"Very well, is there anyone else who wants to go?"

Five minutes passed, Ye Rongrong looked at the dozen or so college students who were still left and asked.

"Let's leave now, I believe you will be proud of your choice today in the future."

Seeing that no one left anymore, Ye Rongrong said happily.

"Now let me introduce to you, this old man Wang Bingzhen is the dean of this 'Home for the Elderly'. From now on, you will be in charge of all the affairs of the 'Home for the Elderly'."

"Don't think that he is a very ordinary old man. He is a legendary figure, one of the top ten richest men in China, and the chairman of Jiannan Group."

Ye Rongrong pointed to Wang Bingzhen and introduced to everyone.


"No way, one of the top ten richest people in China?"

"The richest man in Jiannan Province? To be the dean of this 'Home for the Elderly', did I hear wrong?"

"I said, why is it so familiar? It turns out to be Jiannan Shengfu! I've seen it too much in the news."

"That's right, he is Wang Bingzhen, one of China's top ten richest men!"

"This 'Taoyuan Home for the Elderly' is so awesome that he can be hired as the dean."


After Ye Rongrong introduced Wang Bingzhen's identity, the group of college students below were all shocked.

The old man whom everyone didn't pay attention to just now turned out to be one of the top ten richest people in China, Jiannan Shengfu, chairman of Jiannan Fishery Group.

This is definitely an amazing character.

I didn't expect that such a powerful person would choose to be the dean of this "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly".

Suddenly everyone was full of curiosity about "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly".

What kind of "Home for the Elderly" actually allows a rich man like Wang Bingzhen to be the dean.

"Since no one has chosen to leave, let's start registering. Zhang Linlin will take you to the place where you live later."

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he handed them over to Zhang Linlin and the others.


"This old people's home is really beautiful!"

"Wow, there are peonies here!"

"My God, this is the dormitory we live in, isn't it too luxurious?"

"This is the best staff dormitory I have ever seen, it really has everything you need."

"It can't be so advanced, this door is actually a voice-activated door."

"I'm so happy, it's better than I imagined."

"Wow, there is a free IFI here."


When this group of students moved into their dormitory, they were even more pleasantly surprised. The dormitory was so good that they couldn't fault it.

Even some students couldn't help but take out their mobile phones, took pictures of these, and posted them on WeChat and Moments, which aroused the envy and jealousy of many students for a short time.

However, Ye Rongrong couldn't control these things anymore. After handing over the full power here to Wang Bingzhen, Ye Rongrong went back. After all, this person was basically recruited, and Ye Rongrong was going to officially open tomorrow.

So Ye Rongrong still wants to invite guests to attend the opening ceremony.

Just back home, when Ye Rongrong hadn't decided to invite those people to participate, he received a call from Qilin, who was in charge of editing.

"The hermit congratulates you on your book. Someone wants to buy the physical publishing rights of this "Slaying Demons". Are you willing to sell it?"

Qilin asked on the phone.

As the most popular book in online literature this year, the copyright of "Zhou Mo" has always been in high demand, and many publishers and film and television companies want to buy it.

The copyright fee is set very high by the starting point. After all, with such a hot Internet, the starting point will not sell this "Zhou Mo" at a low price.

Who made "Zhu Mo" so popular? Even though the copyright fee is set very high, there are still many people vying to buy out the copyright of "Zu Mo".

No, there is a publishing house paying a high price to buy the publishing rights of "Zhu Mo" in simplified and traditional characters.

"How much?"

Ye Rongrong asked in a daze.

Ye Rongrong never thought that he would be able to publish a book.

This is really something that makes Ye Rongrong feel happy.

"five million!"

Qilin said happily.

After all, the publishing copyright is five million, which is very high.

The copyrights of many platinum authors' books are tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, including film and television copyrights, game copyrights, etc. When it comes to publishing copyrights, Ye Rongrong's "Zhu Mo" is definitely the highest .

Especially in this Internet age, when the traditional literary publishing market is sluggish, few publishers are willing to spend money to buy online publishing rights.

"Five million, it's okay, let's sell it."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Anyway, if you don't buy it, you will waste it. If you sell it, there will be more than 3 million yuan in income.

After all, this website has to charge 30% of the fee, plus personal income tax, and in the end, it is only more than three million yuan in the hands of Ye Rongrong.

But you have no choice. As long as you sign a contract with the website, the website has the right to collect the copyright fee.

Ordinary authors are basically charged half of the fee. Ye Rongrong signed a "platinum contract", and 70% of the copyright fee belongs to him, which is 20% more points than ordinary authors.

Don't underestimate the 20% points, just counting Ye Rongrong's five million publishing rights, it is equivalent to a whole million more!

One million can buy a decent house in a medium-sized city in China.

"Aren't you surprised?"

Qilin felt that Ye Rongrong's tone was very flat, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

Ordinary people would be too excited to speak if they knew that they had won five million yuan.

"I'm very happy. Next time I have time to go to Shanghai, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll give you the contract right now. You can sign it and send it to me. According to the arrival time of the contract, after three months, the copyright fee will be credited to your account."

Qilin said a little depressed.

Originally, I saw it on Qilin, and if I told Ye Rongrong the good news, he would definitely be pleasantly surprised and excited.

But the result made Qilin a little depressed.

You must know that Qilin has many Internet authors under his command, and some of them have their copyrights sold. Every time I tell them that their copyrights are sold, they will be very excited.

Now that he met such a wonderful person, Qilin didn't know what to say.

It seems that either this Ye Rongrong is very rich, or this Ye Rongrong really treats money like dirt.


"Husband, what has been sold?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong hang up the phone, Liu Qingqing asked curiously.

"The publishing rights of the book "Slaying Demons" written by your husband are about to be sold, and it has sold for five million."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

In any case, it is a happy thing to have money in the account.

"That's great. Will I be able to buy the physical book of "Slaying Demons" written by you husband after a while?"

When Liu Qingqing heard that her man's book was about to be published, she immediately became excited.

"You can put it that way!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"It's really great. I'll buy two hundred sets then."

Liu Qingqing said excitedly.

It looked like she was writing something that was about to be published.

"Why buy so much?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with some doubts and asked.

"Give it away, I've thought about it, when the book comes out, my relatives from my natal family will each give a set, and my good friends and classmates will also give a set, and..."

Liu Qingqing was thinking about giving books to those people.

"Honey, don't you need to be so ostentatious?"

Ye Rongrong said with some embarrassment.

You know, when he was young, Ye Rongrong liked to watch it. For this matter, his parents beat Ye Rongrong several times, saying that he was not doing his studies.

In the eyes of rural people, watching is not doing business properly, it is a sign of no future, and it is a sign of wasting time.

"I feel very good."

Liu Qingqing said.

From Liu Qingqing's point of view, her man published a book, which shows that he has the ability.

In ancient times, the favorite thing for literati to do was to present the books they wrote to their relatives and friends.

"Well, when the book comes out, we'll order 200 sets."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, and still agreed with his wife's approach.

After chatting with Liu Qingqing, Ye Rongrong went to the study and transferred the contract on the phone to the computer.

Ye Rongrong took a general look and found that there was no problem. He printed it out and signed it, put it in a courier bag, and handed it over to Xiao Si'er to send it in the town.


On October 20th, "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly" officially opened. Ye Rongrong did not invite too high-level leaders to participate in the ribbon cutting, but invited several main leaders from the county party committee and the town to participate in the opening of "Taoyuan Home for the Elderly" Opening ceremony.

"Glory, isn't your home for the elderly too luxurious?"

After a tour, Hou Yaohui looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

It is really that this home for the elderly is so luxuriously built. Not only is the hardware complete, but the software is also very good. There are not many such high-end "homes for the elderly" in the world. A circle of rich and powerful old people.

And this "Home for the Elderly" built by Ye Rongrong turned out to be for the elderly in the village or a few nearby villages, which is too prosperous.

"It's okay!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

In Ye Rongrong's opinion, this "Home for the Elderly" is indeed more luxurious. The old men and women in the village have lived a hard life. If they live in such a good place all of a sudden, they won't get used to it if they don't manage well.

But this "Home for the Elderly" was built by the "lazy system", and Ye Rongrong can't control it.

"Glory, one day when I retire, you have to save a room for me, and I will live here again."

Wang Changbo is very satisfied with this place and wants to retire here.

"Secretary Wang, you are joking, you are still far from retirement."

Ye Rongrong shook his head. Wang Changbo is only fifty years old this year, and there are still ten years before retirement.

"Soon, I'll be about to retire after two more terms of office."

Wang Changbo said.

Now the official retirement age is 60 years old, unless you reach a very high level, otherwise you will retire at 60 years old.

"Let's talk about it when you retire!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"Glory, if you are not from Taoyuan Village, can you live here?"

Liu Yifei asked.

After all, the environment here is good, the air is fragrant, and the accommodation, meals, and medical care are all well-equipped. If you want to retire here, I think it is the best.

Liu Yifei wants her grandfather to retire here. (To be continued.) 8 For more exciting novels, welcome to visit our Reading Academy

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