The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 190: final mission

 Chapter 190 Final Mission

Xuanyunuo, who was sitting on the bed, started to think. According to the original plot, Nono will die on the eve of the start of college. Now, Nono must follow the darkening mission.

But she just agreed to Song Yi!

The system once again appeared in Xu Nuonuo's mind, "Host, I can give you two weeks to deal with these. The task must be completed in the last time, otherwise, you will be obliterated by the law of heaven."

It was giving her grace, giving her one last moment to say goodbye.

Nono took a few glances at the hacking task. The first one was to steal the core algorithm of Song Yi's code to Silence. This is undoubtedly a stab in Song Yi's heart.

The second one is cold violence, and there are even many ways to pretend to cheat. In short, it is to humiliate Song Yi.

Article 3: Break up, then go abroad and leave here. That is to help Xu Nuonuo leave this world.

She asked with difficulty: "If, I mean if, after completing these tasks, Song Yi is not 100% black, what will happen at that time?"

"Impossible, please host strictly follow the task, and I will immediately leave your soul and return to the original world."

If Xu Nuo Nuo didn't believe it, how could it be possible that he would definitely become black?

The system softened its tone and said, "Even if it does not reach 100%, the system will automatically separate from your soul and help you live in the real world."

Then it disappeared completely.

Nono stared at the ceiling blankly. She only had two weeks left.

Song Yi called. He seemed to have just been running all the way. His breath was unsteady and he was panting. "It's almost eleven o'clock, aren't you still going to bed?"

Only then did Nono realize that it was so late.

She opened her mouth in panic, "I was a little slow in washing up, so I haven't slept yet."

It's close to an hour, so Xu Nuo Nuo is not only a little slow, but very, very slow.

He teased her: "Are you a tortoise? Why are you so slow and cute?"

Xunuonuo couldn't detect the teasing in his words. She held her slender neck and said, "No."

Song Yi echoed: "Well, it's not a tortoise, it's a rabbit."

The little girl held her soft cheek and asked worriedly, "So how is your code?"

Song Yi lowered his eyes, "The core algorithm has never been figured out. Everyone is discussing it, but we haven't found a solution yet."

Nono knows that this kind of research is difficult. Although this project is definitely relatively easy to explore, it is still difficult.

She said hesitantly: "Can I go to your place tomorrow? Maybe I can help you."

Song Yi knew that she was interested in this aspect and agreed: "Okay."

"Where can't you come and see me? All my private places are open to you. You can see them all, even my body."

The boy smiled lazily, and the colleagues passing by him all had shocked expressions.

Song Yi has always been a lazy person, but he was very coquettish when it came to Xu Nuo Nuo. Xu Nuonuo glanced at the phone with some annoyance.

"Don't say those words."

The little girl's whole body was covered in pink.

Song Yi smiled. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel it.

This little girl must be shy.

"What should I say? You tell me and I will say less in the future."

He stood on the balcony and made a phone call, looking deeply at the other side of the city, his heart focused on the other little girl.

Xu Nuonuo was not as angry as him and hesitated, "Anyway, we are not allowed to talk about it in the future, do you understand?"

Song Yi didn't dare to tease her too much, and said gently: "Okay, don't talk anymore. It's time for us kids to go to bed now. I will pick you up tomorrow."

Promise and promise.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yi went to another meeting to discuss. (End of this chapter)

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