The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1115 Ye Rongrong's Favorite Novels

"Mr. Ye, I am..."

Yang Xiaomi said to Ye Rongrong with some excitement.

Although this Mr. Ye is not from the entertainment industry, his reputation is very famous in the entertainment industry.

The story of "became a beauty in a rage" is very popular in the entertainment industry!

Everyone knows that Zhang Hanyun is surrounded by the uncle of the Liu family, and no one dares to make Zhang Hanyun's idea.

Now Zhang Hanyun's career is also very popular, her net worth has doubled, and she is almost becoming a top-line celebrity, although she is still worse than herself.

But with the help of this "Mr. Ye" nobleman, it will be a matter of time before he catches up with him.

What's more, compared with Zhang Hanyun, although she is very popular now, she is a beautiful woman, a female star without a strong backing, and it is difficult for her to move forward in the entertainment industry.

Take this time to attend the Ren family's banquet, Yang Yusheng wanted to accompany him to this banquet, drink with all kinds of successful men, he couldn't refuse, and he didn't dare to refuse.

And Zhang Hanyun doesn't have to come, and no one will force her.

Because there is this "Mr. Ye" behind her.

"You don't need to introduce, I remember who you are, you are Yang Xiaomi."

Ye Rongrong remembered who this beautiful woman was.

This is not Yang Xiaomi who played the heroine in the popular TV series "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" last year. I remember that she played the beautiful goddess Bai Qian.

Ye Rongrong often watched this TV series with Liu Qingqing at that time, of course he remembered the heroine Bai Qian in it.

It's just that Yang Xiaomi is not dressed in ancient costumes now, so Ye Rongrong didn't recognize who she was for a while.

I didn't expect that Yang Xiaomi was beautiful in ancient costumes, and now this fashion is also very beautiful.

"Mr. Ye, do you know me?"

Yang Xiaomi said happily.

"Of course, my wife really likes your film "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", and I have watched it too."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Have you ever loved someone?

have you ever hated someone

Three hundred years ago, she on Zhuxian Stage turned around and jumped off, allowing him on the other side of the bronze mirror to witness her farewell forever.

There is no such a mortal woman like her in this world anymore. The Prince Ye Hua in the Nine Heavens is just a dream of her, full of endless pain and a little love.

But the dream will wake up eventually, and after it is shattered, she takes the medicine given by Zheyan, and will never forget this relationship in this world.

Three hundred years later, in the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, she met him unexpectedly, and was reborn again. When she faced this man again, she was as indifferent as the wind, but she didn't know why he rubbed her eyes with his cold hands again and again.

Three lives and three generations, are she and him destined to bear an entangled marriage?

Three lives and three lives, can she and him finally make a promise from life to life?


This "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" has earned a lot of tears from my daughter-in-law.

Although Ye Rongrong doesn't like to watch it, there is nothing he can do. In the bedroom, the TV is just on, so you can't watch it if you don't want to!

To be honest, Ye Rongrong summed up the conclusion of this TV series in two words, which is "abuse of heart", if he had to add two words, it would be "very abusive".

It's just that I don't know why, women nowadays like this kind of sad TV series, and tears flow while watching it.

This made Ye Rongrong very unable to understand the world of women.

"I didn't expect that both Mr. Ye and your wife have watched my TV series. I'm so happy!"

Yang Xiaomi said excitedly.

Of course, Ye Rongrong couldn't tell whether it was true excitement or fake excitement. He is a professional actor and can enter the play at any time.

"Yes, your "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" has made my daughter-in-law cry a lot!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Hehe, Mr. Ye, you are really humorous!"

Yang Xiaomi said with a smile.

"What TV series are you planning to film recently?"

Anyway, it was boring, and it was rare to meet familiar people, so Ye Rongrong happily chatted with Yang Xiaomi and the others.

"Our company is going to shoot Master Huang ~ Yi's novel "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", and Yang Xiaomi will play Ji Yanran in it."

Yang Yusheng said.

"Master Huang~Yi's "Looking for the Qin Dynasty" is great. I like all the novels written by Master Huang~Yi. I also like to read this "Looking for the Qin Dynasty". It is really well written."

As soon as Master Huang Yi's novel was mentioned, Ye Rongrong became excited.

You must know that when Ye Rongrong was in junior high school, he became obsessed with martial arts novels, which are different from Master Gu Long's novels, which are difficult to understand and read in a bit of a fog; they are also different from Master Jin Yong's novels. Affectionate.

Master Huang~Yi's novels are very novel. In the martial arts novels at that time, they were definitely at the forefront of the times. The themes of time travel and starry sky were integrated into martial arts, which was definitely a new element of martial arts novels.

And Master Huang Yi can be called the originator of this time-traveling and starry sky novels.

The most important thing is Master Huang Yi's novels, which look very cool, and every novel makes Ye Rongrong want to stop.

Especially "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", Ye Rongrong couldn't remember how many times he had read this novel, but definitely no less than three times.

When Ye Rongrong was a teenager, he didn't have a computer, let alone a mobile phone. If he wanted to read novels, he had to rent novels from the novel store in the town.

At that time, most of Ye Rongrong's living expenses were handed over to the novel store.

Later, "Looking for Qin Ji" was also made into a TV series, but Ye Rongrong watched a few episodes, and felt very disappointed, completely deviated from the root of the novel!

The novel "Looking for the Qin Dynasty" is very refreshing for people to read, but the effect of this TV series is really speechless and depressing to watch.

So many heroines were condensed into two alive, and one was forced to sleep by others.

This is simply poisonous!

When Ye Rongrong saw this, he didn't even have the mood to continue watching.

Now hearing that Yang Yusheng is going to remake "Looking for Qin", Ye Rongrong is very happy. He hopes that this classic novel can be filmed according to the original content, and not edited into a mess.

To be honest, Ye Rongrong is really speechless to some screenwriters now. Many classic novels have very good scenes, but they are changed into a mess by these screenwriters who think they are capable.

Anyway, Ye Rongrong's favorite online novels were made into TV dramas, and they became a mess. If you haven't read the original novels, you still think it's okay.

But for those who have read the original novel, the filming of this TV series simply abolished the classic novel.

"That's great, when the time comes to film this TV series, please give me more guidance!"

Hearing that Ye Rongrong was very interested in filming "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", Yang Yusheng was particularly happy, and it was the easiest way to get closer to each other by doing what he liked.

"I can't tell you the director, but I just hope that the novel will be filmed exactly according to the original, without any changes. The original is so well written!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"It's completely based on the novel!"

Yang Yusheng was a little embarrassed!

This is completely filmed according to the novel, and the cost is too high.

Among other things, there are as many as a dozen heroines in this "Looking for the Qin", and this does not include some heroines who died not long after they appeared on the stage. The remuneration of actresses is not a small number.

"something wrong?"

Seeing Yang Yusheng's troubled look, Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"No, no problem!"

Yang Yusheng came back to his senses and said.

Although the cost of filming according to the script is very high, even after the filming of this TV series, the cost cannot be recovered, but as long as the relationship with Mr. Ye can be closer, Yang Yusheng thinks it is worth it.

"That's great. When will this TV series be filmed? I'm looking forward to seeing the original "Looking for the Qin Dynasty". At that time, I will take my wife to visit the set. I have grown up so much, and I haven't seen the filming of the filming crew yet." .”

Ye Rongrong said happily.

After all, "Looking for Qin Ji" is the first novel that Ye Rongrong read that made him obsessed. Even after more than ten years, Ye Rongrong still remembers the story of this novel.

When Ye Rongrong was young, Ye Rongrong's favorite novels were Master Huang Yi's "Looking for the Qin" and "Looking for the Dragon".

Of course, Ye Rongrong still doesn't know whether the "Looking for the Dragon" with the name of Master Huang Yi was written by Master Huang Yi.

But this "Looking for the Dragon" is a sequel to "Looking for the Qin", telling the story of Xiang Shaolong's son.

"It is still in preparation, and the filming may start around the middle of next year."

Yang Yusheng thought for a while and said.

After all, this was to be filmed according to the original work, which completely disrupted Yang Yusheng's plan!

This requires refinancing, the selection of so many actors, and the addition of many venues, all of which cannot be completed in a short period of time.

Of course, the most important thing is money. If you want to shoot well if you shoot according to the script, two or three hundred million is not enough.

"I said Mr. Yang, your speed is too slow. You start preparations now, and you have to wait until the middle of next year to start filming. This is really a turtle."

Ye Rongrong said with some dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, you are right. We will speed up when we get back, and strive to start filming this "Looking for Qin" early next year."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was a little dissatisfied, Yang Yusheng said quickly.

"Hehe, I'm just talking about it. Don't take it too seriously. The food here tastes good. You should try it."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"No, we've eaten all night, so we're not hungry."

Yang Xiaomi said.

"I said that you are really too. Isn't it too bad for you to eat a full stomach before attending the banquet? In our country, people always go to banquets with an empty stomach, otherwise this gift would Isn't it too bad to go out?"

Ye Rongrong said.

Yang Xiaomi was a little dumbfounded for a moment, he never thought that a big man like Ye Rongrong would care about these things.

One must know that the people who come to this banquet will rush to eat. Everyone is trying to win each other's feelings, meet some powerful friends, and even some business is negotiated at this kind of banquet.


I recommend the new book "Catch a Demon as a Wife" by the Ice Prince. If you are interested, you can read it. (To be continued.)

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