Li Tong thought for a while, "You mean, what you are encountering now has something to do with that little Japanese movie, right?"

Even though Huang Jiayi didn't want to admit that this was the case, there was no way, it was just like this. Who knew how she spent this time.

It’s so uncomfortable. “A few days ago, a friend of mine shared a video link with me, saying it was a new annual science fiction blockbuster from Japan. Let me enjoy it.

My favorite thing to watch is science fiction blockbusters, so I happily accepted the offer, and even said that I would treat them to dinner together when I was free.

Anchor, guess what happened next. When I clicked on that website link, I thought, damn sci-fi blockbusters. When I opened this so-called movie website, there was nothing. It was wrong. It should be said that there was only one in the whole screen. Small pool.

Just when I felt bored and wanted to close up, I saw a pair of dry fingers emerging from the small pool. Although I felt particularly scared,

But I still wanted to know what this thing was, so I patiently continued reading.

Something strange happened at this moment. I kept staring at the picture, not sure if it was an illusion.

I actually had the urge to get in and find out. At that time, I thought that I must not have such an idea. I tried hard to erase this weird idea.

However, my body did not obey my orders, and I got closer to the smart TV screen step by step.

I finally came to the TV, and then, my face was pressed against the TV screen.

In an instant, I seemed to hear a voice calling me from the TV screen, "Come quickly?" Come quickly? Just waiting for you.

And deep in my heart, a voice also sounded at this moment, telling me not to go, I must not go, because if I go, I won’t be able to survive.

So I tried my best to retreat. I was scared, terrified, but I found that all this was in vain.

My body and head were involuntarily pressed tightly against the TV screen. There seemed to be a very huge suction force, tearing my body apart.

Just when I didn't know what to do, the TV screen suddenly went black. At the same time, the lights in our house also went dark. I knew it was a power outage.

After I survived, I patted my chest with my hands and recalled the scene just now. It was really scary. "

Huang Jiayi said so much in one breath, her face was as pale as paper, and her breathing became a little quick.

[Oh my god, stop talking. Are you so frightened? 】

[Oh my God? Sadako? Shadow of Childhood Well, I heard that this movie scared a lot of people to death back then? 】

[Am I the only one who paid attention to this young lady’s experience? Don't you think this is strange? The friend of the young lady shared a video link with her.

Then after she clicked on it, it turned out like this. I thought if there had been no power outage at that time, I'm afraid this young lady would have died on the spot, right? 】

[I think so, isn’t this too weird? This little Japan just doesn’t do good things. 】

Li Tong glanced at the information on the public screen in the live broadcast room, "Let's just listen to Jiayi and continue talking? You continue."

She was also particularly interested in this matter. After successfully connecting with Huang Jiayi, Li Tong saw a black gas on her body at the first glance.

Hovering above her head, this should be proof that she is entangled by a resentful ghost. "It seems like this matter is not that simple?"

Huang Jiayi patted her chest and continued to talk, "From that day on, at ten o'clock every night, my TV would turn on and play that scene.

The first day it was a pair of hands, and the second day a head was revealed. The face looked so disgusting that it made people want to vomit. The hair was shawl-length, the face was as pale as paper, and there were two lines of blood dripping from the corners of the eyes.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, that crisp tick, every tick seems to be falling on my heart,

On the third day, most of the body was out of the small pool. On the fourth day, the woman had climbed out of the small pool. On the fifth day, the woman left the small pool.

She began to crawl towards the TV. Her body was like a robot, looking rather stiff, and every movement was so unfamiliar.

On the sixth day, the woman was already clinging to the TV screen. For a moment, I had the feeling that the woman would crawl out of the TV.

During this period, the TV was not powered on at all until ten o'clock in the evening.

The TV will turn on automatically. Brothers and sisters, can you imagine the feeling of despair and powerlessness?

Horror, fear, fear, all kinds of negative emotions rolled in and rolled towards me. "

Some netizens heard Huang Jiayi say that the TV would automatically turn on at ten o'clock in the evening. Many netizens couldn't help but glance at the time.

His grandma’s, it was fifteen minutes before ten o’clock in the evening, and every netizen was frightened. [It’s so scary, little sister, are you kidding me? 】

[Ah ah ah, this is simply scarier than seeing a ghost. Didn’t the ghost movie Midnight Bell mean that people were killed seven days after watching it? How many days have you been watching? 】

[This is amazing. Just two sentences made me break out in a cold sweat. I really want to smash the TV at home. ]

Huang Jiayi smiled bitterly when she saw the frightened netizens. She didn’t know how she could say these horrifying scenes.

"When I found something wrong the next day, I disconnected the power of the TV. I didn't expect that even after the power was turned off, the TV would still turn on and play the horrible scene every night.

I was driven crazy by the scene. Can't stand it? This is too weird. Later, I felt that it would not work if I continued like this.

So these few days, I have been waiting in the live broadcast room to grab the red envelope. Thank God, I finally got it. It was not easy.

Master Li, you don't know how hard I have been during this period. I have changed several places to live, but it is still useless. As long as it reaches that point, the woman will come back to mess with me.

Do you know that I have to watch the tension and fear of the dead ghost coming out of the pool while trying hard to grab the red envelope sent by Master Li every night?

"If it weren't for Master Li's live broadcast room to accompany me, I would have been scared to death."

The netizens were also boiling at this moment. Of course, this is understandable. After all, as long as it is about the little Japanese, our Chinese people will be excited and excited.

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