The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 27: fighting arena

Chapter 27 Fighting Arena

After leaving, Song Yi leaned against a tree and smoked. Under the shade of the tree, tiny bits of sunlight fell on the man's cold, white face.

The sun was a little hot at noon, so Song Yi rolled up his long-sleeved school uniform, revealing the boy's tight muscle lines at his elbows.

The slender fingertips held the cigarette.

Xiangye stopped when he saw him, stood aside and called "Brother Yi".

It stands to reason that it is impossible for a "good student" in front of a teacher like Muang Ye to be with Song Yi.

But Xiang Ye respected Song Yi very much.

Mukino's family has no financial resources. In addition to the school scholarship, he also has a job in the fighting field.

The fighting arena is a real fighting competition, and there are often bruises there, and half of your life may be lost accidentally.

But the money comes quickly, so Mukino naturally needs the money.

The first few times were just minor injuries, until the last game, he advanced to the advanced field and fought against the undefeated **** here.

It was very difficult to throw the first few punches to the wild, and in the end he was directly pressed against the wall and hit.

The sticky blood infected Xiangye's whole body, and his whole body turned into a **** man. Xiangye's chest and trachea were all filled with a fishy and sweet taste.

The entire audience was drowned in a sea of ​​cheers and boos.

And he lost miserably to Xiangye, and he even heard someone insulting him, saying that he was a loser. All the praise and goodwill in the world are not his.

"Are you ok?"

Mukai almost thought he heard wrongly. His eyes were all **** and sticky, and he couldn't open them at all.

Ears almost ringing in the ears.

He had no way of telling whether someone was actually talking to him or not.

Holding a handkerchief in one hand and wiping the blood off his face, he asked Xiangye, "Do you want revenge and beat him down?"

Xiangye opened his mouth, and the man left. Then there was a thud on the floor, and not long after, the whole place was silent for a moment, followed by thunderous shouts and cheers.

Everyone saw it. A young boy they had never seen before used a crushing critical attack to render their "god" unable to fight back in the later stage. It was simply a devil.

After all, Song Yi was thrown into a special forces camp when he was a child, mainly because of his lawless temper.

Later, the military camp could no longer control him, and he even fell in love with fighting.

Compared to the fighting arena filled with masters in City B, the so-called "gods" in this city are completely inadequate.

He heard Song Yi say the words to him that day that made him burst into tears.

Song Yi said, "People come to the world with shackles, but I can make you the freest soul in the world, and you will come home with a lot of honors. Will you follow me?"

I don’t know why Mukuno believed it.

Although Song Yi doesn't study, he doesn't really mess around.

The Song family's family motto was placed there, and it was so obvious to both ears and eyes. No matter how bad Song Yi is, he can't really do nothing.

Moreover, there is Mrs. Song here.

No matter how much Song Yi hated the Song family, he still missed Mrs. Song in his heart. He couldn't let the old lady worry about whether he, a junior, could support himself while he was enjoying his old age.

But to say how ambitious Song Yi is, he probably knows how to read people. He has his own charm and can win people's hearts.

Xiangye doesn't know what Song Yi will do in the future, but Xiangye can be sure of one thing, he will definitely follow Song Yi.

As far as Xiangye knew, there was a group of brothers in City B waiting for Song Yi to return.

He didn't know how embarrassed Song Yi was when he came to City C, but Xiangye thought that he should be able to foresee the glory of Song Yi's return to City B.

Song Yi was hiding in the woods and smoking. He smelled the scent of Xiangye, and the curvature of his thin lips raised a bit lazily as he joked, "How many sausages have you stolen? You are all smelling of sausages." Son. ”  (End of this chapter)

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