The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 167: You know nothing

Chapter 167 You know nothing

After resting for a while, there were fewer tourists on the mountain. They planned to take the cable car down. If it weren't for the fact that this place was too remote and there weren't many shops, He Rui would definitely not eat here.

The cable car is free, everyone is waiting in line, and there are many people in front.

Song Yi saw that there were many people and said he went to the toilet. There were several couples under the marriage tree, they were intimate and sticky. Song Yi walked straight past a few steps away. However, after taking several steps, he couldn't help but look back.

Song Yi took out the extremely crude marriage card from his pocket.

There were several couples here, and everyone looked at him strangely.

The marriage tree requires two people to cast their votes together, but Song Yi is tall and has a youthful and youthful appearance.

He didn't care about everyone's strange looks, he especially cherished the marriage card in his hand.

Regardless of whether it was true or false, Song Yi was willing to give it a try.

The young man has become very strong this year and is full of strength. He holds the marriage card and throws it into the sky. The red ribbon is flying. The marriage card flew directly to the highest branch.


Everyone looked shocked, this young man was so strong.

However, it would be too strange for a person to throw the marriage card. An older aunt said: "Young man, it's useless if you throw it away alone. It won't work."

"That's right, you have to find your significant other."

Someone helped.

For the first time, Song Yi did not curse. If he cursed in front of the Buddha, the Buddha would not help him fulfill his wish.

Wait until you are far away.

He just lowered his eyes and whispered: "You guys know nothing."

For a long time, he looked at the marriage card with flying ribbons on the highest branch and smiled, feeling as sweet as a silk thread in his heart.

What do you know? This is his delusion and his wish.

If he lied to Xu Nuo Nuo again, the little girl might not care about him anymore. Where can I coax such a beautiful and outstanding girl back?

Taking the cable car when going down the mountain, the scenery at the bottom of the mountain changes again and again. Looking at the temple on the top of the mountain, there is a kind of grand and gorgeous beauty.

This was probably Nono's first time going out without a girl.

But she felt extremely relieved.

After this visit to the temple, it was already mid-February, all colleges and universities had started school one by one, and Nono also returned to City C.

There are more and more courses in the school, and the evening self-study has been postponed to ten o'clock. Students who are about to enter their senior year of high school are studying harder.

Yang Pei felt proud when he saw how serious and hardworking these children were.

The results of the June monthly exam came out. Zhang Qingqing posted the results on the class, and everyone gathered around to see their results.

Not surprisingly, the number one in grade is still Xu Nuo Nuo. It's just that the second and third people below take turns very diligently.

The second place last time was the squad leader of the third class, and this time the second place is Mukuno.

Zhou Xin really admired Xu Nuonuo. He said too much congratulations and understood after looking at each other and smiling. She paused and looked at the second grader.

"Wow! Nono, I didn't realize that Mukino is also very smart before. His total score is only five points less than you. The previous second place was always more than ten points less than you. He is also very powerful."

Mukino is indeed very smart. Xu Nuonuo has read the plot of the original novel. She knows that Mukino originally scored 701 in the college entrance examination and was among the top three in the city. He originally had a bright future, but he was killed in a fire.

Because there were no witnesses, the original book did not clearly explain the reason. But Nono guessed that it should be related to the Mukino family.

Xu Nuonuo was stunned for a moment. She didn't know if she could change Xiang Ye's ending here. It also made Song Yi no longer so decadent. (End of this chapter)

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