Panpan knelt down in front of the camera and kowtowed to Li Tong several times. Who could understand how a mother felt at that moment? Then she asked eagerly:

"Are you sure my son will come back? If he comes back, will he not have to die?"

"Yes, he is destined to be your child. As long as you are well, he will return to your belly again, so don't do anything stupid, okay?"

Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐“ฝ๐”€๐“ด๐“ช๐“ท.๐“ฌ๐“ธ๐“ถ

Li Tong persuaded you step by step, as if luring an ignorant girl to commit a crime: "He went to find you in the dream, wanting you to save him, and also reminding you that he is your son.

He waved his hand to make you leave this family quickly. If it weren't for him, you would have been kept in the dark about this for several years, and finally you collapsed and jumped off the building after knowing the truth.

So your child is saving you, do you know?!"

Pan Pan burst into tears. She didn't dare to imagine what her child who had just been born had experienced. She closed her eyes in pain,

and tears flowed out again, and she didn't have time to care about these tears.

Now think about it, when her biological son first appeared in her dream, his face was just purple, without any other symptoms.

Does this mean that he was not dead at that time and was asking her for help?

If she could save him on the first day, his body would not have rotted day by day and been occupied by maggots day by day?

If she could see the true face of the mother and son earlier, her child would not have been in trouble.

Even if he was not her child, he could live well in someone else's place.

It was because she didn't know people well that he left without seeing the world properly.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Suddenly, with a "pop" sound, Panpan knelt on the ground and began to slap her face crazily once, twice, three times. She slapped her mouth while talking.

"Son, my baby, it's all my fault. I didn't protect you well, so you suffered. In the end, I didn't even know you died.

All of this is my fault. I didn't fulfill my responsibilities and obligations as a mother. Baby, please forgive me, okay?"

Li Tong felt even more bitter and unbearable when she heard Panpan say this, and so did the netizens.

No matter who it happened to, it would not be easy, and it was so ridiculous that it was painful to think about it.

What is this? It's too unbelievable, okay?

At this moment, not only the netizens were heartbroken, but Li Tong was also upset. She shook her head helplessly.

Seeing Panpan blamed all this on herself, her body and mind would sooner or later have problems.

"Your son is still waiting for you to take him home. Are you sure you don't want to go find him, but keep blaming yourself here?"

Li Tong's words made Panpan regain some of his sanity.

Her eyes, which had lost their focus, refocused on Li Tong: "Yes, my son is still waiting for me to find him, I want to find him, I want to find my son!"

Pan Pan stood up and wanted to leave, forgetting that she was still live streaming. At this moment, she didn't care about these things.

"Call the police, call the police now, let the police go with you, and then call your mother's house. Let your parents and your brothers go together.

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome at that time. Also, don't cry anymore. Crying can't solve any problems. Understand, crying can only make others look down on you and only show your cowardice.

You have to be strong, understand? There is still a long way to go in the future. Your life has just begun. The happy days in the future are still behind?"

Li Tong had to comfort Pan Pan like this, because Pan Pan had lost her mind at this moment, and her words and deeds were a little crazy. She was afraid that Pan Pan would not be able to resist this matter and become a big fool in the end.

Fortunately, Panpan was not as bad as Li Tong imagined. She took a mobile phone from the table and called her parents in a panic, and then called the police.

This kind of thing is no longer a family incest case, it has risen to the level of a murder case.

To say that the people in Panpan's parents' family are not good people, after listening to their daughter's incoherent confession,

Although the two elders were confused, they heard two things. The first thing was that their daughter's son-in-law had an affair with her mother and gave birth to a son.

The second thing was that the child of their daughter was killed by the beasts who were worse than pigs and dogs.

How could they tolerate this? The two villages were not far apart. After Panpan's father hung up the phone, he asked his two sons to drive to the in-laws' house.

They must seek justice for their daughter, and by the way, take a look at the couple who were worse than pigs and dogs. They are so naughty.

After notifying everyone, Panpan turned around and wanted to leave.


The child on the bed suddenly cried, and Panpan stopped and looked back reflexively, and made a move to hold the child with both hands.

Realizing his behavior, Panpan smiled bitterly. These should have been done to his own son, but he didn't expect to give them to someone who made him disgusted...

Turning around and picking up the crying child, Panpan smiled coldly.

"Don't cry, I'll take you to find your real mother. Hehe, this pair of shameless dogs, worse than pigs and dogs, are living a carefree life in their hometown?

Damn, they don't even want their own son, just throw him to me and don't care about him. Grandma, am I the kind of person who is easy to bully, since my son has been killed by you two dogs.

I really don't know what the end of you two will be." At this moment, Panpan actually had a weird smile on her face, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised. The smile was very evil.

Because she heard the child crying, her breasts began to swell with milk. Looking at the child who was crying and biting his fingers,

Panpan would rather die in pain than feed him a drop of milk belonging to her own son!

"Master Li, I'll take him to find the old woman. It'll take me some time to get there. Can you connect with me later?

I'm afraid I can't control my overreaction. If that happens, it'll be bad."

"Okay, no problem at all. Let's do this first. When you get there, just connect with me again."

Pan Pan nodded, then hung up the live broadcast room, hugging the child who was crying loudly in bed because of hunger.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at this moment, there was no tenderness in Pan Pan's eyes, only endless boredom and coldness.

I don't know why, after seeing this child, she had an uncontrollable impulse to strangle or throw him to death.

Pan Pan took a few deep breaths and then slowly exhaled. "Let you live a little longer, I'll take you to find your shameless mother..."

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