The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 409: life after life

Chapter 409 Life after life

 Xu Nuonuo knows that he loves her very much and wants everyone to respect her.

She felt warm in her heart and kissed Song Yi in front of everyone.

This move is simply impossible to see on Xu Nuo Nuo. But at this moment, she didn't think about anything, she just wanted to kiss him.

Today is the weekend. Xu Nuo Nuo has a regular schedule and is used to going to bed early and getting up early. She quietly went out to wash up.

By the time she finished washing, Song Yi had disappeared.

She just opened the bedroom door, and a huge thing pressed down on her. She barely hugged it. A nearly two-meter-long stuffed bear flopped softly into her arms.

She got up early in the winter and her mind wasn't very clear. She was stunned for several seconds before she looked at each other with the big doll.

It was taller than her, all white, wearing a pink skirt, and hugging it softly, it was very cute.

Xu Nuo Nuo let go and moved it aside. Thinking about the birthday gifts Song Yi gave himself over the past few years, there were new ones every year.

This year it turned out to be her favorite gift in junior high school. She couldn't help but curl her lips. His aesthetics seemed simple and crude, but she did like pink things.

She walked to the living room and saw bunches of dried flowers.

very beautiful.

And it is especially easy to save for people like Xu Nuo. And she likes flowers very much, so she likes this gift very much.

It could be seen that Song Yi was troubled.

Song Yi came over from the balcony, dressed very smartly.

"Nono, come and take a look."

Xu Nuonuo was a little surprised. Is there any gift?

There is actually an ecological wall on the balcony. In this cold winter, there are sprouting grass, blooming flowers, and even a few live butterflies flying inside.

It's so vibrant, as if spring has arrived.

She loves spring, full of flowers and life. Song Yi couldn't give her spring, so he created a "spring" for her, a spring that belonged to Xu Nuo.

The girl's face was as beautiful as a budding flower in such a morning, and her eyes were full of love and light.

Because of Song Yi's favor, she lives younger every year.

Song Yi hugged her, put his chin on her shoulder and neck, and asked softly: "Do you like it?"

At that time it was bright and the sun was shining in from outside. Her smile was bright and lovely, and she almost cried with joy: "I like everything you prepared."

Because Song Yi was willing to work hard for her and prepare all the surprises for her, she was glad that her young self could see the young Song Yi in the crowd.

From then on, their lives could be bound together.

In the evening, Song Yi prepared a small cake. The fruit cake was actually made by him, and he deliberately took more than an hour to make it in the afternoon.

There are many fruits she likes in it.

After the two of them had dinner in the evening, Song Yi slowly took out the cake.

Xu Nuonuo has never seen such a cake.

Because it is very beautiful.

It's like fake art.

So she said: "This cake maker must be very romantic."

Song Yi, who was already in his twenties, had red ears for the first time. Seeing Song Yi coughing lowly, his eyes dodge.

Xu Nuonuo understood it on the spot, and she said, "Then I made a wish."

Song Yi nodded.

Xu Nuonuo clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and said softly: "I hope Xu Nuonuo and Song Yi will be together forever."

Song Yi couldn't help but laugh and said, "If it were true for eternity, you wouldn't be afraid of getting tired of hearing my love words."

Xu Nuonuo blinked, "But it's precisely because I heard your love words that I was coaxed away by your love words."

The man pursed his lips and blushed, saying, "Okay." (End of Chapter)

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