The Live Broadcast Teaches Lockpicking, The Police Pay Attention To Me!

Chapter 100 Us Stocks Plummet! The Hegemony Of The Us Dollar May Not Be Guaranteed!

The subordinate ran in in a panic.

Pick up the remote control in your hand and turn on the TV.

Indicates for everyone to watch.

turn out to be.

Over at Rabbit, a press conference is being held.

"Eagle Sauce broke his promise."

"Refused to return, the gold stored in the underground vaults of the Central Reserve Bank in Jamaica, which our country has deposited.

"For this reason, our country announced that from now on, we will substantially reduce our US dollar foreign exchange reserves!"

"The size of the reduction is about 50%!"

on the TV.

Rabbit's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said righteously.

heard the news.

Everyone in the room was stunned.

Especially the president of Eagle Sauce.

At this moment, his face turned a little blue.


"What are you talking about?" "Zero Six Zero"

"This is literally killing us!"

"You can't do that!"

The President of Eagle Sauce yelled.

His worry was not superfluous.

To know.

The dollar foreign exchange reserves in the hands of rabbits is an astronomical figure.

Once the rabbit is underweight.

Will seriously affect the price of the dollar.

For Ying Jiang, it was a disaster.

Immediately afterwards.

News outlets also covered what happened in the White House today.

"The House of Representatives launched an investigation into the President today."

"It is reported that the reason for this investigation is that the President took advantage of his position to manipulate the value of assets by improper means in order to obtain huge returns in the stock market.

"And get favorable loans, financial and tax benefits!"



Seeing the news reports that came up so quickly.

The president became enraged and began to curse.

"Which institution is this?"

"Quickly check it out for me."

The president couldn't help feeling a little out of control.

Because he knows.

Once a scandal breaks out.

It will make the stock market worse,

Another punch.

at this time.

Investors who are smarter than foxes.

They will withdraw their capital one after another.

stock market price.

It is bound to plummet.


As President Eagle Sauce expected.

After a few hours.

The news that the president used power for personal gain, manipulated non-performing assets, and raised stock prices quickly spread all over the world.

This news directly shakes people's confidence in the Yingjiang government.

Doubts arose about the value of the dollar at first.

Investors jumped on the news.

Selling the dollar one after another.

"We decided to empty our foreign exchange reserves in dollars."

"At this stage, my country's US dollar foreign exchange reserves are worrying, and we have decided to sell them sharply.

White Bear Country.

North Bear Country.

camel country.

heard the news.

Many countries can't stand it anymore.

It is more appropriate not to throw it away at this time?


Countries began to sell US dollar foreign exchange reserves.

And the practice of these countries.

It was quickly disseminated by the news media.

"The recent situation of the US dollar is worrying! Rabbit has reduced its holdings of US dollar foreign exchange reserves on a large scale. "

"Shocked! Many countries sell US dollar foreign exchange reserves on a large scale. "

"Multiple Countries Reducing U.S. Dollars! The U.S. Dollar Suffers a Crisis of Confidence. "

This one piece of news.

It was like a heavy punch.

Hit Ying Jiang's body hard.

It caused panic among investors on a large scale.

At this time, the dollar is about to close.

because of these news.

Suffered an unprecedented severe avalanche!

Take a look!

Red across the board!

Citigroup fell 5%.

Goldman Sachs Holdings fell 4.5 percent.

Charles Schwab Securities fell 5%.

But this is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, not only the stocks of banking and financial stocks fell.

Food, medicine, construction, real estate………

Stocks across the board fell across the board.

look around.

95% of stocks have plummeted!

??There are deep concerns about the safety of gold in the central reserve bank!

The position of the U.S. dollar as the world's main currency has also made everyone no longer trust it!

Eagle sauce relies on the hegemony of the US dollar, so it can become the world's largest economy today.

Judging from what happened today, the dominance of the US dollar will never return!

As of the closing date...

US stocks fell a total of 7.3%.

【Fuck! What's going on? This is too scary!】

[In just one day, the eagle sauce stock market has evaporated by 4 trillion yuan! 】

【My God! This is too unbelievable!】

Confused! Everyone is confused!

What happened today was so sudden.

The origin is that Rabbit announced a large-scale reduction of US dollars!

And then there is, the president is being investigated by the House of Representatives!

Immediately afterwards, many countries jointly issued a statement that they all wanted to play!

chain reaction of events.

It directly led to the collapse of the dollar.

And this is just what happened an hour before the US stock market closed.

If the eagle sauce stock market arrives, it will be the closing time of the day.

Then the situation can only be more terrifying.

If it was only Su Chen's own strength some time ago!

It definitely can't be this bad!

It is precisely because of the full voice of the rabbit!

There is also the matter of the investigation of the President of the United States to fuel the flames.

??all in all.

Everyone is clear.

Smart people get out of here!

What's even more weird.

The attitudes of Eagle Sauce's traditional allies such as Little Days and the Never Set Sun.

As usual.

At this time, they will definitely come out and issue a statement to increase their holdings of US dollar foreign exchange reserves to 5.9 and the proportion of US dollar treasury bonds.


Very unusual today.

A long time has passed.

These countries remain quiet as usual.

It's incredible.

"Increasing dollar holdings? Rescue Eagle Sauce Finance? How to save it?"

The person in charge of the European Bank was full of despair.

In fact, the speed of the day.

Countries have long been disgusted by the aggressive printing of money by Eagle Sauce.

Countries around the world have seen the risks of dollar harvesting.

Many countries have begun to accelerate the process of de-dollarization, no longer affirming the world hegemony of the US dollar.

"The hegemony of the U.S. dollar may be lost, and it will be a matter of time."

He has clearly felt it.

The collapse of the US stock market this time is irresistible.

No one, can save the eagle sauce!.

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