Chapter 70 Ignore

 But now, without family support, Song Yi is nothing but a puddle of mud.

Song Yi, who is not favored by the Song family, has no culture or strength. What should he do to make his business successful?

"Nono, it's been half an hour since school, why don't you go home?" Yang Pei happened to walk out of the office. When he went home after packing, he saw the little girl discussing a topic with this **** Song Yi.

It's not that Yang Pei is discriminating against Song Yi for actually studying, it's that the preliminary round of the National English Competition that Nono signed up for is in early December, and it seems that there are still about forty days left.

The first place winner in the National English Competition was directly recommended to a foreign country, the number one university in the world. As a teacher, Yang Pei naturally hopes that his students will get better and better, so he came to remind Xu Nuo Nuo.

Xu Nuonuo was suddenly called to a stop. At this time, the two were very close to each other, and they looked like a young couple. Xu Nuo Nuo's face was soft and waxy, and her ears were lightly flushed.

She retreated without leaving a trace, holding her hands neatly behind her back, like a caught primary school student, so cute. "Teacher Yang, I will go home after finishing this question."

Song Yi couldn't help it, lowered his head with a smile.

Yang Pei nodded at this and said, "Nono, the National English Competition is approaching the preliminary round, so practice your listening during this time. The most important thing in the preliminary round is the written test, but the oral test is very important in the semi-finals."

"Thank you teacher, I will remember it and I will prepare well for the exam."

The girl looked at her with clear and clean eyes, the corners of her eyes slightly raised. Yang Pei felt amazing in his heart. It was not difficult to imagine how beautiful Xu Nuo Nuo would be in the future.

Later, Xu Nuonuo still couldn't say a few words to Song Yi because Mrs. Xu came to C City.

When Zhang Ma called, she was beaming. She wished she could give Nono wings and fly back immediately to Mrs. Xu.

This weekend is a family dinner, and Mrs. Xu has set the rules.

The old man was very old and usually guarded the grave of his late wife. Only at this time did he come from city A. In fact, he couldn't bear to go back and forth, but after all, he was still afraid that his granddaughter would be bullied, so he rushed over from his old house.

The Xu family is also a famous family, and Mrs. Xu has an extraordinary background. He is now the current supreme chairman of the Xu Group, and all major decisions in the group pass through his hands.

But now that the old man is in his sixties, Xu Yi is the eldest son, and the heavy burden falls on him.

Mr. Xu was sitting on the sofa with an upright posture. He was wearing a black retro Chinese tunic suit and still looked energetic.

As soon as Xu Nuonuo returned home, she rushed to the old man's side like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

The old man was shrewd and capable in his early years, but now he is full of kindness accumulated over the years. He smiled and asked, "My dear grandson, have you not eaten well recently and have lost weight again?"

The old man's face dropped and he deliberately looked angry.

Xu Nuonuo couldn't stop giggling. How could she not know that grandpa was scaring her? Her eyebrows were smiling and she was so beautiful.

Slowly, the sound of footsteps came from upstairs. Wen Ya held on to the stairs and walked down the stairs gracefully.

Compared with Xu Nuo Nuo's old school uniform, Wen Ya is much more grand. She wore a formal high-waisted skirt, and her black hair hung down on her shoulders and was curled in layers. If it weren't for the flattery that was about to overflow from his eyes, Mr. Xu might really believe her.

Mr. Xu didn't even raise his eyebrows. Seeing Wen Ya, the old man's good mood was ruined.

The reason why I hate it is very simple. In Zhang’s words, does a fake daughter who occupies a magpie’s nest really think she is a real princess?

Nono held Grandpa Xu's arm, and the two were very intimate.

The old man's ignorance made Wen Ya lose the smile on her face. Why did Xu Nuonuo become more beautiful every time she saw her? (End of this chapter)

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