Chapter 361 Origin

Due to the detour, the sea journey is now two days away from the mainland. Xu Nuonuo was on the bed, and she slowly opened her eyes.

It was dark, and she smelled sea water and damp wood.

Her wrists were handcuffed to the wooden stakes on the bed, and her mouth was gagged, making it almost impossible to make a sound. She heard the sound of someone approaching, and a man walked in.

"Mr. Zhou?"

Xu Nuonuo originally thought that Steven had kidnapped her.

It seems that I still thought wrong.

Mr. Zhou released the silk scarf that blocked Nono's mouth and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Xu Nuonuo frowned. She really didn't expect it to be Mr. Zhou. She asked warily: "What did you want to do by bringing me here?"

She originally thought it was where Song Yi asked her to go to discuss matters, but she was knocked unconscious as soon as she went out, and then she was hidden in the lowest level of the cabin, a place occasionally used to stack cargo.

It's basically impossible for anyone to find her traces here.

Xu Nuonuo couldn't help but think about a lot of things for a while. She had seen a lot of black-hearted carrots. The first thing in Xu Nuonuo's mind was that Mr. Zhou wanted to murder Song Yi and take over.

Mr. Zhou also noticed it and couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand and said, "Don't think it's so complicated. I don't have bad intentions. I'm just too curious about something and want to find out more about it from you."

"Mr. Song Yi likes Miss Xu Nuonuo so much, and now he prefers you. I think you should be Miss Xu Nuonuo."

Xu Nuonuo didn't expect that anyone would actually believe that she was still alive.

Xu Nuo Nuo nodded.

Mr. Zhou added: "You should also know the existence of antibiotics. This type of antibiotics has always made me curious. How was Mr. Song Yi able to develop antibiotics in the short time he left?"

"of course not."

"Do you know how desperate Mr. Song Yi was after you died? For a whole month, when you came back again, Mr. Song Yi became more stable. Why is this?"

Xu Nuonuo didn't know, she only knew that Song Yi would commit suicide in the end.

Xu Nuonuo looked at him, and her expression became a little solemn.

Mr Zhou continued: "Both Steven and I were infected, but Mr Song Yi took out the antibiotics.

This antibiotic completely suppresses the harm of the virus, but the most potential thing about this antibiotic is that it will make us completely loyal to Mr. Song Yi and unable to resist orders. "

Xu Nuonuo pursed her lips and said nothing. She had almost guessed it.

From the moment he was able to control his emotions, Xu Nuo Nuo was already able to guess. Song Yi may be an experimenter who voluntarily participated in virus implantation. He wanted to control his emotions and temporarily forget the pain. Then deal with all the people who hurt Xuanyuo and him.

Finally, he watched his brother He Rui live a good life before choosing to commit suicide. (End of this chapter)

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