The Little Tender Girl In His Heart

Chapter 495: The first life (two)

Chapter 495 The First Life (Part Two)

 Later, when Zhou Xin went to college, she began to fall in love with others and worked hard to make herself better.

She was prettier, her clothes were better, and she even bought a house in city B at the age of twenty-eight. It's not easy for a girl.

But she is excellent and has no shortage of suitors.

When Zhou Xin was thirty years old, she had a very good boyfriend who was about the same age. He was a gentleman, mature and steady.

He knew that Zhou Xin had someone he liked and was willing to get married.

Because so is he.

So he saw himself in Zhou Xin. But he still underestimated the charm of himself and Zhou Xin. He found that Zhou Xin was independent and strong. This kind of soul compatibility made him attracted to this person little by little.

At this moment, he began to mind that Zhou Xin had other men in his heart.

They quarreled, calmed down, and finally Zhou Xin chose to break up.

Father Zhou saw that his child was already over thirty years old, but she still didn't want to get married or fall in love.

After her last boyfriend, Zhou Xin never fell in love again.

She could only pretend to be strong and live a good life. Even Zhou's father thought that Zhou Xin was really living a good life.

It was another ordinary day. Zhou Xin returned to City C. She was wearing a red skirt and black high heels today.

Big red lips, mature and beautiful.

She looked at the photo on the tombstone and said word by word: "I will definitely not like you this year."

Zhou Xin comes here every year and says this every year. The year before last, she said that she liked that man very much and planned to get married.

But she still didn't want to.

With such a young man in her heart, she was too stubborn to fall in love with anyone else. For so many years, I can only deceive myself again and again, again and again.

She thought she had really given up, but she would come here again the next year and say such things. This happens every year.

Zhou Xin put down the rose. She really hated Xiang Ye for not liking her and even died early.

She scolded: "You are really a bastard, why don't you want to live a good life? Why don't you finish college? You have been persisting for so many years, isn't it good to let yourself live a better life?!"

"I just chose to commit suicide to end my life!"

"If you didn't like or hate me while you were alive, I wouldn't be angry. But why did you die at the age when I love you most? You just want someone to remember you for the rest of your life. You are so scheming!"

As she talked, she started crying.

Like a girl who can't find her direction, she has lost her direction and can't even move forward properly.

She wiped away her tears and said word for word: "If I come to see you next year, I will be a dog!"

The next year, Zhou Xin came again, but this time she brought her father's ashes. Zhou’s father did not have a bone marrow transplant and passed away before he could wait.

She stood on Zhou's father's tombstone and tried not to cry.

When she arrived at Xiangye's place, she couldn't stop crying. She cried intermittently and couldn't speak clearly. "Xiangye, my father is gone..."

"From now on, no one will carry me to the street corner to find candied haws of sugar to eat, and no one will come over to give me an umbrella when it rains..."

"...You must be annoying me to death, but I will still bother you every year. I will live to be a hundred years old and **** you off to death."

At this moment she actually looked like that cunning little girl again.

Later, a hobbling white-haired old man was still scolding the person holding the tombstone while holding a cane, "In the next life, I will definitely let you fall in love with me first!" (End of Chapter)

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