The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1050 Funding


"Brother Ronghua, look at what you are doing. This eel was caught by Erwazi, and I gave it to him too. Why are you still beating him? Really."

Ye Rongrong looked at Ye Ronghua speechlessly and said.

This is really a real person!

"Glory, such a big rice field eel is very valuable. Erwazi doesn't know, how can I not know? It can't be taken randomly."

Ye Ronghua shook his head and said.

After all, this big rice field eel costs at least 5,000 yuan, which is more than a month's income of my husband and wife.

Of course Ye Ronghua didn't dare to take such a valuable thing.

"Brother Ronghua, I told Erwazi that it was captured by Erwazi, and he took it back after it belonged to him. Don't blame Erwazi."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Where can I get such a valuable thing!"

Ye Ronghua shook his head and said.

"Brother Ronghua, you are too, why are you beating Erwazi! See if you wronged this kid."

Liu Qingqing wiped Erwazi's tears with some distress and said.

Erwazi and other brats in the village basically come to play in Ye Rongrong's big yard every day. Liu Qingqing has a good relationship with them and treats them as her own children.

Seeing Er Wazi's sad look, Liu Qingqing felt very distressed.

"If this boy doesn't fight, he won't have a long memory!"

Ye Ronghua said.

"Erwazi don't cry, go inside, and aunt will bring you delicious food."

Liu Qingqing took Erwazi to the living room.

"Glory, I'm really sorry today, I'll return this eel to you."

Ye Ronghua said to Ye Rongrong.

"Brother Ronghua, take this big eel back. It was caught by Erwazi, and I promised to give it to him. You won't let me lie to the kid!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

This giant eel leaf Glory has already agreed to give it to Erwazi, so there is no reason to take it back.

In that case, wouldn't I have broken my promise to the children?


Ye Ronghua wanted to say something else.

"Brother Ronghua, isn't it just an eel? Don't get so nervous, it's fine, take it back."

Ye Rongrong persuaded.

"But it's worth a lot!"

Ye Ronghua shook his head and said.

It's fine if it's an ordinary rice field eel, but such a big rice field eel can be sold for a lot of money, so you don't dare to take it indiscriminately.

"It's just a rice field eel. Brother Ronghua, you can take it. I still have a lot of such a big rice field eel in this lake, so I don't miss this one."

Ye Rongrong persuaded.

It's not that Ye Rongrong must give this eel to Ye Ronghua, but Ye Rongrong has already agreed to give this eel to Er Wazi.

Ye Rongrong didn't want the children to think that he was a reneging uncle.


In the end, Ye Ronghua took Erwazi back with the bucket, and they naturally brought the big eel back with them.

As for whether they sold it or stewed it themselves, Ye Rongrong couldn't control it.

However, based on Ye Ronghua's understanding of rural people, 99% of Ye Ronghua would sell this big rice field eel.

Rural people are reluctant to eat such expensive things.

"Honey, it's really not easy for Brother Ronghua's family!"

Seeing Ye Ronghua and his son going away, Liu Qingqing said with emotion.

It is really not easy for a couple to support five children by doing part-time jobs.

Eating, drinking, and messing around is still a trivial matter, but this kid spends a lot of money on schooling!

"Yeah, it's not easy!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Husband, I heard that Brother Ronghua's eldest daughter, Ye Xiaodie, will stop studying after graduating from high school next year, and go to earn money to help support the family."

Liu Qingqing said.

In rural areas, many children did not go to university, especially girls. Few of them went to university. Let them drop out of school to work to help reduce the burden on the family.

"It's like this in the countryside, it's not easy for everyone!"

Ye Rongrong said with emotion.

Isn't it the same at home?

Didn't my elder sister have been asked by her parents to drop out of school to help earn money for the family before she even finished junior high school?

The yard I live in now was built with the hard-earned money of my parents and sister.

"Honey, I want to sponsor Ye Xiaodie to go to college, do you think it's okay?"

Liu Qingqing looked at her husband and asked.


Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

As long as his wife is happy, it's not a bad thing, Ye Rongrong will support it.

"Husband, I know you are the best."

Liu Qingqing said happily.

"That's right, your husband is a good husband, a good father!"

Ye Rongrong said proudly.

"Then my dear good husband, your lovely little wife hasn't eaten the food you cooked for a long time, can you trouble me to cook for you at night!"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong coquettishly and asked.

"Then how do you repay your husband and me!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a smile and asked.

"I still have to repay!"

Liu Qingqing rolled her eyes at her husband and said.

"Of course, if there are rewards, there will be more motivation for this work, and the dishes made here are also much more delicious."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"How do you want to reward you tonight?"

Liu Qingqing asked in a low voice.

Mainly because I am afraid of being said loudly by others.

After all, this is sex between husband and wife, and it would be embarrassing for outsiders to hear it.

"I think……"

Ye Rongrong said next to Liu Qingqing's ear.

"Pervert, disgusting!"

Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, Liu Qingqing couldn't help but blushed, and patted Ye Rongrong's chest lightly a few times.

"You promised!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"You... you go and cook!"

Liu Qingqing said with a red face.

Thinking of serving her husband like that at night, Liu Qingqing felt shy and excited at the same time.


"Aunt Wang, leave the dinner to me tonight."

After Ye Rongrong sent Aunt Wang out of the kitchen, he happily waved a kitchen knife in the kitchen.

Thinking of Liu Qingqing working hard to serve him at night, Ye Rongrong was so excited, and the movements of his hands were also very fast.

He grabbed a large catfish weighing two catties from the fish tank in the kitchen, and used a kitchen knife to cleanly remove the scales, gills, and guts.

After cleaning, a whole big catfish was quickly sliced ​​into thin slices by Ye Rongrong's "profound" knife, put into a bowl, and scratched with a little salt, pepper and cornstarch.

Chopped sauerkraut, dried chili, sliced ​​garlic, minced ginger, chopped coriander, and other seasonings, Ye Rongrong is going to make a famous dish in Sichuan cuisine "pickled fish" today.

"Sauerkraut fish" is tender and tender, the soup is sour and delicious, slightly spicy but not greasy, and the fish fillets are tender and smooth. It is a popular Chinese dish.

In ancient times, there was a good fisherman who caught a few fish one day and brought them home. His wife mistakenly put the fish into the pot of sauerkraut soup. After tasting it, it was extremely delicious.

Under Ye Rongrong, the master chef, a delicious "pickled fish" was soon ready.

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong caught another big crucian carp weighing more than a catty from the fish tank. Ye Rongrong was going to make another fish dish, braised crucian carp in soy sauce.


Ye Rongrong's speed is very fast, within an hour, six dishes and one soup are ready.

"smell good!"

Liu Qingqing walked into the kitchen, and was tempted by the aroma to drool.

"That is, your man's cooking skills, do you have anything else to say?"

Ye Rongrong said with some complacency.

"Husband, are the dishes ready?"

Liu Qingqing couldn't wait to bring the cooked food to the restaurant and eat it.

It's been a long time since I ate the dishes made by my husband, and now when I smell them, the smell whets Liu Qingqing's appetite.

"You can take it out for dinner, and my husband will fry another egg, and it will be fine."

Ye Rongrong said little by little.

Liu Qingqing happily brought all the dishes to the table in the restaurant.

Good things must be shared with friends.

Now that there is WeChat, everyone likes to post the happy things they walk into every day on WeChat.

Liu Qingqing was no exception. She took out her mobile phone and took pictures of the two dishes and one soup on the table. First, she took pictures of each dish, and then took pictures from different angles.

After the filming, Liu Qingqing sent it to WeChat with the title "The dishes cooked by my husband are just good".

As soon as Liu Qingqing posted this dish on WeChat, some people on WeChat appeared one after another.

"Brother-in-law's cooking, I miss it so much!"

"Sister Qingqing, I'm so jealous of you!"

“The best food in the world!”

"Sister Qingqing, I hate you, why did you show off the dishes made by Brother Glory, it made me lose my appetite to eat school dishes."


Soon there were replies on WeChat.

But now Liu Qingqing doesn't care about other people's jealousy and envy, her stomach is already growling, Liu Qingqing hastily asked her mother and sister Wang to come over for dinner.

"The fried eggs are ready."

Ye Rongrong brought fried eggs to the restaurant, and saw that the dishes on the table were all eaten.

Liu Qingqing and the others held their stomachs in their hands. After eating, they were so stretched that they couldn't move and leaned on the chairs. They took a toothpick from the table and picked their teeth.

"I said, you can't wait for me for a while!"

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

I was just working hard to make fried eggs, and this dish was almost eaten.

The rice has not been brought out yet, it seems that they are full from the food.

"Husband, it's because the dishes you made taste so good, we couldn't help it, and we finished eating as we ate."

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong with some embarrassment.

"Fortunately, I also fried an egg."

Ye Rongrong smiled helplessly.

"Why don't you cook another dish?"

Liu Qingqing said.

"No, there's still a little left. It's no problem to have a meal."

Ye Rongrong said.

You must know that when I was young, when there was no food at home, I just poured sugar on the rice and ate it. Ye Guangrong also ate it.

Now there are fried eggs, as well as Liu Qingqing and the others' leftover dishes, so it's no problem to have a meal together.

Ye Rongrong brought out the rice cooker from the kitchen, made a bowl of rice and started eating.

Based on the principle that the rice should not be eaten in one meal, Ye Rongrong ate all the rice in the pot by himself.

Ye Rongrong, who was propped up on his stomach, also sat on the chair and rubbed his stomach to digest. (To be continued.)

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