Chapter 295 Betrothal Gift

From a distance, Xiao Tuanzi saw Song Yi running over with Nuo Nuo on his back, and his expression wrinkled when he smelled the smell of alcohol.

"Why did mom drink?"

Nuonuo asked Song Yi to put herself down, "because I am happy today."

After entering the house, Nono changed her shoes. The servant made some sobering tea for Nono to drink to make her feel better.

It was getting very dark, so Nuonuo curled her lips and said to him, "Mr. Song, it's very late. How about we stay one night?"

Her eyes were crooked, as if they were filled with graceful spring water, and they were extremely alluring.

Song Yi said nothing.

Xiaotuanzi took Song Yi's hand and showed a pitiful expression, "Uncle, stay, I want to hear you tell me a story."

Nuonuo's eyes widened. The little girl hadn't listened to a storybook for a long time.

Xu Nuonuo looked at him like this with her face in her hands.

Song Yi looked at the two faces, one big and one small, and was silent for a moment. In the end, he remained fascinated and said, "I'm sorry."

Song Muxu almost cheered.

Xu Nuonuo also curled her lips.

She knew that Song Yi could not refuse her.

Who let her rely on that little bit of liking?

Song Yi carried Xiao Tuanzi to the bedroom and read the storybook once. Xiao Muxu twisted him and read several more times before falling asleep.

Xu Nuonuo handed him the milk, "Thank you for your hard work."

Without saying a few words, Xu Nuonuo went back to the room to sleep. Before the door could be closed, the man's arm suddenly pressed against the door.

Xu Nuonuo raised her eyes to look at him in confusion.

The man has clear eyebrows, and he always likes someone sincerely and passionately. "Are everything you said while drunk today true?"

When he looked at Nono, his eyes seemed to be filled with blazing fire.

He had waited for her for too long.

Like her so much.

I liked it so much that I even gave up my life.

Before Xu Nuonuo could nod, Song Yi began to speak again, "Whether what you say is true or not, I take it seriously."

He took a deep look at her, gave her something, and said, "Don't lie to me, and don't treat me as a substitute, otherwise..."

After all, Song Yi didn't want to say harsh words, he was always soft-hearted towards her.

Just as Nuonuo was about to open it to see what it was, Song Yi said to her again: "This is the bride price. You can go to bed first."

Xu Nuonuo looked at his back as he left in a panic, then lowered his eyes and opened the bag. Inside was a real estate certificate.

Nuonuo smiled. According to her understanding, Song Yi thought that the apartment in his hand was all his belongings.

And now all his money is given to her.

She recalled that before, Song Yi used tens of billions of intellectual property as betrothal gifts. No matter before or now, Song Yi used all his wealth to marry her.

Why are you so stupid?

That night Xu Nuo Nuo slept peacefully with Xiao Tuanzi in her arms.

After all these years, she was finally going to marry him. For the first time, she felt so at ease that she could see him as long as she opened her eyes. This made her feel happy.

Song Yi fell asleep.

He was sleeping on the bed, tossing and turning. I closed my eyes and opened them again the next moment, feeling uncomfortable no matter what.

Although Song Yi had forgotten many things, he knew clearly in his heart that Xu Nuoruo was rich and that he loved her husband very much in his words.

He didn't care that she had someone else in her heart for the time being, nor did he care about the gap between them, but what he was afraid of was that Xu Nuonuo didn't like him, and as long as she wanted to leave, he couldn't stop her.

Or maybe she was drunk and thought he was her husband. That's why she whispered in his ear that he would marry her.

After she sobered up and had a clear mind, she regretted it.

This is not okay.

He took it seriously.

But when I think about Xu Nuonuo's ex-husband, she once had her and gave birth to such a cute little dumpling with her.

He was filled with jealousy. (End of this chapter)

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