Chapter 332 Her Song Yi

“Since you look so similar after plastic surgery, it’s best not to show timidity when you see Mr. Song later. He is very vigilant.”

Mr. Zhou's tone was subtle, "You'd better stay well-behaved. If you are even slightly different from my wife, Mr. Song will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

Xu Nuonuo never thought that everyone was so afraid of Song Yi.

She and Song Yi had been together for so long that Xu Nuo Nuo almost forgot how terrible Song Yi was in this world.

But according to the descriptions of this group of people, Xu Nuo Nuo still felt the danger.

She nodded, very well behaved.

Mr. Zhou was also a little surprised by this expression, it was so **** like.

Xu Nuo Nuo has been to this ancient castle. It was here that Song Yi used all his luck to exchange for the peace of the world.

Xu Nuonuo is still a little timid because the halo here is very light.

She walked in slowly and looked around. Now I am like a fledgling that has arrived in a new world, everything seems new to me.

But when she thought of losing Song Yi, who had turned black, she felt nervous and complicated. Jumping suddenly.

Although she had seen Song Yi crying in despair and grief, his eyes were empty, and he was holding her body and crying like a child.

Xu Nuonuo had never seen Song Yi like that. His hands were trembling, his voice was unsteady, and he could hardly speak, as if he was aphasic.

The love is so deep and the grief is so extreme that one can truly become speechless.

Later, with trembling hands, he carried her step by step into the church. His eyes were scarlet, and he laughed even as he cried.

Full of desolation.

What we see later is the scene of Song Yi committing suicide with a gun.

Xu Nuonuo was actually curious about what Song Yi would be like without her during this period of time. But now that she was really going to see him, she felt a little timid again.

Because she vaguely remembered Song Yi's crazy look of killing people.

When they arrived at the lobby, Mr. Zhou asked Xunuonuo to go upstairs by the spiral staircase and let her walk in alone.

He also secretly threatened her not to think about escaping. There were nearly half a legion of people guarding the outside, and those wolf dogs could bite Xu Nuo Nuo into pieces if they were not careful.


Xu Nuonuo can also understand that although Mr. Zhou is looking forward to being liked by Song Yi, he is also afraid.

Nono walked up the stairs step by step. Up the wooden stairs was Song Yi's current study. She looked at the elegant, half-closed wooden door in front of her with mixed emotions.

She didn't know how to face Song Yi for a while.

Her Mr. Song Yi has suffered so much, and now his crazy appearance scares countless people. She encouraged herself, patted her little breasts, and said, don't be afraid!

Song Yi was already miserable.

She paused, then finally opened the door and walked straight in.

The room was dark, which made her a little uncomfortable, but there was a glimmer of light by the window, which was the sunlight outside.

Xu Nuo Nuo Nuo Nuo Nuo Nuo Nuo saw a man reading a book in the mottled light. His whole body was wrapped in light, but he was filled with two completely different temperaments, coldness and hostility.

She was startled.

Song Yi heard the voice, put down the things in his hands, frowned and raised his eyes. But he saw the girl's pretty face.

The two looked at each other, and the air was quiet for a moment.

Song Yi's breathing was stagnant.

It's just very slight, with basically no change in expression.

Xu Nuonuo has seen Song Yi like this before. Maybe I would still be scared when I saw her for the first time, but not anymore.

This was the Song Yi who loved her, cared for her all his life, and was crazy about her.

Xu Nuonuo breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe she was still a little nervous just now, but when she saw the man's dark and deep eyes and the emotions rolling inside, she was almost sure that this was still her Song Yi. (End of this chapter)

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