Li Tong smiled as she looked at the public screen in the live broadcast room. She remembered that she had been live broadcasting until 2 a.m. last night. She was supposed to start broadcasting this afternoon.

Since she had accumulated a lot of merit recently, Li Tong slept for a few hours and was in a very good mood. After she got up and cleaned up, she found that it was only a little after 8 a.m.

With nothing to do, she thought about starting the broadcast. "How about that? I'll turn it off first, and then start it at 10 o'clock?"

After Li Tong said this, it was like ants exploding in a pot. [Host, please don't do this. The broadcast has already started. How can you just turn it off? ]

[Yes, host, you can't do this. I'll get up right away. Oh, it's Sunday today. My plan to sleep in was aborted. I'm crying...]

[Host, my favorite host, even if I don't sleep, I will watch Master Li's live broadcast. I'm your most loyal fan. 】

Li Tong smiled, "I'm just kidding you, don't take it seriously, then, let's send out our first red envelope this morning."

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

Everyone in the live broadcast room knows that Li Tong is not the kind of anchor who digs in and out. At this time, the public screen has special effects of gifts and messages floating by, which is particularly interesting, just like the New Year.

Although it is early in the morning, there are already more than one million people online in Li Tong's live broadcast room, and this number is still rising wildly.

When netizens heard that the anchor was going to send out red envelopes, they all stopped at once. They were all looking forward to this red envelope.

The red envelope was sent out, and it was snatched away in less than a second. "Is the netizen named Bao Ma here? Is it convenient to connect to the microphone?"

"Yes. It's convenient."

Li Tong sent her a video link. After connecting, she saw a woman in home clothes with messy hair walking quickly on the roadside with red eyes.

She moved her fingers, and a gift was quickly swiped out. She said anxiously: "Master, my child is lost."

"Don't worry, talk slowly, what happened? How can the child be lost?"

"I was cleaning and doing housework at home, and when I finished, I felt something was wrong.

Because my son wakes up on time at this time every day to feed, but when I went to the room, I found that she was gone!"

While she was talking, she did not forget to look at the women holding children around her from time to time. After looking at them, she found that none of them was her child, and the tears in the corners of her eyes slid down again.

It was a kind of disappointment, and also a kind of helplessness. "My family lives in a community that was built decades ago. This community is a bit shabby, and there is no surveillance in the entire community.

At first I thought that the child's grandparents took the child out for a walk, but after I waited for a while, the child's grandparents came back with breakfast, and I realized that

they didn't take the child out, but if they didn't take the child out, then where could the child be lost?"

She seemed very tired, and then sat on the stone on the side of the road without any influence, breathing heavily.

It can be seen that at this time, she may have walked a lot of roads in order to find the child. A pair of tearful eyes looked at Li Tong.

"I called my husband, and my husband also said that he didn't see the child. My son is only a few months old, and he can't run or walk. Where can he go?

Master, we have been looking for a long time, and there is still no news of the child. My son, he, he..."

Mu Qing couldn't say anything more when she said this. At this moment, her heart was in a mess and she didn't know what to do. I guess as long as she was a mother, she would be as sad as she was if she knew that the child was missing.

"Master, I beg you, please help me calculate where my son is, okay? Is he alive or dead?"

Li Tong glanced at her face, "Don't worry, don't worry, your son is fine, very well."

"Really? Master, you didn't lie to me, did you?" Mu Qing asked in disbelief.

"Why would I lie to you?" Her eyes swept away the haze in her heart. At this moment, Li Tong's position in her heart was like a god.

[Is this a bit serious? How can a good child disappear just like that? Isn't this too weird? ]

[From the mother's mouth, it can't be heard that her daughter has been in the house. It was only after her husband went out to work, or after her parents-in-law left, that she found that the child was missing.

So, the reason why the child disappeared, will it be...will it be...]

[Damn, you upstairs, shut up quickly, what you mean by will it be, do you want to say that the child was taken away by her parents-in-law,

or that the child's biological father bought the child. I'm also drunk. What kind of brain circuit can you come up with such a result? I'm really speechless. 】

[I don't know whether her child cries or not, but my child likes to play with strangers. 】

[ old is her child? I don't seem to understand after talking for a long time. 】

[If he is still breastfeeding, he should not be very big. Where is the father of the child? 】

[Didn't the father of the child go to work? Didn't the mother say so just now? Did she call her husband and say that the child was lost? 】

Seeing the heated discussion of netizens on the public screen, she was also afraid of bringing some bad negative influence to her husband.

Mu Qing quickly explained: "The child's father has gone to work. I have already said this, so please don't make random guesses. The child's grandparents have the habit of doing morning exercises.

Every day, I get up at dawn and go for morning exercises. I was the only one left at home at that time. "

Mu Qing can be said to have married a good husband. He is completely obedient to her, and her parents-in-law are extremely caring to her.

Usually her parents-in-law don't ask her to do any housework. Generally speaking, the mother-in-law does the children's clothes and housework.

The reason why she came here today. That's because she wanted to drink spicy soup, and her mother-in-law went out early in the morning to buy spicy soup for her. Of course, she also did some morning exercises.

If she had known, the child would have been thrown away because of this, and she would have taken good care of the child no matter what. Now she regretted it so much that her intestines were blue.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel angry even though she knew the child was safe.

"What kind of human trafficker is so bold! He actually sneaked into his home! I just want to ask if there is still a king's law and if there is still a law."

When Li Tong heard what Mu Qing said, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head, "Don't be so excited yet. The person who did this kind of thing was none other than your daughter."

Mu Qing, who was cursing, suddenly heard Li Tong say this. She immediately stopped and looked at Li Tong in confusion.

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