Chapter 277 Want to die?

Although Xu Nuonuo's escape angered Song Yi, he was still reluctant to hurt Xu Nuonuo.

He stepped into the castle, and the murals and so on looked particularly familiar.

He stepped on the red carpeted floor and walked step by step towards where Xu Nuo Nuo was. Calm and slow.

When he arrived at the hall where Xu Nuonuo was sitting, Song Yi didn't see the beautiful girl. There was no surprise on his face, but he used the hot water kettle.

There was a slight sound of movement not far away, but he seemed not to hear it, and was casually and unpreparedly exposed in front of that person.

If Xu Nuonuo wanted to kill him at this time, it would be easy.

Moreover, by killing him, the hidden dangers between this world and other time and space will be eliminated. She has the strength to raise this child and lead a happy life, but she buries Song Yi in darkness.

Xu Nuonuo looked at his straight back, and she walked towards him step by step, still holding the dagger in her hand. As long as she inserts herself into Song Yi's chest, he will definitely die.

Now that it was easy for her to kill Song Yi, she knew even more clearly that Song Yi had no intention of returning alive this time. He came to seek death on his own initiative.

Neither of them really wanted to destroy the world, but just because there was no other way. The world has brought them to opposite sides, but they both care about each other and want the other to live.

"Song Yi."

Xu Nuonuo called him softly, and she bent down and hugged Song Yi.

But the man didn't look back. I don't know when he took the milk and now heated it with hot water. He is very gentle, his face and eyes are not as angry as before, and he gets things done bit by bit.

Xu Nuonuo felt like crying for no reason. She put her chin on his shoulder and asked, "Why do you need hot milk?"

Song Yi tested the temperature with the back of his hand and said calmly: "You haven't drank water for a long time, and your lips are dry."

Even though Song Yi was angry, he still cared about everything about Nono.

She couldn't help but hug him a little tighter, and she put the dagger straight into his chest little by little.

Song Yi didn't move. He lowered his eyes and looked at the tip of the knife without moving.

Look at the milk with calm eyes.

He said: "I can't find coconut milk that can be heated here. It's cold. Drinking hot milk can warm you up. You are always afraid of the cold. Your hands and feet are cold in winter, so you should always keep **** tea."

Nono was speechless.

Song Yi continued, "You may not be able to wait for spring. You are so beautiful. I will sleep forever after my death. You don't have to worry. All the company's shares are in your name, and someone will take care of them for you."

He smiled softly, as if the years had softened, and he said: "If possible, can you like someone else again after the spring of the second year?"

Because this spring is our wedding...

Xu Nuonuo felt the tip of her nose sore, and she asked: "Do you really want to die that much?"

Song Yi smiled quietly, turned his head to look at her, and shook his head, "Actually, I don't want to die at all, I..."

He hasn't loved her enough yet, there are still many things he wants to do with Xu Nuo Nuo. He wanted to have a child with Noonuo, watch the lonely smoke in the desert together, and go to the south of the Yangtze River to enjoy the misty rain together...

So he didn't want to die at all, but he had no choice or choice.

"When did you know I might kill you?"

Song Yi said: "I will already know the day you come back." At that time, he would be able to predict the future.

Nono never thought it would be so early.

Song Yi acted too normal, a normal man's anger and unwillingness after his girlfriend abandoned him. (End of this chapter)

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