"Dear guests, dear friends, welcome to attend the engagement ceremony of Mr. Chen Hai and Ms. Wang Na in your busy schedule. Let us give warm applause to bless the two newlyweds and wish them a long and happy marriage."

Shanghai, Xingchen Hotel.

After the male host said this, he took the lead in applauding, and the relatives and friends around him also followed suit.

In a corner of the crowd, Li Tong sat there looking lonely, but compared to the people on the stage, her eyes were filled with boredom and disdain.

She glanced at the message on her phone, which was sent by Chen Hai. "I am too lazy to explain some things. I don't want to say so much. Let's break up. I also remember our eight years of love. I will give you 200,000 yuan as a breakup fee. From now on, you are you and I am me. We will never part ways again."

"I still hope you can come to my wedding with Xiaona. After all, we have loved each other, right? No matter what, I still hope you can come to witness our engagement."

Li Tong looked at the message on her phone. Such a man is really rare. "Just 200,000 yuan, you want to exchange the original owner's life? The original owner paid everything for such a scum, but ended up dying with regrets."

Speaking of this, Li Tong's eyes flashed with a sharpness. She was originally a powerful person in another world who could turn the clouds and rain with her hands.

Before she passed the tribulation, she was drugged, which resulted in her not being able to raise any spiritual power during the tribulation, which led to her failure in passing the tribulation.

Her body was shattered by the thunder and turned into dust. Even her soul almost disappeared in the world.

She thought she was going to die this time, but when she opened her eyes, she found that she had traveled through time and space to a girl with the same name and surname as her.

However, her ability to turn the tide was gone, and only a pair of eyes that could see through illusions remained.

She said to herself in her heart: "Wait for me, those who harmed me. Sooner or later, I will settle accounts with you. I will definitely go back and take revenge."

After sensing the original owner's memory, Li Tong sighed helplessly, "Hey, you can go on your way with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me. We are all miserable people, but don't worry! This pair of dogs and bitches,

I will definitely let them go to the underworld to confess to you. This is what I promised you, and I will definitely do it."

The man on the stage is called Chen Hai, her boyfriend for eight years. Don't look at him wearing a suit now, but he is too fucking a thing in his heart.

And the woman named Wang Na, she was originally the best girlfriend of the original owner, but Wang Na wanted to get involved because Chen Hai was successful in his career, and finally she found them sleeping naked on her bed at home.

At that time, the original owner was struck by lightning and couldn't believe why the good man who showed loyalty in front of the original owner would sleep with his best girlfriend.

She remembered herself and treated them well, so why did they treat her like this?

The original owner was because of Chen Hai's words, "Xiaotong, I love you. When I have money, I will let you lie down at home and do nothing. I want you to enjoy life."

The original owner took out all her savings to start a business for Chen Hai, thinking that no matter what, no matter how hard it was, she had to support Chen Hai.

It was also because of Chen Hai's words, "Baby, when I have money, I will take you around the world. I will take you to see all the scenery in the world and let you live a free and easy life."

For this sentence, the original owner sold the only house left by her parents for her, and then used the money to help him start a business.

But no one would have thought that the day when Chen Hai's career was successful, he became more and more annoyed with the original owner, always saying that the original owner embarrassed him and dressed too rustic.

He didn't know how to put on makeup at ordinary times, saying that the original owner was no longer worthy of him, saying that he was the manager of the largest foreign company in Shanghai, while the original owner was unkempt and looked like a beggar.

In the past, the original owner gave all her savings from working to Chen Hai, hoping that he could overcome the difficulties of starting a business. But since Chen Hai succeeded in starting a business,

he has been increasingly disgusted with her. At first, she thought it was her problem, but now she thinks that he has already had signs of cheating.

After landing, she killed the person she loved first, but the person she loved the most was the one who hurt her the most.

She wanted to end her life and end the eight-year relationship, because she felt that living was a particularly painful thing, and only death was the ultimate relief.

She cried, crying her heart out, and the original owner finally chose to commit suicide by cutting her wrists.

Li Tong sighed, and since things had come to this, she could only accept the facts.

A 28-year-old girl, she had not yet blossomed her beauty in this world, but was polluted by the darkness of this world.

She took a blade to cut open her fair skin, watching the drops of blood dripping from her wrist, but she didn't feel anything, but laughed.

Because her heart was dead, for a person with a dead heart, what pain could be more sad than a dead heart? She died, still with a smile on her face.

It can be said that the original owner died entirely because of her best friend Wang Na. If Wang Na hadn't used despicable means to drug the original owner,

there would be no video of the original owner sleeping with another man. Although the man was just pretending and did nothing, from the perspective of the video, it seemed as if he had done everything.

To put it bluntly, Wang Na's goal was to make Chen Hai break up with her. Only in this way could Wang Na and Chen Hai live happily together safely.

Wang Na showed those videos to Chen Hai. After Chen Hai watched them, he sent the message to the original owner.

It's a pity that the original owner didn't see it, but it was seen by the lonely soul from another world.

There is a saying, beware of fire, theft and best friends. Wang Na is too scheming. After Li Tong sensed all the memories of the original owner, she was so angry that her teeth ached.

Just then, the voice of blessing came from all around, "Ah! What a match made in heaven? Bless the two newlyweds to be together forever and grow old together?"

"Yes, yes, Chen Hai is so handsome? Wang Na is so beautiful too? They are so happy."

Li Tong listened to all kinds of voices coming from the surroundings, she curled her lips in disdain, she reached out and picked up a glass of red liquid on the table,

then after drinking it all, she felt sour in her mouth and a little sweet. From the original owner's memory, she learned that this thing is called red wine.

Li Tong stood up and walked towards the engagement stage. At this time, Chen Hai and Wang Na were drinking wine together.

These two bastards killed people, but now they are getting engaged and drinking here as if nothing happened. I really don’t know who gave them the courage.

“Who are you and how can you come up here? Get down quickly,” a security guard stopped Li Tong’s steps.

She just glanced at the security guard, and the security guard suddenly felt cold all over and trembled.

Chen Hai and Wang Na turned their heads at the same time. When they saw that the person coming was Li Tong, they asked at the same time, “Why is it you?”

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