Once the correspondent was scared by Yun Yan's trash theory, now, how dare you not take orders.

"The routines are all routines."

Yun Yan said to the correspondents back.

It is true that news writing has certain routines, but it is really difficult for some people to touch its essence.

The solution is to write more and practice more.

After the practice, hand it to Yun Yan for correction.

As a result, there was a scene that shocked many correspondents. Originally, Yun Yan returned to such a large number of people, and they all felt that Yun Yan's return was very powerful. But when I was correcting the homework, I realized that this person was really illiterate.

I don’t know a lot of words, and the ancient prose is half-understandable. When I see half of it, I will ask the students to go up and explain it in vernacular.

But! The magic is! This didn't affect his corrections. After listening to the explanation, he poked a little bit with expressionlessly, pointing out where to add, delete, and adjust the order, or it didn't work at all.

It is also from this time that many talents have a little understanding of what "routines" are.

Moreover, Yun Yanhui also asked them not to use too many uncommon words, because the government newspaper faced not only officials and scholars, but also small officials with no culture (everyone thought: Are you?). Therefore, everyone's needs must be considered.

Just like Bai Letian, his poems can be understood even by old women who have never read the book.

Simple sentences don't mean that they can't be written brilliantly.

The short length does not mean that there is no inheritance and transformation.

As for what everyone hates deeply, it is learning punishment. In the classroom practice, scores, but those with the lowest scores, sorry, please go out to eat today. In addition, voluntary labor is required.

This voluntary labor started in the field. After all, they had so many vegetable plots in Kaifeng.

But later, Yun Yan found that this was still delaying class time, so he changed the obligation to comb the rat trap.

Having said that, several students in the class were pranked and saluted the rat catcher in public, and they were very ashamed afterwards.

Then, the students with the lowest score, please kindly ask the rat trapper out before combing. After all, the correspondent with the lowest score is not as good as a cat in the government office.

After graduation, this has become the logo of the first news writing training class. Because almost half of the people have served six rat trappers, they discussed it after graduation, but they had a lot of fun, including those who hadn't saluted them. They also found it inexplicably lacking. When I go to Kaifeng Mansion again, I will even take the initiative to salute.

(Yun Yan replied: I'm sorry I didn't notice everyone's shaking M early...)

Therefore, if you see a person in Kaifeng Mansion, presenting a subordinate gift to a cat, then he may not have been pranked, but may also be a nostalgic training class student.

Even after a few years, the rat catchers have been changed for many generations, and the little officials are not the little officials of the year. This is a prank scene. Like the cafeteria, vegetable plots, etc., it has become a special feature of Kaifeng Mansion. Scenery.

——Of course, these students are still full of blood and tears at this time.

Their main lecturer, too! Yes! Play!

It's okay not to eat the canteen, wait on the rat catcher or something.

When the course was halfway through, he began to write questions, gave out materials, and asked to write news in a specified format based on this material.

However, this material is often very scary.

For example, a man surnamed Bao originally had a dark complexion but turned white overnight, so he decided to sue the seller of facial cleanser.

Another example: Mr. Bai, who lives in Kaifeng Mansion, was a huge glutton, and he practiced light skills for food, and eventually became a master of the generation.

If so, wait.

The moment they saw the material, the students felt a deep malice.

I have to say that when they hand in their homework, they all have a feeling of handing their handle to Yun Yan back in his hand...

Yun Yanhui always scared them, "If you don't write a bad manuscript, you will show it to the palace veteran."

Under such diligent practice and day and night intimidation, finally, when the courageous correspondent was about to be unable to carry on, the training class ended.

Thanks to Yunyan's return to stimulate everyone's potential, they all graduated with honors in the end, and no one was criticized.

After sending all the correspondents away, Yun Yanhui's job as the main lecturer is not over yet, because he still has to train several editors. They not only need to be able to write, but they also have to be able to compile and typeset.

While editing the training, Yun Yanhui has asked everyone to go back and begin to perform the duties of a correspondent. They will not force the submission of articles every issue. If there is news, you can write, if there is no news, you can not write, but the more assessments. The more points are added as time goes by.

The first manuscript that Yun Yan retrieved was about anecdotes in Kaifeng Mansion, and could be put on the next few pages. The content made him a little surprised-Kaibao Temple's inspiration tower has begun to be repaired, and the chief craftsman Yu Hao is very famous in the industry.

In an interview, Yu Hao stated that the tower is made of colored glaze and will be slightly inclined after completion, because he believes that the northwest wind will blow the tower upright for a hundred years. At that time, there will be another wonderful scene in Kaifeng, which can be called Kaifeng Leaning Tower.

The reason Yun Yan was surprised was that he always thought that work had been stopped.

After all, the reason for the original construction was... right.

Although Yun Yan returned an appointment with Yu Hao to be the "architectural director" of their tourism development zone-the current development progress is precisely Yu Hao's main architectural design, which will take a long time-but he did not ask about it. , After that, he has been working on other matters since then, so I really don’t know if it is still going on.

I don't know if it was Zhao Yunchu's funding, but whether it was or not, Yun Yan felt that it would be good to repair, and this is a scene of Kaifeng in the future.

Maybe, you can’t get the money back when you start work...

Yun Yan didn't think about anything anymore.

On the newspaper side, due to Yun Yanhui's rigorous training, and this is just the beginning, everyone is quite enthusiastic, so the manuscripts are quickly assembled, or even full.

Yun Yanhui took the editors to select the manuscript for editing and typesetting. Since it was the first issue, he also showed Bao Zheng a look.

Bao Zheng saw the finished product better than he had imagined. He was very pleasantly surprised. “This format is refreshing and highly readable. If it were not distributed only in the mansion, it would be popular in Tokyo!”

I want to come to the newspapers, and many things in Kaifeng are also popular in Tokyo?

Bao Zheng was extremely satisfied, not only for the first issue of the Kaifeng Mansion Newspaper, but also for Yunyan. As a result, the newspaper was successfully delivered to Hu Lao Hanlin.

Originally, Yun Yanhui was still a little worried about whether Hu Hanlin would have an opinion on the simpler writing. However, the old Hanlin was unexpectedly enlightened. Not only did he think it was an appreciation of the elegance and the common, he also believed that it would help the small officials of Kaifeng Mansion to civilize.

"When will it be copied?" Hu Hanlin seemed to be impatient to see the reaction.

Yun Yan didn't know why, he said "Oh" and said: "You can go to open the seal after the review, and the copy will be sent to the Quan Kaifeng Mansion within three days."

Because of the special status of Kaifeng Prefecture, Yunyan plans to print more. In addition to all levels of government in Kaifeng Prefecture, other units must be prepared to request it. After all, their manuscripts will also involve other units' work.

"Okay, very good." Hu Hanlin was lost in thought.

After a long while, Hu Hanlin came back to his senses, "When you are old, people are not sober... Xiaoyun, come here."

Yun Yan returned inexplicably closer.

Hu Hanlin: "The old man gave the newspaper a sentence: Harmony but not flow, neutrality and not leaning. Hope you can encourage it!"

Yun Yan moved back and said, "Thank you, sir, I will copy it down and hang it in the editing room when I go back, and encourage everyone."

Hu Hanlin smiled slightly, "Go ahead."

Yun Yan went back out of the room, lowered his head and thought for a long time. As soon as he raised his head, he almost ran into a young official. He grabbed the man and said, "My dear, are you Hanlin?"

The man was startled, and pulled his sleeves out, "Yeah, what?"

He watched Yun Yan warily, "Who are you and how did you get in?"

"I'm from Kaifeng Mansion." Yun Yan returned the newspaper in Yang's hand, "I'm here to review the manuscript."

"Oh..." Young Hanlin relieved his suspicion. Everyone knew that Hu Hanlin was going to help Kaifeng Mansion review the manuscript. "What's the matter?"

Yun Yan replied: "Just ask, do you know what'harmonious but not flowing, neutral but not leaning" means? I'm not very clear."

Young Hanlin: "..."

The young Hanlin glanced at the newspaper in his hand again, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "It should be from "The Doctrine of the Mean", which means easy-going and not following the crowd, abiding by neutrality, and impartiality."

"Oh!" Yun Yan suddenly realized that he hadn't grown up in this environment after all, and I didn't know the exact meaning at first glance, let alone like this person, even the source was said.

It turned out to be like this. Old Hanlin was really good, and he hit the point. This is not only pointing to news, but also pointing to their own positions and attitudes. He must have guessed the repercussions that the newspaper might cause.

The young Hanlin couldn't help but said again: "This sentence is very simple..."

"Thank you." Yun Yan pretended not to hear, and left with the newspaper.


After Yun Yan returned, the newspaper began to print, and then copied from the Kaifeng Mansion’s own channels.

The "Kaifeng Mansion News" was copied to the whole government, and the response was really enthusiastic. Each unit has a dozen to dozens of copies, so not everyone can get it, and it needs to be circulated for viewing.

However, there are not so many people who are literate, so in addition to reading the literacy to the newspaper, you have to find the burrs, and the literacy needs to be read to other colleagues.

Outside the mansion, there was even a phenomenon of copying. Because of the preferences of the people, the copies were all news that focused on anecdotes in the mansion. As a result, for a long time, everyone thought that all newspapers had that kind of content, and they didn't believe that they were sponsored by the government.

After knowing that it was indeed hosted by the government, many people secretly murmured and expressed doubts about it, to the effect that:

——Can actually gossip officially?

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