The Live Broadcast Teaches Lockpicking, The Police Pay Attention To Me!

Chapter 16 Decipher The Code! Let The Filipinos Challenge The Rabbits!

Almost a sleepless night.

Get out of this secret meeting room.

The morning glow outside the window.

The sky is almost brightening.

Wang Xu ordered.

"Take Su Chen to rest!"

So, under the leadership of the guards.

Su Chen walked to a lounge arranged in the deep part of the courtyard.

Take a break.


After a night of running around.

Su Chen felt a little tired.

Waves of drowsiness hit.

The guards brought the food.

After he ate something.

Then he fell asleep and fell asleep.

Who would have thought.

This opened his eyes.

It was already 7 o'clock in the evening.

"I'm going to sleep for so long!"

Su Chen looked at the clock on the wall and sighed.

Turn on the phone.

Because my phone is set to silent.

It was full of missed calls from Jiang Ziwei.

Su Chen is preparing to go back to the past for her.

Suddenly, a phone rang.

Su Chen just pressed the answer button.

04 I heard Wang Xu's urgent voice coming from inside.

"Su Chen, Su Chen, are you awake?"

"Come here quickly when you wake up, we are waiting for you!"

Hear Wang Xu's tone on the phone.

Su Chen knew that there must be something important.

I had to wash up in a hurry, and followed the guards to the big room yesterday.

Su Chen pushed the door open and entered.

I saw that the dozens of scientists yesterday were all busy in front of the computer.

I saw Su Chen coming in.

Everyone seems to have met a savior.

His eyes lit up immediately.

"Su Chen is here!"

"Su Chen is here!"

"Su Chen, come here quickly!"

Everyone quickly gathered around.

"Su Chen, you came just in time, this is the secret of Yingjiang that we intercepted!"

I saw Wang Xu holding a few pages of paper full of symbols in his hand.

Su Chen took it over and took a look.

I saw that the top of the paper is a complex geometric figure.

Strings of characters written in exactly the zodiac code.

Su Chen could tell at a glance.

This time the password looks very complex and esoteric.

At this moment, Su Chen was pushed beside the table by Wang Xu.

"Come on, Su Chen, take a look at what is written on it?"

Then, Wang Xu looked at Su Zhen with anxious eyes.

At the same time, those cryptography experts surrounding him also watched Su Chen's every move intently.

Su Chen didn't answer, all his attention is now on these few pages.

Then, he picked up a piece of paper and began to write and draw on it.

While writing, while explaining to everyone.

"You see, we're now considering splitting the password into two and three parts horizontally, into two and three parts vertically, and into 2x2 and 3x3 parts horizontally and vertically...

"Then we use the formula to calculate all possible 2x2 subdivisions, resulting in 2D decimation..."

"Given the high binary number of the 1,2 decimation transpose, we start our search with 2D decimation..."

"Each fragment has the same single transpose..."

Having said that, Su Chen paused and looked around.

See you all without any doubts.

Su Chen continued to explain on his own.

"Because the transposition that produces this candidate decryption is a decimation of 1 and 2, and the cipher is divided into three vertical segments."

"So using our 9,9,2 vertical segment, decimation transposition of 1 and 2 found the following solution for the first segment."

More and more people surrounded Su Chen, either sitting or standing.

Everyone was attracted by Su Chen's wonderful commentary.

Su Chen simply took a fountain pen and walked to the front whiteboard.

He quickly drew pictures on the whiteboard with his hands while explaining to everyone.

Su Chen's explanation was very serious and meticulous, and the people below were fascinated by it.

"Look, this is a very special moment. 9,9,2-vertical segment, 1,2-decimation transpose partially decrypted our cipher..."

"For the rest, maybe we only found the correct vertical split for 9 rows, and the remaining 11 rows would require a different split, or maybe a different transposition, or even a key for the substitution cipher, or any combination of these possibility, even all three possibilities..."

"Read plain text from left to right, then this plain text is excluded from the 1,2 decimated transpose, and read from left to right, if you move the "H" in the sixth row to the fourth column, it will Corrects many typos, so apply 1,2 decimation transpose, skipping positions containing these.

After speaking, Su Chen looked at everyone with a smile.

"Did everyone understand?"

At this time, the thin cryptographer from yesterday suddenly stood up with a look of enlightenment.

"I got it! I got it!"

"That's right, just as Su Chen said!"

"So, everyone, we can turn over this encrypted letter like this.

According to Su Chen, all eyes are on these cipher papers.

Get out the paper and pen and start doing the calculations.

Ten minutes later, the content of this password paper was revealed.

Holding 920 letters translated by Su Chen, Wang Xu read them word by word.

"The large-scale military exercise of Eagle Sauce this time is to conduct exercises with the Philippines."

"Take the opportunity to win over these ASEAN countries, and then encourage ASEAN countries."

"Let the Philippines provoke the rabbit, and the rabbit will definitely send troops.

"At that time, after the two sides shoot each other, Ying Jiang will continue to play the image of the world's policeman and take the opportunity to suppress the rabbit."

Therefore, the military exercise that Yingjiang mentioned this time will not target rabbits, but it is actually trying to cover up.

This time Yingjiang's military exercise can be said to be Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and everyone knows it!

It seems that the situation is very complicated.

Wang Xu finished reading in a low voice, frowning tightly.

There was no sound in the room, and everyone was silent.

Wang Xu looked directly at Su Chen with admiration in his eyes!

"Today, the deciphering of this encrypted letter is simply too important!"

"It directly affects the future international situation!"

Having said that, Wang Xu couldn't help but took a deep breath of air.

This concerns military and political events in several countries.

"In view of the importance of the encrypted information obtained this time, it is necessary to report to the superior immediately and make a decision!"

Wang Xu said firmly. .

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