The Live Broadcast Teaches Lockpicking, The Police Pay Attention To Me!

Chapter 68 Blood Squirting! I'll Do It Directly For You! (Kneeling To Subscribe!)


Su Chen's home.

"Xiayanshan military base, known as the nerve center of Yingjiang."

"It's 2,500 kilometers away from the White House."

"It is the most mysterious and safest place for Eagle Sauce."

Su Chen faces the camera.

Introducing to netizens.

"Look! This is a granite rock formation six hundred meters thick.

"With this thickness, it can definitely withstand the attack of a nuclear bomb.

Among the 3D renderings made by Su Chen.

Fans can see clearly.

In the deep interior of the granite-made mountain, there is a huge building with a length of about 2,000 kilometers.

【Isn't this the real version of the dungeon of "The Wandering Earth"?】

【Do we have such a military base in China?】

【This is the so-called Hawk-chan Air Defense Command, right?】

【If anyone understands, can you tell me if this underground fortress can withstand 50 million tons of TN light?】

Netizens looked curious and talked about it one after another.

"Haha, let's put it this way, the atomic bombs are useless against him.

Su Chen explained with a smile.

【That's awesome!】

【No wonder, it is known as the last refuge of President Yingjiang!】

【Haha, you don’t know, right now China has a ground-penetrating ammunition! It can penetrate five kilometers underground. 】

"Everyone can see that this tunnel is 500 meters long, and it is the only passage connecting Xiayan Mountain with the outside world."

"And at the end of this tunnel is a 2.5-meter-thick nuclear gate that weighs 25 tons."

"Do you think he can withstand nuclear bombs?"

"The answer is of course! In the event of a nuclear war, the door will automatically close.

"Let me answer the netizen's question just now. The Xiayan Mountain Fortress can withstand the bombing of 30 megatons of TNT explosives."

"That is to say, it can resist, which is equivalent to 1,500 times the explosive force of the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

"His command center is the control center for all of Eagle Sauce's military forces."

"All the information obtained by the U.S. military satellites, civilian satellites, air radars, and ground radars must first be collected and processed here before being transmitted to the Pentagon.

"That's why we say that his information system is extremely powerful, and it is the center where all the information of Eagle Doctor is collected and concentrated.

[It is indeed very powerful! This can also be said to be the last refuge of Eagle Sauce. 】

【Then anchor, do our rabbits have our own military base?】

Facing the question from netizens, Su Chen smiled.

"We have a military base and a submarine base on Hainan Island. It can be said that we have turned the South China Sea into our super large military base.

"The core system of Xia Yanshan's command center is his command center, which has more than 200 networks composed of 130 super-large computers and more than 600 dedicated communication networks.

"After 9/11, Eagle Sauce underwent great reforms in its joint operations capabilities among various arms. All of these data are shared by the Xia Yanshan Military Command Center."

Speaking of which.

Su Chen began to type line after line of code on the computer screen.

Lines of programming language quickly flashed across the screen.

"Papapa" sounded continuously.

Su Chen tapped the keyboard with his fingers.

Characters flow like a waterfall.

A string of programming languages ​​flashed across the screen.

All network firewalls are useless to him.

Fans watched, Su Chen's screen was full of blue codes.

Sigh again and again.

[Did I see the words that the connection was successful. 】

【I only have one sentence, the anchor is omnipotent!】


【The anchor is too awesome!】

【Xia Yanshan of Eagle Sauce is trembling!】

【1500 times the explosive power of the atomic bomb and the bombing of 30 megatons of TNT explosives are no match for the anchor's attack!】


Su Chen has already entered the operating system of Xia Yanshan Military Command Center.

He is slowly tidying up.

data of this system.

All the information for each command center information.

All need to be obtained.

It's a massive job.

He retrieved the data while analyzing the data.

Trying to find the system loopholes in this command center.

In the room, only the sound of Su Chen tapping on the keyboard, and the sound of the internal parts of the computer running at full power and high speed can be heard.

Su Chen smiled apologetically at everyone.

"It may be that the computer is over critical and overloaded. They have exceeded their maximum speed limit."

So Su Chen had no choice but to stop what he was doing.

Explain to everyone.

"The Xiayan Mountain military defense system is currently the strongest defense system in the world.

"So it has very high requirements for storage device configuration."

"Next, I will complete a series of upgrades to the computer to meet its configuration requirements."

[Okay, anchor! Then we will wait for you and upgrade the computer system. 】

【The serious look of the anchor is so handsome!】

【Now we know why the anchor has so many female fans?】

[The voice of the anchor is also very nice! 】

The fans kept talking.

In the studio, there was a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

At this moment.

Quietly entered an account in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly one after another, they brushed up gifts for Su Chen.

The distant Ornis gave the host a hot air balloon × 1

The distant Ornis gave the anchor Skyscraper×1

The distant Ornis gave the host a hot air balloon × 1

The distant Ornish gave to the host Carnival×1

The distant Ornish gave to the host Carnival×1

This netizen is called "Distant Ornis".

Brushed 10 gifts for Su Chen in one go.

【What is this person doing?】

[If you have something to say, just say it. 】

【This person is very good!】

Fans know all too well by now.

Here are the rules of the game in Su Chen's live broadcast room.

Those who want to attract Su Chen's attention, or those who want to communicate with Su Chen.

They all first appeared in the form of a large number of swiping gifts.

no way.

There are too many people in Su Chen's live broadcast room.

After saying a word, he was immediately overwhelmed by the barrage behind him.

Fans were secretly amused.

【Hello, host!】

[My name is Ornis, and I'm a reporter from Eagle Sauce. 】

[I'm in the Rabbit Country right now. 】

【I don’t know when you have time? I would like to visit and do an interview for you personally, is that okay?】

Su Chen looked up from the computer.

Very flat reply.

"Sorry, I don't plan to accept interviews with any Western media right now."

【Oh, Mr. Su Chen, you can understand the mismatch. 】

Ornis said seriously.

[My interview with you was absolutely objective and fair. 】

[There will be no position bias. 】

Su Chen smiled: "How can I believe you when you say that?"

"All the Western media who wanted to interview me also said the same thing.

Su Chen turned his face away and continued to code.

Want to end this conversation.

【Mr. Su Chen, do you think this is okay?】

[After the interview is completed, I will first send you the manuscript I wrote. 】

[After you have reviewed and finalized, I will continue to develop. 】

【Do you think this is okay?】

Su Chen held his forehead and thought for a while.

"That's good. After a while, I will send you the address.

That's right.

This Ornis is that Interpol.

After coming to the rabbit.

In order to arrest Su Chen and bring him to justice as soon as possible.

He thought of many ways.


Decided to pretend to be a reporter and meet Su Chen in person.

the next day.

Ornis came to Su Chen's house as promised.

"Hello, Mr. Su Chen! I'm Ornis, a reporter from Eagle Sauce Sun Daily."

"Nice to meet you."

"Thank you for accepting my interview."

Ornis smiled.

He took out his business card.

Su Chen took the business card and sat face to face with Ornis.

Then he said to Ornis on the opposite side.

"I generally don't give interviews to Western media because they distort Hou."

"If you want to interview me, I want to be as sincere as you said.

"We rabbits are friendly."

Ornis nodded.

"Please absolutely trust me."

Then began the formal interview with Su Chen.

"Mr. Su Chen, hello!"


"I have always been very curious about your experience.

"As far as I know, you are a locksmith, and you usually do live broadcasts on lockpicking.

"Then how did you manage to break the security system of Lutian Palace?"

"The security system of Lufu Palace is known as the most stringent security system in the world. No one has ever been able to easily open it."

Ornis came straight to the point.

Get straight to the point of the question.

Nothing is hidden.

Su Chen smiled.

He knew the question was inevitable.

"Let's put it this way! I can answer you. Picking locks is my job, and breaking (aecc) systems is my talent."

Indeed, everything Su Chen said is true.


Ornish wasn't satisfied with the answer.

He began to chase after him.

"Mr. Su Chen, I don't think it will work to explain it with talent alone.

"Have you never, ever been trained in this regard?"

Suddenly he paused.

His eyes looked at Su Chen like a sharp sword.

He wanted to test Su Chen's reaction with this question.

Ornish always thought so.

Behind Su Chen.

There must be a huge mysterious organization.

Train him.

He is watching.

Hope to get clues from Su Chen's face.


The weird thing is.

Su Chen didn't panic at all about his question.

His eyes kept staring directly at Ornis.

A frank and sincere attitude.

See Su Chen's reaction.

Ornis was even more strange.

During the period when I came to Zhenhai.

He has been secretly observing Su Chen secretly.


Su Chen's life is very simple.

In addition to live broadcasting, every day is making locks.

Neither want to be the Jiang Yang thief.

I don't even want to be a terrorist.

Totally an ordinary person.

He was at a loss.

Could it be that I made a wrong assumption at the beginning?

"Mr. Su Chen, I have another question, I want to ask you."

"The fingerprints of the security captain of the Lufu Palace have always been in his hands." "Then how did you do it? Recover his fingerprints from just a few minutes without any mistakes.

Where is it engraved?"

this problem.

Ornis has always been in his heart.

An insoluble mystery.

Hear the question.

Su Chen felt amused.

Never tell him.

Do you have this superpower?

That didn't freak him out!

Su Chen spread his hands together.

Appeared to have no comment.

"I'm sorry. This is my exclusive special technology, so I can't tell you anything."

What Su Chen said was very commercial.

A gesture of refusal.

After speaking, he looked at the time and acted as if he had finished the interview.

Seeing this, Ornis had no choice but to get up and leave.

That question still lingers in my heart.

Walked out of Su Chen's house.

In the live broadcast room.

There are also many domestic media.

Also want to interview Su Chen.


Because there are too many netizens in Su Chen's live broadcast room.

They never had a chance.

After sending the barrage, there is no reply.

I can only wait.

But even so.

Su Chen's heat is still too high.

all media.

They all wanted to take advantage of Su Chen's popularity and make their press releases popular.

So they started writing eye-catching headlines.

With some illustrations.

Publish it through the network.

Nanhai Daily: "A Little Locksmith in Zhenhai City Was Hired as a Distinguished Expert of the National Security Academy!"

Huaxia Daily: "The Little Locksmith and the Distinguished Expert of the National Security Academy, the inspirational life of the little man!"

Youth Daily: "Young Scientists and National Security Academy Distinguished Experts, New Era, New Youth!"

these days.

In all newspapers, the headlines are almost all news related to Su Chen.

Gradually, more and more people know Su Chen's name.

People who usually don’t pay much attention to live broadcasts, and even those who don’t surf the Internet very much, are also attracted by Su Chen’s experience!

"Hey, mom, take a look at this anchor! It's so awesome! It can open any lock!"

"Hey, Xiao Li, what are you looking at? Why are you so happy? You can't stop laughing."

"Zhang big sister, look at this anchor! It's so interesting, there are hundreds of policemen in the live broadcast room!"

for a while.

Su Chen gradually showed signs of becoming popular.

The number of people in his live broadcast room also exceeded ten million.

But abroad, it is completely different.

Last time.

Because Su Chen blocked those foreign media.

So they hold a grudge against Su Chen.

"This Su Chen is so proud, block us and let him see our methods!"

"These rabbits have always disrespected human rights, and we absolutely cannot condone their behavior.

"It seems that our previous reports have not made him aware of the seriousness of the matter."

"Look at what methods we have adopted to make him regret it!"

Western media.

Always proud and arrogant.

See people through colored glasses.

After being banned by Su Chen, I held a grudge.

Always on the lookout for revenge.

Soon they found a topic again.

They deliberately fabricated facts to discredit Su Chen.

on foreign social media.

Negative reports about Su Chen began to emerge.

Hua'er Street Daily: [The lockpicker has become a rabbit security expert?]

The New York Times: [The rule of law in the Rabbit Country is in turmoil, and the situation is in jeopardy!]

Reuters: [The unlocker turned out to be a security expert! Ridiculous rabbit!]

One message is getting worse than the other.

The words reveal the belittling of Su Chen.

And the contempt for rabbits.

these western media.

They hold the right to speak of world public opinion.

But it is precisely because of them that the truth is diverted from the truth.

It also misunderstood some people.

Su Chen is an outlaw.

I think the rabbit is a country without the rule of law.

Such a fuss.

Su Chen's overseas fans.

But angry.

There are also overseas students.

rally together.

Let's speak up for Su Chen!

Let's speak up for the rabbit!

And James, who was teaching at MIT, saw the news about Su Chen.

Also very angry.

He has been following Su Chen.

Watch Su Chen live often.

For what happened in the rabbit country.

He is very understanding.

as a scientific practitioner.

He has always spoken the truth.

For the sake of traffic and eyeballs, the media detests the reports that turn black and white.

From the bottom of my heart.

He admired Su Chen's super talent and unparalleled technique.

Quite admirable.

So United Ivy's science and technology cutting-edge scientist professor.

Let's speak up for Su Chen together.

But alas.

These people are known only in academic circles.

among ordinary people.

Not many people know them.

So their opinion.

So there was no big storm.

And those news outlets.

It was originally intended to discredit Su Chen.

Take revenge on Su Chen.

The words are even more ugly. .

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