Chapter 365 Fish Soup

 He looked at her silently.

"Song Yi," she looked into the man's quiet, dark eyes, held his face, and gently touched his lips.

"Xu Nuonuo loves you very much and is not willing to leave you. How I hope you can live well."

After experiencing so much darkness, his love became silent and silent. But throughout the years, Song Yi never forgot her.

Song Yi knew Nuonuo's thoughts.

Just as he was about to talk for a while, Steven came out of the cabin and was very happy to hear that Mr. Zhou was hung at the stern of the ship.

He rushed over without stopping.

Just when he saw Song Yi looking at Xu Nuonuo affectionately, and the ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them, Steven suddenly wasn't so angry.

He walked to the railing and said to Mr. Zhou hanging at the stern of the boat: "Oh, isn't this our resourceful Mr. Zhou? Why did he suddenly go swimming in the sea?"

Mr. Zhou was half-immersed in the water. He saw Steven smiling and said, "The weather is too hot, so I came for a swim."

Steven rolled his eyes and raised his fingers. When facing Song Yi, his attitude towards Mr. Zhou was still average. Both of them had always had the attitude that neither of them looked down on the other.

Xu Nuonuo's face was a little red and she hadn't eaten breakfast. She hurriedly made this excuse and went to the kitchen.

Song Yi naturally saw that Nuonuo was a little shy. After saying those love words in front of outsiders, she was still a little anxious.

Her mind was well protected by Song Yi and she was almost always young.

Steven remembered Mr. Zhou's warnings to him several times before, and thought about the promise he just made, and said: "You are just a talkative, always talking about me. Don't expect me to plead for mercy. Everyone is wise to protect themselves and just take care of themselves." good."

Mr. Zhou nodded.

He didn't even want to say a word to Steven.

Steven didn't want to see Mr. Zhou either, so he turned around and went elsewhere.

The kitchen is full of boys, but there is one person who is good at cooking. The fish soup is delicious. Nono drank several bowls in a row.

Nuonuo thought about it and realized that Song Yi had always been with her. Take care of her daily life. My cooking skills are not very good either.

The only pastries and some soups were made.

This fish soup should also be pretty easy to make.

Nono is making fish soup in the kitchen. The tall and thick chef next to him was afraid that Nono's skirt would get dirty, so he got an apron for Nono.

The aprons on the boat are all masculine, and Nono doesn't look ugly wearing them.

When Steven came, he looked at the busy Xu Nuo Nuo and twitched his lips: "Can you make soup?"

Xu Nuonuo turned around and said with a smile: "Not really, I'm still learning."

Steven finally saw through that this impostor was very good at manipulating others. If he couldn't capture a man's heart, he would come to capture his stomach.

He leaned aside. He had heard someone say that Xu Nuonuo had gone to the kitchen, and he was curious. Seeing the promise of making soup, Steven couldn't tell whether he was happy or disappointed. In short, he felt very complicated.

Steven watched her open the lid of the pot and put something inside. Steven, who didn't understand cooking at all, asked, "What are you doing?"

A slight smile appeared on her lips, "To add freshness to the fish soup."

This counterfeit really has many tricks.

But Steven was not so angry anymore. This is very strange.

The fish soup is ready, milky white, and I don’t know what was just added. It doesn’t have any fishy smell, but is fragrant. When you get closer and smell it, you can see that the soup is very fresh.

This counterfeit is very good at craftsmanship!

But Steven didn't have any sense of crisis.

In fact, Steven knew very early on that he would never be liked by Song Yi, even if he undergoes **** reassignment and plastic surgery.

But when you really understand it, you will feel so good and tired. (End of this chapter)

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