The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 126: Pick strawberries

Chapter 126 Picking Strawberries

During the final exam, the entire sophomore class did not laugh or make any noise, but read ancient poems and classical Chinese common sense with all their strength.

Even the most confused He Rui began to feel oppressed and read books for the first time.

As for Song Yi, he arrived at school at six in the morning. When I found Lai Shuqing yesterday, I had no other intention except to give him a small warning.

There are people for whom he should not have other thoughts.

Song Yi was a little annoyed all night.

Seeing your girl with someone else, and that person still has hidden thoughts that they shouldn't have, is really irritating.

It just so happened that I was not qualified to stop him.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. Later, at four o'clock in the morning, Song Yi went directly to the largest strawberry base nearby. The strawberries there were bigger and bigger, and the juice was sweet and abundant.

What others can afford, he, Song Yi, can give her the best.

Early in the morning, Nono saw Song Yi. The classroom was still empty at that time, and he seemed to be reading seriously.

After a while, a slender and strong hand appeared in front of her.

Nuonuo looked up at him, with a pair of apricot eyes, the ends of which were raised and bright and clear. The girl seems to have a delicate fragrance.

Like the lingering spring breeze, it penetrated directly into his heart.

Song Yi took out a large box of strawberries from his schoolbag and gave it to her.

"I picked it early in the morning. It's very fresh and clean, but it hasn't been soaked in salt water yet. You can take it back and eat it after the exam."

They look very fresh, and the strawberries still have tender green leaves and dewdrops. Nuonuo lowered his eyes and could see that Song Yi's feet were still stained with dirt, and the tips of the fingers handed to him were red.

Nono could almost imagine him picking strawberries despite the cold.

She sighed softly.

Song Yi is indeed a villain who kills without blinking an eye. In the later stage, he is dangerous and perverted, enough to make everyone fear and loathe him.

However, Song Yi, who was now standing in front of Nono, although he was occasionally unreasonable and bullied himself, he also favored himself again and again and was sincere to himself.

Xu Nuo Nuo felt unhappy, but now everything is moving in the direction of getting better. If he can survive by using him, then Nono will give him a bright future, not like the original plot.

Nuonuo didn't say anything. He lowered his eyes and looked at her, Qingjun's brows frowning slightly.

He asked: "Does your hand still hurt?"

He blamed himself and felt guilty. No matter how angry he was, he shouldn't have hurt her.

Xu Nuonuo shook his head, but Song Yi was still at a loss. The more silent and reserved she was, the more worried Song Yi became.

She curved her lips and smiled at Song Yi, "Review carefully, we will definitely enter the winter training camp together."

Oh shit.

Song Yi was confused every time he looked at it. Xu Nuonuo smiled very sweetly. The soft girl looked like she had grown up in a honey jar. She rolled her eyes at him and he was confused.

There were only a few people in the classroom, and Song Yi returned to his seat, holding on to his little thoughts.

Xu Nuo Nuo can be used in almost all praise words, but in the eyes of most people, he is still a puddle of mud. Everyone thinks it is a shame to have a relationship with Song Yi.

He himself is not good enough. He feels that he must be strong enough to truly be qualified to stand by Nono's side.

Chinese was tested in the morning and math was taken in the afternoon. Since there was little pressure on Chinese, the impact of math was even greater.

A group of people cried like ghosts and howled like wolves.

Zhou Xin looked at the walking answer beside her, frowning, her little eyes wanting to know the answer but not daring to do so.

So does everyone else.

In the end, in order to avoid having a bad exam and affecting the next exam, everyone gave up correcting the answers and reviewed the comprehensive science seriously. (End of this chapter)

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