The Live Broadcast Teaches Lockpicking, The Police Pay Attention To Me!

Chapter Eleven Do You Dare To Move? The Police Across The Country Have Their Hearts Broken For You.

"Welcome to this friend!"

Su Chen looked at the live broadcast room, and the number of people online is about 30,000.

And the popularity of the live broadcast room is still rising.

He gave the man a friendly smile.

"My friend, welcome to our live broadcast room."

"Let's chat casually, and you can also talk about what you want."

The man nodded: "My name is Chen Yong, and I am the boss of three listed companies."

"I have always wanted to find someone who can open the lock, but I have never met one."

"Many lockpicking companies have no way to open my lock."

Hearing what Chen Yong said, the netizens couldn't believe it.

[Fuck! You have all three listed companies, why is it so difficult to find someone who can open the lock? 】

[This is worth hundreds of millions of assets, right? And what can't be bought with money? 】

[Can the host punish you for this matter? 】

[Just focus on these three listed companies, let's try the anchor! 】

Netizens cheered for a while.

Su Chen was also a little puzzled.

"My friend, the lock you are talking about, what kind of lock is it?"

"You mean, almost all lockpicking companies can't open it?"

"Yes." Chen Yong nodded, "This lock of mine is a bit special. It is a high-precision fingerprint lock produced by a professional safe production company in Hans Country."

"This kind of high-tech lock, there are only one hundred limited editions in the world."

"The manufacturer said that the only way to open this kind of fingerprint lock, unless an asteroid hits the earth, everything will be destroyed."

[Fuck! Awesome! 】

[It seems that the anchor will not be punished this time. 】

"Well, it seems that this fingerprint lock is really difficult to open."

Su Chen agrees that fingerprint locks are different from other locks because they contain biological organisms.

"Indeed, fingerprint unlocking usually uses general characteristics of fingerprints such as pattern shape and triangular points to classify, and then uses local characteristics such as position and direction to identify users."

Su Chen talks eloquently in front of the camera lens, and introduces the author to netizens.

"It is necessary to find the feature points from the acquired fingerprint image, and then according to the characteristics of the feature points, establish the number of the user's living fingerprint to represent the fingerprint feature data."

Su Chen worried that netizens would not be able to digest such professional knowledge.

He paused for a moment, slowed down his speech, and explained clearly.

"It is necessary to perform pattern matching between the characteristic data of the fingerprint image and the database, calculate their similarity, and finally obtain the matching result of the two fingerprints, and identify the user's identity according to the matching result to achieve the purpose of unlocking..."

It can be seen that Su Chen is as proficient in the unlocking mode of the fingerprint lock as ever.

[Wow, awesome! learned. 】

[The host is also very knowledgeable about locks. 】

[It's too difficult, I feel like I won't be able to learn how to pick a lock. 】

[Is it enough to ask Nima to have hands? 】

Netizens are talking about it.

Suddenly several special voices caught Su Chen's attention.

【Ding! 】

[Anyuan Internet police patrol and law enforcement paid attention to you! 】

【Ding! 】

[Fuyuan police paid attention to you! 】

【Ding! 】

[Pingan City North has followed you! 】

Looking at the attention of each official account, Su Chen was a little stunned.

The official account has a special logo, which can be said to be very eye-catching.

Su Chen took a closer look.

Police accounts in more than 300 counties and urban areas have followed him.

Beituo City Police: [Please promote the positive energy of the society and contribute to peace and harmony! 】

Nanyu Law Enforcement: [The cooperation between the police and the people is the key, the young man must be kind! 】

Dongwu Internet Police: [The anchor speaks cautiously, may you be safe and always with you!]


It can be seen that these policemen are kindly reminding Su Chen.

[I'm going, how many official accounts of the police have followed the anchor? 】

[I can't stop laughing, half of the anchor's hundreds of thousands of fans are plainclothes? 】

[The police are really worried about the anchor. 】

[The anchor wants to cheer up our unlockers! 】

In bursts of discussion.

Su Chen was unmoved at all.

Although the fingerprint lock is a high-tech product, it is for Su Chen.

Find the basic pattern of fingerprints, draw the pattern area and core points, and according to the triangle points, pattern lines and the number of lines, you can crack the switch of the fingerprint lock.

"If your lock is really no one can open it."

"I can try."


Everyone was shocked by Su Chen's answer again.

[Fuck! Did the host agree again? 】

[Talent! What a talent! 】

[Anchor, you have to calm down, don't forget that there are hundreds of policemen here! 】

[Is the anchor going to challenge the fingerprint lock again? Didn't Mr. Chen just say that, unless a planet hits the earth. 】

I saw everyone's doubts.

Su Chen said to Chen Yong on the other side of the screen.

"Actually, there is another way to open your lock."

Chen Yong hastily pricked up his ears attentively.

Su Chen said to Chen Yong: "If you want to open this lock in the most convenient way."

"The easiest way is to find the person who has the lock fingerprint."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Chen Yong remained silent.

Su Chen thought he didn't understand, so he continued.

"Everyone understands this truth. As long as you find the owner of the fingerprint of this lock, isn't it a matter of course to unlock it?"

"I know." Chen Yong pondered for a moment.

"What if the person who owns the fingerprint of this lock is a dead person?"

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