The Live Broadcast Teaches Lockpicking, The Police Pay Attention To Me!

Chapter 32 Rabbit's Prison Will Also Become The Most Important Weapon Of The Country, The Sharp

Su Chen did not refuse.

He looked backstage.

The previous income from unlocking orders plus the rewards I got from live streaming was close to 6 million yuan.

This kind of income is enough for me.

Although some orders are still being rushed.

But according to the requirements of Dongning Prison, I believe I can still spare some time.

Seeing that Su Chen did not speak, the official account of Dongning Prison thought that he had some concerns.

[Mr. Su, please rest assured that you are paid for our service this time. 】

[We will provide you with a certain amount of compensation, the price will definitely satisfy you. 】

Su Chen said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, but do you want to do it in one step?"

Dongning Prison: [In one step? What's the meaning? 】

"Did you know that Eagle Sauce has what is called the most secure prison in the world?"

"The security is strict and the technology is advanced, especially the remote control steel gate and the 12-foot-high razor fence inside. The security level is extremely high! In order to improve the security level, laser beams and pressure pads are arranged on the periphery of the prison, and the world's leading Technology."

"There has never been a prison break, the ultimate prison for Eagle Sauce."

"It is, Eagle Sauce's Florentine Prison!"

"I can assure you that I can do it and make Dongning Prison surpass Yingjiang's prison and become the most heavily guarded prison in the world!"

Su Chen smiled lightly.

【What? Florence Prison? 】

[I lost it! Did I hear it wrong? Does the anchor mean to build Dongying Prison into a world-class prison? 】

[This is a bit interesting, think about it, if our rabbit's prison surpasses Ying Jiang, then Ying Jiang's expression will definitely be very exciting! 】

for a while.

The fans in the live broadcast room were gearing up.

This is so exciting!

Before, I only saw Ying Jiang's prison in the big movies.

Iron walls and iron walls, very bloody and terrifying.


Can build a super prison for our rabbits!

Even surpassed the Florentine prison of the eagle sauce!

How awesome is that!

【It's amazing! Rabbit's prison should also become the country's most important weapon, the country's sharp weapon! 】

[That's right, the rabbit's belongs to our rabbits! The world belongs to our rabbits! 】

[A strong prison is a strong country! Technology knows no borders! Anchor, come on! Optimistic about you! 】

[+10086! 】

For Su Chen's suggestion.

Rabbit netizen has a million likes!

In recent years.

The scientific and technological development of rabbits has made remarkable achievements.

Many world-leading high-quality scientific and technological achievements all come from rabbits.

In the field of aerospace, the development of information technology shows the hard power of Rabbit Technology!

Rabbit even became the leader of Bluestar 5G technology!


The improvement of the prison security science system cannot be the shortcoming of the rabbit!

It should be strengthened!

Think here.

Dongning Prison is excited!

Netizens are excited!

Dongning Prison: [Really? Is it really possible? Anchor, can you really make our Dongning Prison surpass Yingjiang's prison and make it well-guarded and top-notch in the world? 】


"What's so difficult about it?"

Su Chen vowed.

Dongning Prison: [Then it's a deal! If the anchor can really do it, as you said, our prison will award you a medal! 】

See Su Chen agreed.

Steven behind was a little nervous.

"Mr. Su."

"I think it's inappropriate for you to do this."

"The construction and installation of the Florence prison in our country, as well as the deployment of the system, are protected by relevant patents."

"You did this? Have you been authorized by our eagle sauce?"

"This is against the law!"

The reason why Steven stood up.

Because of.

He knows Su Chen too well.

With Su Chen's skills.

It can definitely build a top-level model that surpasses the security of Florence Prison!


Jiang Ziwei on the side smiled lightly.

"You're good at talking!"

"You Yingjiang will really give people a hat!"

"Mr. Steven, I would like to advise you, don't use law, human rights, these high-sounding words to talk about things!"

"In recent years, you Yingjiang has used these arguments to suppress our chip business, and even banned He Lan from selling lithography machines to us, thinking that this would be able to tie our necks."

"Did you finally do it again?"

"Isn't our technology industry developing at the same speed?"

"So you, don't worry about what you shouldn't!"

"Anyway, stop it, you can't stop it!"

"you you……"

Steven was speechless by Jiang Ziwei.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were really relieved!

[Hahaha, well said! Why do you eagle sauce always want to control our rabbits? 】

【Don't offend me, I won't offend anyone! 】

【Do you really think you are the world policeman? 】

【did you see it? This time the anchor opened the lock and was protected by the police! 】

This scene.

Netizens feel very cool.

Steven looked at the comments of netizens, his face was a little ugly, and he couldn't get off the stage in embarrassment.

As a representative of Eagle Sauce, where have you ever eaten this kind of flat?

Happy reading every day during Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity period: January 21st to February 5th)

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