Chapter 260 Strong

Nono woke up and it was already dawn.

The face of the man lying on the bed was twisted in pain. His hands were tightly holding the sheets, and veins bulged on the back of his hands.

He was obviously in good condition when I saw him last night. Although it is a bit serious, it is not like this.

Nono looked at the bandage on his back. His arm muscles were so tight that he seemed to be crushing someone's bones and blood, showing love and pain to the extreme.

She called the system, and only then did Nono know that Song Yi had entered the final step of blackening last night.

[Host, give up. ]

[Yesterday the time and space manager deliberately wanted to kill you in order to completely anger Song Yi. But now Song Yi's consciousness has entered the abyss, and he will be completely black when he wakes up again. ]

[When he becomes completely black, it will be easier for him to absorb the luck of the world, and the whole world will truly collapse. ]

[And the dagger in your hand is the only solution. Kill Song Yi and save the world. In the end, all creatures in the world will be dying. Host, you don't have time. ]

Xu Nuo Nuo cannot bear the consequences of destroying a world.

She has seen the goodness and beauty in the world, so even without the love of her parents, she did not feel pain. She couldn't help but watch a world being destroyed.

But Song Yi was different. Everything was stolen from him by silence.

He did not have a complete childhood, and was even abandoned by himself, growing up in such a lonely way.

He hates this world.

If this world collapses, it will be just one less world for other worlds, but it will be completely different for Nono. She couldn't watch so many people die.

But now, there is only one way.

On the hospital bed, Song Yi was still lying there motionless.

Xu Nuonuo held his hand and put it on her cheek, murmuring to herself: "You won't become bad, right?"

They haven't waited for spring yet.

We haven’t waited for the midsummer flowers to bloom yet.

Nono couldn't think of a way to save her, and seemed to be in a dead end.

If the world really collapses because of Song Yi, what should she do? Do you really want to kill Song Yi with a dagger?

In this world, the only person closest to Song Yi is Nono.

Xu Nuonuo is really about to collapse.

During the time when Song Yi was injured, many people came to visit. But Song Yi never woke up.

Even Song Yi's biological mother came several times.

That look of guilt and self-blame was a bit heartbreaking to see. But Nono couldn't help Song Yi forgive Su Wen's debt.

After several days, Song Yi finally had some changes.

Nono was sitting on the edge of the bed. She saw Song Yi's lips moving. Nono gently leaned down and came close to his lips, trying to hear clearly what he was saying.

The mature and resolute man whispered.

Nuonuo concentrated on identifying. She finally heard what he was saying, only two words repeated over and over again. He said - Nono.

Song Yi loves herself very much.

Nono knows.

She loves her very much, so Nono should be able to suppress the darkness in Song Yi's heart. After all, all his dark flashpoints were because of himself.

Song Yi woke up at night, and Xu Nuonuo noticed a different feeling when he opened his eyes.

There seemed to be a whirlpool in his dark eyes, a very dangerous aura.

His whole person looked more powerful.

Song Yi directly picked up Nuonuo and kissed her cheek.

This kind of behavior is not unprecedented, but now it is a bit too abnormal. Xu Nuo Nuo's whole body was stiff.

She was petite, soft, and a little pitiful, "Song Yi, your injury is not healed yet." (End of Chapter)

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