The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1059: A Beggar Who Keeps Up With The Times

"Your stinky tofu is ready!"

In less than two minutes, a piece of "stinky tofu" with a faint smell was brought to Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing.

"Honey, can I eat this stinky tofu?"

Liu Qingqing looked at the dark "stinky tofu" in front of her eyes, and she didn't dare to put down her chopsticks.

"Then I'll eat a piece first, and help you try the poison!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong is still very clear about her wife's slight cleanliness. She doesn't dare to eat anything that looks a little dirty.

It's just that women are naturally greedy, and she especially wants to taste the very famous "stinky tofu".

This is a very contradictory psychology.


Liu Qingqing nodded, staring at Ye Rongrong.

Seeing Ye Rongrong chewing a piece of black stinky tofu in his mouth, he couldn't wait to ask: "How does it taste, isn't it very delicious?"


Ye Rongrong thought about it

In fact, Ye Rongrong was really dissatisfied with the taste of this stinky tofu.

The taste is really mediocre, and the taste is made up entirely by this seasoning.

It's just the taste of this seasoning, Ye Rongrong can give him three points at most, which belongs to the average level.

However, most of the people who come to set up stalls are parents of students, and few of them are professional in these snacks.

Ye Rongrong even suspected that the owner of this stall was just a novice, and he just learned his skills from street vendors for two days before the food festival.

The raw materials and seasonings of these stinky tofu are probably also bought from vendors.

Even these tools are rented from those who buy stinky tofu on the street.

The reason Ye Rongrong can be sure is that the taste of this stinky tofu is basically the same as that bought on the street.

The only downside is that the stinky tofu is not fried properly, and the frying is too old.

Ye Rongrong took a bite and ate it. This stall owner is definitely a novice.

For novices, this heat cannot be learned in one or two days.

"I'll take a bite and see!"

Liu Qingqing endured her nausea and took a bite.

Soon Liu Qingqing frowned.

This taste is completely different from Liu Qingqing's imagination.

Everyone Liu Qingqing knew before said that this stinky tofu was delicious, but after taking a bite, Liu Qingqing felt that the taste was really mediocre!

Liu Qingqing felt that this stinky tofu had a name for nothing.

"tastes bad!"

Liu Qingqing stopped eating after taking a bite.

Now Liu Qingqing's mouth is also spoiled by the delicious food at home.

There are really some stinky tofu that don't like this taste.

"This is not authentic stinky tofu, real stinky tofu, it is really smelly, but the taste is really the best in the world!"

Ye Rongrong explained.

"Stinky tofu" is a very famous Chinese delicacy. Even a woman with a tricky mouth like the Empress Dowager Cixi likes to eat it, and she even gave it an imperial name.

Of course, the taste will not be like this, but now it is too difficult to eat the most authentic stinky tofu!

"How about the authentic stinky tofu?"

Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

“Absolute gourmet food!”

Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.

Any food that is extremely fragrant is actually stinky, just like durian, it smells extremely stinky, but it tastes strange.


Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong affectionately and said.

"What? Do you want to eat authentic stinky tofu?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a smile and said.

They are old couples, Ye Rongrong saw Liu Qingqing's expression and understood what she wanted to do.

For colleagues, this kind of relationship is called tacit understanding, and for husband and wife, it is a tacit understanding.


Liu Qingqing nodded in response.

Liu Qingqing knew that her husband would definitely make this very authentic "stinky tofu".

"Don't regret it!"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a smile and said.

"Why do I regret it?"

Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, as long as you don't regret it, let's go, let's try another stall!"

Ye Rongrong stood up and said.

There are still a lot of snacks that have not been eaten yet, and it is still far from the goal.

"Brother, give me two Roujiamo, what kind of stuffing do you want my wife?"

Ye Rongrong asked Liu Qingqing.

"I will eat whatever stuffing you eat."

Liu Qingqing said.

"Let's go for the pork belly. This pork belly is very good. It's the best pork belly, and it's very fresh."

Ye Rongrong looked at the pork belly on the desk and said.

Pork belly, also known as square meat and three layers of streaky pork, is located in the abdomen of pigs. There is a lot of fat tissue in the abdomen of pigs, which contains muscle tissue, separated by fat and thin, so it is called "pork belly".

This part of the lean meat is also the most tender and juicy.

The best pork belly has the most perfect ratio in the front part of the abdomen near the front legs, where fat and lean meat are intertwined, and the color is pink.

The pork belly is cooked with the skin on. The skin can thicken the soup and make the meat shiny, allowing different flavors to develop in it.

Pork belly has always been the best protagonist of some representative Chinese dishes, such as braised pork with preserved vegetables, braised pork with southern milk, Dongpo pork, twice-cooked pork, Lu pork rice, melon zirou, steamed pork and so on.

Judging from the color, the "pork belly" used by this small meat folder is selected from the front part of the abdomen near the front legs. The fat and lean meat are intertwined, and the color is pink and beautiful.

"Brother, you are very discerning. I specially scraped this pork belly from the front feet of fresh pigs. We don't expect to make money at this food festival today."

The stall owner is a middle-aged man, he glanced at Ye Rongrong happily and said.

Many people know that the pork belly is the belly of the pig, and it is the most delicious part of the pig, but few people can tell what kind of pork belly is the best.

Especially the young people, who couldn't understand it even more. They didn't expect that the person in front of him could see the quality of his pork belly at a glance. It's really rare!

"Hehe, I can see it!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong is a master chef. Of course, he can tell the quality of these ingredients at a glance. Of course, he knows that the ingredients at this stall are very good.

Not just this one, the food on the stalls of the parents who came here today is very good. After all, their children are studying in kindergartens, and everyone does not expect to make money. Of course, they will not buy bad things. Everything is good. Pick a good buy.

"Two meat clips are ready."

The middle-aged stall owner quickly prepared two Roujiamo and handed them to Ye Rongrong.

After paying the money, Ye Rongrong handed Liu Qingqing a roujiamo, and the two continued to stroll in this small food street while eating. Although it was only a short distance of less than a hundred meters, it was a leisurely stroll. , it's still a waste of time.

"Please do me a favor, both of you, pity...have pity on me!"

Suddenly came a beggar, she was an old lady in her seventies, with wrinkled face, gray hair, bowed body, shabby and dirty clothes, holding a dull and colorless A smooth cane, holding a plastic bowl in one hand, in which there are loose money, banknotes, and coins, basically one yuan, and a few five yuan.

The old man looked at Ye Rongrong and the others beggingly.

She mumbled words that made Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing sound very strenuous.

The old man gave people a miserable and pitiful feeling, which easily aroused people's pity and sympathy.

"Husband, this old lady is so pitiful, she is still begging at such an advanced age!"

Liu Qingqing felt that the old man was very pitiful.

No matter how many fake beggars there are now, people who are so old that they are about to enter the coffin with one foot should spend their days at home and enjoy the blessings of their children and grandchildren.

But she still came out to beg, which is really pitiful!

After all, being a beggar is a very dishonorable thing, especially for the elderly in their seventies, this is a very difficult choice.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no choice, such an old man would not come out to attract people's eyes and beg.

"Yeah, just give her some money!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Anyway, at such an advanced age, Ye Rongrong felt that she was really pitiful and came out to beg for self-reliance, and it was not easy.

"Husband, I don't have any cash with me."

Liu Qingqing said.

For Liu Qingqing who basically didn't go out, she was not used to carrying money with her. When she went out with Ye Rongrong this morning, Liu Qingqing didn't bring any money either.

Anyway, I have my husband here, so I don't worry about not having money to spend.

"You can scan the QR code to send red envelopes!"

Before Ye Rongrong could speak, the old man spoke.

"Scan the QR code to send red envelopes?"

Both Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing were stunned, they looked at the old man suspiciously and asked.

"This is a bowl made for me by a granddaughter. You can scan this QR code to send me red envelopes."

With that said, the old man pointed out one side of the plastic bowl to Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing.

I saw a QR code printed on the side of the bowl.

"No way, is the QR code used by beggars now?"

Ye Rongrong was stunned.

This is the first time that Ye Rongrong encountered a beggar using such an advanced method as a QR code.

You know, even Ye Rongrong didn't know what the QR code was for until last year, so he only uses it now.

But this old beggar has also kept pace with the times and used QR codes to beg.

"Grandma, do you know how to use a mobile phone? Do you know WeChat?"

Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

Scanning the QR code with this mobile phone, the red envelope must have been sent to WeChat. Liu Qingqing doubted whether this 70-year-old grandmother would use a mobile phone.

Not to mention playing WeChat.

To be honest, people of such an age can't use their eyes well, how can they use WeChat!

"I have a cell phone."

Speaking of this, the old man took out a worn-out mobile phone for the elderly from his pocket, the kind that can be bought on Taobao for 20 or 30 yuan.

This kind of mobile phone can't install WeChat software at all, and it doesn't have this function, that is, it can send text messages and make phone calls.

So Liu Qingqing was very puzzled, why did this old man collect the red envelopes sent to him by others.

"I know you have a mobile phone, I asked me to send you a red envelope on WeChat, how do you receive it?"

Liu Qingqing asked curiously. (To be continued.)

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